So Sup Forums, is this game sexist?

So Sup Forums, is this game sexist?

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It would be 'sexist' either way though?

>it's real

Well they saved themselves the trouble of playing a shit game.

this is aids. Had enough of this retardation

No Human's Sky

Why do people look for things to be offended by? Are they that fucking joyless?

It's a play on 'no man's land', calling it 'no woman's sky' wouldnt work though

The best part is a guy wrote the article


I think they're offended because it's like space could never be any man's sky and that something so bleak and black could only belong to an evil manipulative cunt aka not a man.

No Fun's Sky

And probably No Men Sky is what they'd be looking for.

its 'man as in "human"
its that simple and its PC

yeah really. The most disgusting thing about this is that these are all hired journalists who spent more time in University (which they probably only barely got into) listening to people who purport to know about the English language than fucking Frederick Nietzsche and John Nash spent listening to lectures combined, and yet there is not a single mention of the obviously intended meaning of this anywhere in either the Jezebel mic-drop or the extended "sister site" review.

>posting at 10 AM
really makes you think...




>can't spell man without man
>can't spell woman without man
>can spell man without woman
>choose the common link between the two words as the equal option

>this is somehow not equal

You never even see what the main character looks like right? It could be a woman or attack helicopter for all we know.

In a way yes, because only females would be dumb enough to buy No Man's Sky.

No Man Allowed

Yeah, I can see him in the corner, "Bobby Finger". Sounds like a dyke pornstar's name.

Regardless, male or female I just don't know people have to constantly look for things that they decide are offensive. Surely it's a stressful way to live?

I'd like that guy to explain to me one tangible way the title including the word 'Man' impacts people's life.

it's satirical, the author confirmed it on twitter

you fucking spergs

Says the guy who reads Jezebel

>full fledged article
>with actual points and complaints
>still gathering views and revenue
>"i-its just a joke guys"
more than likely even people at jezebelle told this cuck to shut it

Damage control, eh. He's a posted that shit on Jezebel.

How did they miss the fact it's clearly a play on the phrase "no man's land"



Thats alienist

I feel like you had a good point there about the intentions of the devs with John Nash and Nietzche but I don't understand what you said because it's almost completely incoherent, could you explain it again please?

Or just No One's Sky
The reason it's called No Man's Sky is to allude to the old WW1-derived term of No Man's Land.
No Man's Land was a space in the battlefield where soldiers weren't expected to survive in due to the amount of crossfire that to one place.
No Man's Sky as a title alludes to the game's survival genre elements and its sci-go setting. The use of 'Man' over 'Woman' is done to evoke the old phrase rather than imply anything about the game's gender leanings

>head over to Sup Forums from /nmsg/
>see this

I got mad.

Then I realized Gawker is shutting down soon.

Cya later fuckheads.

Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye.

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded

It also alludes to the fact that literally every war/ major exploration of unknown terrain since the dawn of mankind has been undertaken primarily by men.

Song related.

Isn't Jezebel a satirical site?

It's a joke, Philip. Jezebel does not review video games.

As much time as the good folks at Jezebel spent listening to their professors in University (who were all extremely well-versed in English), they did not even recognize the expression "no man's lad" in a game title, or have the good sense to address it. They spent more time learning than either of the two above mentioned geniuses, and are compensated more than them, and yet, for what? It was coherent, believe me; maybe your English comprehension just isn't so good.

Or so I thought. Apparently it's all satire, but, for fuck's sake, anyone could have been fooled, Poe's law. These Jezebel idiots are not above that kind of dishonesty/stupidity.


It pays their bills.

He posted at 11AM you peasant, learn toothpaste timezone

>the smiley
even if it's bait I'm fucking rustled bruv

Someone should troll them, then tell them it's a joke/prank too.

Then watch the double standard as the author threatens to commit suicide over being cyberbullied.

>it's a joke

>American humour

Good thing No Meme's Sky isn't a game either.

no, but it is a shit game

Now I have an urge to kill SJWs

*slips on a banana peel*

>the old WW1-derived term

You shitlord, WW1 trenches were a peaceful diverse workplace for the average soldierina

it's b8


I gotta say. I read the comments and sjws did rekt gametgate very hard . this articke is a b8

you're a mong for censoring that screenshot

honestly, a mong

I didn't make it

>imgur filename
You got it from reddit, which is even worse

stupid burger

you're still a mong for posting a censored picture literally 15 mins after the uncensored picture was posted.
wtf did you contribute here?

>Game is first person, you are never introduced to or shown your character
>No other humans, all aliens
>They actually wonder why there aren't any women in it, when your MC can be whatever the fuck you want them to be as their race and sex are completely up to your imagination

Is that a nigger as a german ww1 soldier

No, it's just bad.

In English "man" is a generic term that often means "person of either sex." "Women" get their own special term that only signifies them.
t. lived my entire life in the anglosphere

>sean murray is a nu-male
>still gets shit on by sjw cunts

Yeah look for the game, its called Cottonfield 1 or something

No Woman, Man, or Intersex Person's Sky

Might as well stick in trannies and lasers

for the correct and reasonable answer

bonus: how to nevertheless make it sexist even if you could explain the analogy to a cuck/feminist?

no you fucking retard, stop shitting out these retarded 2deep4u excuses for shit that is literally a million times simpler than that
it is just a way to say "HUMAN" without actually using all the sylables because for whatever reason the person who named this game thought that it sounded better that way.

Ah right you were coherent, sorry I just misread the part about nash and nietzche, thought you were making a point about them having a poor grasp of english.

Yeah it's ridiculous, education is literally meaningless nowadays because bottom feeding retards can get into pretty much whatever they want and be vindicated as an 'educated person' when they graduate despite their academic abilities. Some of the stupidest, most ignorant people I've ever met were university graduates and some of the smartest were people working hard, back breaking jobs out in the cold.

>No mans land.

Done, for fucks sake it wasn't hard.

Because the article is fucking b8 you idiot . im ferling bad that sjws are trolling us now easily

sauce??? she looks hot

Well Jezebel is satire, right?



The fact that they keep pushing the femshit angle (under the guise of a """joke"""), with a t.cuck author, is enough reason to go after them.

They're on the run now. Just keep chasing them back to the Abyss. Then shove them all back in there.

No Biologic's Sky
>inb4 that's siliconist



The wonderful thing about dumbed down made-vague words that the SJWs use is that you can use them to describe literally any object, event, person, or product.

Literally anything can be sexist once you have changed the meaning of the word to be "anything I dont like."

Isn't "No man's Sky" the same as saying "Only Women's sky"?

I don't see how it could be anti-feminist. It seems pretty anti-man if you ask me.

That have nigger Anzacs as well.

What a joke