How will HBO and D&D ever recover?
How will HBO and D&D ever recover?
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>the us gives slaves their own states
>states that the mississippi goes through into the ocean
This is such a stupid premise
>inb4 Boyega makes a cameo
who ready to GET LITTY
another thread to hide...
>no hispanics
>no asians
>no natives
>these slaves manage to "join the ranks of major industrialized nations on the world stage as America slides into rapid decline"
the only thing that seems to have changed in this storyline is basically losing all of our niggers and quarantining them
did niggers also grow brains? if so when did they grow them? why didn't they develop strong civilizations to prevent mass conquest and enslavement in the first place?
im getting tired of black people. im not racist but they kinda bore me i dont know
>large nation just suddenly declines
>their resources just appear out of thin air
hmm ok
join the club
>inb4 the slave inherited states are a utopia and all the white people are stupid and evil
so the southern states just become africa 2.0?
or is it alternate reality too, where niggers can actually maintain a stable civilization?
>Ignores the real world lessons of Liberia
Imagine... a world where blacks were capable of self-governance....
Even I'm not capable of such a degree of suspension of disbelief.
>war fought over keeping the country unified
>they give 3 states away to black people, because
Plot hole before its even begun filming.
The only country in this hemisphere that allowed freed slaves to shape their own destiny is Haiti
in 6 months new colonia would be like present day africa
>africans were the first to create slavery worldwide
>whites are the first to end slavery worldwide
Pay reparations white boy
how the fuck did niggers make a "major industrial nation" out of 3 shitty flyover states? Shits all retarded.
I'm real glad they take the money I pay them for free shipping to make these tv shows
how do they expect a nation with average IQ of 85 to compete with a nation 5 times larger and with an IQ of 105?
> fight a brutal civil war to preserve the Union
> “here you go, Negros, go ahead and secede and make your country!”
At best, the U.S. would have set up “Negro Reservations”.
Still a better premise then Dumb & Dumber's slavery-still-exists-in-2017 tv show.
This shit is never gonna end is it
I trust McGruder. I but a huge plot point is that the black country needs America to supply them with Jordans or something.
freed slaves DID get their own fucking country. it's called Liberia and it turned into a shitshow because it was run by fucking niggers
Regardless of the fact that niggers are dumb, how do three relatively undeveloped states that are lacking in most exploitable natural resources become more financially viable than the rest of the contiguous United States?
But Lincoln wanted them all shipped back to Africa
do black people really want other ethnicities to hate them that bad?
they act as if they were the one and only race to ever been slave, i know their ancestors went throug hell and back but they are pretty shitty with other people too
And then the Jews killed him.
>Black America
So like regular America?
>“Pittsburgh of the South”
Presumably, in this timeline, regular Pittsburgh (and the rest of the Northern manufacturing centers) are still around, right? They're going to have to jump through some serious historical hoops to get three states on par economically with 47 other states.
I've encountered Surinamese and actual Africans from Africa; they were down-to-Earth people. But for some reason, black Americans can rub me the wrong way.
>Regular America declines
>But all the blacks are gone
I'm not interested in another Fantasy show right now
>tfw nigerians here in Baja california mexico are working people
what the fuck, they act nothing like the African americans i have encounter in the states without counting the ones who act like entitle douchebags, is it just the states that make them victimices themself so hard
Unless, the US experienced a climatic upheaval from a natural disaster or war with the European powers after 1865, I don't see how the loss of 3 Gulf states full of ex-slaves could weaken it that much.
There's all the mineral wealth in the West as well as the breadbaskets of the Central states. And they'll be even more immigration from Europe to make up the difference.
Sounds like Liberia: The TV Show
It goes deeper than that. Literally every black person who comes to America hates niggers. I worked with a guy from Barbados and a guy from Cuba who despised most of the Basketball Americans. They openly told everybody else to steal all their work so they get paid less because fuck retards.
To be fair, Nigerians have cultural upbringing. Quite a few Africans I've met in college gained my respect because they were hard-working intelligent people with class.
African Americans are a mixed bunch because you have the ones who are college-educated and/or in professional jobs, but they're scorned by other blacks as being uppity and too white.
Yeah, a girl from Angola got pissed at how black Americans called her a hoe and was disgusted how black women acted.
>Went to college with Nigerian
>Spent childhood in war torn shithole using translating skills to save money
>Openly admitted to killing people for money
>Through translating, scrap selling, and mercenary work he saved enough money to legally to come to america and become citizen
>Brought his whole family with him
>Now has a college degree in linguistics and teaches part time between freelance translating work
>Hates american blacks
>He scolded me and white americans several time for not keeping our niggers in line
>Thought slavery would redeem blacks
Interesting man.
>Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana in real life were run by educated white people and end up as the shittiest states in the country
>These same states when run without their educated white upper class will somehow be more prosperous
>unprecedented growth
>joins ranks of major industrialized nations
So... you finna tell me...
Well, it is a fantasy show.
>show in which freed slaves get their own country
its called Liberia. didnt go so well
The only strategic thing that this new country has is the mouth of the Mississippi and New Orleans; something I don't understand WHY the federal government would allow in this alternate reality.
They have fertile land to support cash crops as well as grains, fruit, and livestock. There's potential for oil drilling and some heavy industry. But that's only if New Colonia gets its shit together and has its entire black population educated and disciplined. Not to mention borrow a crapload of money for investment.
And just how the fuck did they expel all the whites? Those states did not have slave majorities over whites. In fact, South Carolina would be more susceptible as a country for ex-slaves since they outnumbered whites.
Haiti too, but to be fair that was because the French imposed a crippling indemnity on them.
They already made a (reality) show about that, it's called South Africa. It's pretty bad
Sup Forums is shit though
>Jews advocate for white nationalism/racial segregation now
Wha did (((they))) mean by this?
They shave already started filming.
>And just how the fuck did they expel all the whites?
Bigger point, only 6 percent of them, roughly speaking, owned slaves.
So where the fuck did all the not-slave-owners go?
It's either forced relocation at gunpoint or genocide.
Lel, pretty much this
it was okay until the straight up Africans took over
Nigerians are very different culturally than American blacks and they don't get along with American blacks because to the Nigerians, the American blacks are lazy, trashy, and uncultured. I've met a couple of Nigerian immigrants and they both hated America's black culture.
Same thing happened in Zimbabwe when they seized land from the white settlers and purged the whites, then the economy collapsed, the farms that were run by whites stopped producing food and the country spiraled down the drain. And it's happening in South Africa now too where there is a white Holocaust happening.
hmm, really makes on ponder
These people really are fucking stupid.
Of course, the niggers are going to believe the propaganda because most of them are too fucking stupid to even know that Liberia and Haiti exist.....