What are they trying to accomplish by making everyone mulattos?
What are they trying to accomplish by making everyone mulattos?
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sand niggers and normal niggers are the best goyims
Just look at how many niggers eat mc donalds or sand niggers that buys new expensive shit constantly
Ask yourself what the ultimate good goy is.
It's to create an unintelligent slave race which can be easily ruled over.
The EU is trying to do it, by importing millions of Africans and Asians each year.
The aim is to mix them up to make them look like Egyptians, then have a group of elites lord it over them.
Easy to control because of low iq
Yeah, I already assumed it had something to do with trying to artificially create a market of equal customers. If everyone is the same, there will be no diversity.
Coudenhove-Kalergi said that he wanted to replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
This is horse shit of course, but that's what the nigga said.
Because designed societies are always as good as they sound on paper, ask every commie citizen that has ever existed :^)
Nothing. Even mulattos are ebil rayciss to pure blacks in the end. Haitians purged them too when they got rid of the French
Niggers are incapable of critical thinking and are generally dumb consumerist whores. It turns out that capitalism and leftism are really two sides to the same globalist degenerate coin.
Paleoconservatism with economic nationalism is needed to unfuck everything. Also google the Reconquista for hope.
THEY don't care about skin color, they just want more people, more workers, more buyers, more borrowers. Once people accept the idea of racemixing the reproduction process become more efficient. The chances of procreate increase for everyone. The GDP hopefully grows. THEY make more money and are happy.
>saving your own copypasta
Bullshit, they hate white people and want to see them erased
Stupid people are easy to conquer.
Jews dislike of whites is the same as their dislike of all of humanity that they see as their slaves, they see whites as an anomaly or a group of humans that are logically superior to them so they want to get rid of them so their Talmudic insanity can be a fact of reality. Whites are just in the way of their world conquest.
No race, no religion, no individuality, no culture, just perfect slaves.
Kill every jew.
This. Crazy semitic death cults have historically produced poor outcomes for peoples who prefer self-determination.
This guy speaks the truth
What year was this released?
>they fight for their rights (at least they did in the past)
>they fight to improve their situation
>they wont work for under minimum wage
>may or may not go french revolution all over again
niggers and sandniggers
>they wont do shit as long as you keep feeding them KFC and letting them practice their buttfuck retarded religion
I wonder that too, seems like an interesting read, at most.
Actually niggers are the most unstable humans on earth thats why in the last few decades they have had shittons of civil wars, assasinations of political officials, coup detats, and so on. Niggers can go apeshit anarchy mode very quickly as shown in America a few weeks ago. There are many armed rebel groups in Africa, these niggers did this of their own free will they are basically what american black gangs will eventually evolve into the far future.
Germany Must Perish! is a 104-page book written by Theodore Newman Kaufman, which he self-published in 1941 in the United States.
Thats because theres no KFC in africa, read again what I posted lad.
Wasn't mine, it was originally a dot army copypasta.
There is KFC in Africa since its an international business, africans also have their own foods and culture but it doesnt stop them from nogging in anyway whatsoever.
'The Final Solution' was actually about wiping out Germans
Really makes you think
they nignog because they are subhuman, but their nignogging wont change shit while the european struggle has lessened slavery a little bit, thats why its more dangerous. When niggers are in charge you simply feed weapons to the nigger you want to support and everything is kept in check and you can do whatever the fuck you want. Just look at congo.
They're breaking you away from your past in terms of religion, culture and race. A couple generations later a mulatto german without religion will feel no connection with the past.
Their cultures are just jungle crap, Congo is only peaceful because the rebel groups went EH ILL THINK ABOUT mode and basically just chill and rape women in their jungle hideouts thats the Congo police are too cared/dont give a shit to go near and deal with them. Africans being tame in their countries is a given since its literally their habitat but you will see when these nogs go apeshit crazy in the future.
Mulattos aren't the ones you have to worry about