What makes a film iconic?

What makes a film iconic?

I can't really point it out.

I just know that if a film is remembered 20 years after its release, you can say it made a cultural impact on the world and that makes it iconic.

Love and care, perfect line delivery, great shot compensation.

Darth Vader's "I am your father" line is iconic because James Earl Jones said it perfectly and probably would never be able to replicate it.

All the plebs on Sup Forums circle jerk over it

>Darth Vader's "I am your father"
Fuck off, fanboy. We're talking good movies here. All these faggots know about cinema is the same famous and normie sagas crap. Jesus fuckin christ...

Bait or dumb

At least one scene that is memorable.

Michael Fassbender

Compelling storytelling and/or characters that speak to something innate in the audience. That's all.

Definitely not your A game, anons.

This. It doesn't even have to be flawless, just resonating

Making a movie that is so good that nothing made after it really did what it did better.

oh yes for decades to come, everyone in the world will be remembering Assassins Creed


Being the first to deliver a new idea / vibe
Being in alignment with the zeitgeist of that time
Great costumes
An organic feeling
Practical Efx
Actually connecting primally / emotionally to the audience

A really good score is one of the biggest contributing factors. It can be done without it, but it's a rare exception.

Childs is a thing btw.

You're describing good, not iconic. Iconic just means it's really well known for a long time.

So, a good movie that's gotten old.

Sort of. More like a good movie that people know and celebrate for an extended period of time.

Well for the game series it is true.

It being popular. That's actually it.

"I'll be back" is not memorable or iconic or remarkable in any way, but it is considered iconic because moviegoers repeated it.

"I AM your father" is also not iconic, etc, etc.

The Thing was bashed by critics and audiences alike for it's shittiness when it came out, now it's "cult".

Basically, circlejerk makes a movie iconic.

Different for each film

So what actually is iconic then?

A lot of unpopular movies on criterion are iconic though your point doesn't hold for all movies

this, I can't think on a better response

Them straight up dank memes.
If those movies have some freshass dank memes, the film will be iconic forever.
You know those old gayass Black and White movies?
Exactly, because it was shit and there were no memes dropped.

It's influence on future movies

Word of mouth continuing to sell a story well beyond its novelty then...for whatever the reason.

The first step is to make it 20 years ago.

If the film could fuck my wife better than I can.

Waiting for a little while and see what happens.

Kurt Russel

There are things that are popular in the moment but forgot soon after, like avatar.

Iconography. Usually the images tap into something true about human experience, the best images are mythic in some respect either consciously or unconsciously.

I mean tbqh we're on a board that'll likely reply to this thread with posts about BvS and Snyder so the bar isn't set that high anyways

They either get called "watershed" movies, or get their rightful following over the next 30 years

Well you're not wrong, iconic literally just means popular, or something that has retained popularity over a long period of time and had an impact right? So you haven't gotten any closer to answering the question as to why or how that happens, now have you?

Even though it's anime, grave of the fireflies made me cry and holds up 20 years after I first saw it, I'd say if a movie can do that it can be iconic

just one memoral scene is enough, if it doesnt have that, then the general vibe can be enough. if people enjoyed a movie, they will mainly remember the good stuff about it, not so much parts that were too streched out, delivered weidy or tonally awkward..
seeing how mainly the god stuff sticks with you, you gottta make sure that it's very good and it may become iconic. it also has to have a relativley large target group, maybe even an entire generation

Leave weabu

Thanks senpai

But he DIDN'T say it perfectly, Jones completely fucked up the emphasis and showed he had no understanding of the plot or the dialogue he was reading.

>Luke "He told me enough, he told me YOU killed him"
>Vader "No, ..I.. am your father"

The emphasis should have been I ..AM.. your father, not ..I.. am your father.

So, why didn't they squirt little amount of theirs blood in fire at the end?

Any Tarantino movie

Didn't have the proper equipment, blasting fire at the blood would have just destroyed the cells instead of making them go into panic mode

I have no idea why Star Wars is popular. Light sabers are cool and all but the series is just boring.

Why should it be am and not I?

The Meme Movie when

It has to really make you think!