Also, has she always been a communist, or was the conversion recent?
Does Sup Forums watch Lindsay Ellis' movie reviews?
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dead fetus
I refuse to watch her videos because she trashed Dragonheart.
>Lindsay Ellis' reviews?
I've watched one or two.
>has she always been a communist, or was the conversion recent?
And I will watch zero more.
Yeah if you hate Dragonheart you hate fun. Fuck that bitch.
>has she always been a communist?
yes, you're just a dumbass/growing child
Idk, she was tweeting about how communism was "bad to grow up under" (referring to Ayn Rand) in 2012, and now in 2017 she's doing live streams with all the prominent communist and anarchist youtubers
>dude these childrens movies made for the express purpose of tricking kids into buying toys are actually sexist and problematic
woah great review. You really went out on a limb there, sweetie.
She is just a white cognitive priviledged scum, also small tits
While all of CA are fucking morons and man children. She was poisoned that tainted a shit filled well. I hope she gets her just desserts.
I haven't seen her since she cried on Thanksgiving. I thought she just stopped making videos. Does she still have Matilda as a guest?
>I haven't seen her since she cried on Thanksgiving
Fucking Savage.
Was this bitch Nostalgia Chick or was that someone else?
yes, it's her
I watch some of them, I think they're pretty good actually. Some stuff is lame but some of the longer ones are pretty well thought out.
Also, would fuck just to say I did.
I wish she try to review more then just blockbuster/mainstream shit.
>typical barely-7-rated "lol so nerdy" clinger bitch that nerds put up with because how else are they going to stick their dick in something
>fast-approaching the Wall, so now suddenly a "feminist"
>blames all the nerdguys she fucked over the years for all her problems
>probably claims they "took advantage of her," even though she had all the agency in the fucking world to throw her easy-peasy puss at thirsty white nerd dick
>now in 2017 she's doing live streams with all the prominent communist and anarchist youtubers
Lel what?
Like who?
Lol seriously?
How does one get dumb enough to become a marxist?
These people don't even believe in human evolution.
Where does the personality of women like this come from? What is her origin? Surely it's some famous actress or singer of the past. I am not making a critique of her, I am just curious.
She is a redneck hillbilly from the south and she overcompensates so nobody sees her true nature.
I'm sincerely not even sure I understand your question.
she did one with contrapoints and also one with this other anarchist youtuber, the one that made that primer on anarchism vid that /leftypol/ tried to shill for a bit
redpill for anyone that needs it
encyclopediadramatica dot rs slash Nostalgia_Chick
Your link is broken, friend
Her manner of speaking, the motions she makes with her hands, even the type of make-up she wears. It's a type. Janeane Garofalo is another woman like this, and I bet this Lindsay Ellis would count her as an inspiration.
Sorry, meant to say your link is broken, newfriend
fuck off
it isn't though
wew lad ;)
ExtraMana I know you just joined the stream cause I posted this here you fucking faggot
Her one about Mel Brooks/depictions of Nazis in film was pretty good. Made me something clear to me I hadn't really thought about.
I like her videos.
I still refuse to watch her Hercules video.
>racism/sexism/cultural appropriation = prejudice + power
IdPol is cancer, don't buy into it.
>I like her videos.
What do you like about them?
muh leftypol boogyman
I like her analysis nigga what the fuck
wew lad I wasn't chastising you for liking them, I was asking with genuine curiosity why you liked them.
oh my bad
her Rent video was the first one I saw and I really appreciated it.
I also like BrowsHeldHigh, I didn't know either of them had something to do with Nostalgia Critic or whatever.
someone pls post post the picture of her on the game of thrones' throne. and any other pictures i can jerk off to pls
Is Mister Metokur ever going to make a video on her? Will she even be in the 'finalle'
I have an irrational desire to punch this guy in the face
What would've happened if someone else won?
That's fair.
>good enough
god damn, this is an insult to everyone who applied and didn't get the job. how the fuck did doug not realize this?
>lindsay is getting ten times the amount of views he gets nowadays
what went wrong?
She needs to do some hardcore bondage flick.
>he didn't see the leak from 2014
google is your friend
Lupa is better than lindsay
even the asexual goth is better than lindsay
Trump Derangement Syndromw
leftypol is pure cancer
lupa is a huge cunt tho
she is literally responsible for what happened to Spoony
she grew up on the internet and went to college to study mainly liberal arts
unless you're a fucking peasant living in absolutely horrible conditions there should be no reason to ever espouse any marxist doctrine.
Yes and she's been pretty far to the left for a while now.
I find some of her reviews a bit superficial and I don't really give a shit about Disney stuff but I usually enjoy her perspective on things, she seems like a pretty smart person.
Next to Kyle Kallgren and sometimes Brad Jones she's really the only TGWTG member who holds up.
I thought her channel tanked, while Doug can still (somehow) hit a million
>These people don't even believe in human evolution.
Oh no comrades, this user has exposed us.
That's literally not what she defined ca as.
a regular hanoi jane
just kidding, have no fucking idea who this broad is this
>autism shoes
Why do Americans wear the most clown like shoes ever? wth
I unironically like her content (it surely is opinionated, but it's not overly so and still interesting), and I unironically like her in general, for some reason she's right up my alley.
Definitely would have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of abortion.