Why are Arabs so rich?

Why are Arabs so rich?

It's not fair.

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Why don't they take the refugees? They are richer than all of the west combined plus they have the same religion.

What's the point in bringing the sword of Islam to other Muslims?

oil and not communism or socialism

>They are richer than all of the west combined

>Why are Arabs so rich?

most arent

the ones that are rich get money from oil

Because they make a lot of their population really really really really really fucking poor.

Only those that have natural resources to sell to the West.
Their direct Arab neighbors like Egypt or Morocco are pisspoor. They don't have a union like the European on at all. They don't even accept Muslim refugees.

Really shows how unfair the World is.

Step 1 : have oil
Step 2 : hire westerners to do all the the work of extracting oil
Step 3 : spend all the money on shit
Step 4 : oil prices take a plunge
Step 5 : can no longer afford subsidies for lazy useless population
Step 6 : lazy useless population starts rebelling
Step 7 : ask the USA for help
Step 8 : ?

>create nothing
>only have oil

Time will catch up with them eventually

They had the foresight to not let their slaves breed. Also oil.

More importantly why are western fags so butthurt, yes oil is going to run out but not anytime soon, we are pretty good till probably 2070 by then the new dipshits will have to handle the mess.

richest man is Carlos Slim Helu, a fucking leb.

Just get back from fucking your camel mahmoud?

>still using oil in 2070
Oil at best will last until 2040, by that time everything will be electric.

>implying the oil that's left isn't already becoming more expensive to extract than what it's selling for

>implying KSA and other gulf states aren't already eating up their currency reserves to continue funding their lifestyle

>implying they have more than a couple of years left at the current rate before the money runs out

>implying the shit isn't already starting to hit the fan

lazy useless arabs are going to tear themselves apart very soon. Many will die and nothing of value will be lost.

At least you guys invested in touristbux

I don't really see why you are so proud of not being able to manufacture, learn or produce anything. All you can do is pump oil out of the ground and even for that you need help.

Seems weird to me, that's all. That's like an African being proud of his mud hut in middle of nothing while there's a skyscraper next to him.

I am in the pool, while my kids are on the camel. How are you doing in your tiny cuckshed, let me guess you live in Jew York?

I can name many countries that export oil, don't have socialism and are not rich


Oil is a meme. It is over. In 10yrs, all these countries will be bankrupt... thank God.

>mfw the oil is gone

Based sandbro bringing the bants.

That's not good news for you Hans, we will invade great Germany, use your women like whores and suck all resources, by the time we are done with it, it will resemble an African third world shithole.


Dude, fluoride is a nice distraction from the toxic, gay making chlorine you faggots put into your water.

its funny how some black slime in the ground turned a worthless negroid race into the wealthiest race.
Its almost like they were given a real life cheat code.

"The Dubai They Don't Show You On TV". Dubai Behind The Scenes. What "Dubai " Looks Like lol These Are The Pics The Girl That Works At William Hill But Travels To Dubai 7 Times A Year Doesn't Upload On Insta. What Ever She's About To Do Isn't Halal, I Can Tell You That For Free.

Slavery and oil

enjoy it while it lasts Mahmoud. It won't last much longer.

The "brilliant" gulf arab business plan revolves around the following :
1) relatively small population in proportion to oil wealth
2) realising native population is lazy and useless
3) paying westerners to do all the work for maximum efficiency
4) fixing the oil market prices
5) subsidising useless lazy population
6) spending cash on exporting bullshit religion and trying to fuck up wetern countries

Problems :
1) lost control of the oil market prices because of fracking in north america
2) money running out fast
3) bullshit religion coming back to bite them in the arse.

>That's not good news for you Hans, we will invade great Germany, use your women like whores and suck all resources, by the time we are done with it, it will resemble an African third world shithole.

Sorry to disappoint you, but the Turks and Afghans were faster. We have already been taken over.

France isn't white

Qatari Princess Shaikha Salwa's Sexual Scandal With Seven Men: Financial Times Reports


Without oil the arab world would be more poor and more backwards than even Africa. I'm pretty sure that infuriates their arab jingoistic pride that by the half century mark the Arab world will continue to fester in their own feces while the designated shitters, Persians, Turks, and god forbid even the fucking Zanji blacks will be more prosperous and civilized than them.

This would be just deserts and hilarious and richly deserved - if you weren't guaranteed to have their entitled poor and middle class coming to Europe as asylum seekers from the civil wars of Saudi Arabia or the UAE or especially Qatar. The rich will have fled to their French or London or America.

Whatever happens Europe loses. Unless they wake up.

1) I never claimed it was
2) I'm not french. I just live there
3) enjoy your chinks and abos
4) you're descended from alll the scum & criminals we got rid of.
5) Don't you have some sheep to go and shag?

Half Arab rape baby is mad

>he trust the forbes list

Without your oil money you inbred monkeys would still be burning down each others tents.

Youre probably not even a real Emirati, probably some Egyptian or Moroccan scrub wiping asses for pennies.

Go back to whatever sand country you came from

The US gives them billions of dollars.

Theyre still ugly as fuck and have tiny dicks

How does it feel to be so dumb you need someone to wipe your arse and change your nappy, you big baby?

Most arabs aren't rich, most of them are poorer than europeans or americans.

It is true tho, that in UAE and Qatar native arabs are quite rich, but they are minority with citizenship. Uppermiddle class usually work at high-paying jobs, in police, military and bureaucratic apparatus, and only native citizens can apply for this jobs.
While most of the residents of the state are immigrants without citizenship, without almost any rights whatsoever, and they are poor and doing almost all of the work in a country.

The point is: there is a majority of common people and a minority of rich bourgeoisie in every country (even in morden socialist countries)

listen you literal nigga, i understand you cannot tolerate what your continent has become but that's no excuse to cyberbully me bro.

1. Oil + gas.
2. Capitalism.
3. Not so many people.
4. They clever enogh to build effective companies and not so sell or their resources for other countries companies or for food.

Australia :
Starts the banter
Can't handle the banter

Sorry I hurt your feelings, you giant cry baby.

>ywn own a cheetah

Arab countries like Saudi Arabia already have strategies how to adapt their economies to a non-oil future.

They did take in Syrians, but they turned them into labor workers.

Pigs in blankets.

The ironing is delicious

>muh natural resources make a country richer
Well fucking duh, using those resources like we have is extremely difficult.

Here is a vid of your kids


Arabs are lazy scum and if you take away foreign nations that both extract their oil for them, and purchase it afterwards, they would revert to their desert nomad culture and be absorbed by the desert.

>Arab Strategies
Arab's only strategy is to spread Islam

Because they know that the refugees are human trash. They only bring higher crime rates.

>my kids are on the camel

Do you take turns fucking the same camel?

I can't wait to see those brilliant strategies coming from the master tacticians who are actively getting fucked up by the bullshit religion they created and spread.

They did nothing with their oil money for 40 years other than piss it away and use it to fund terrorism and now somehow they're going to work something out when they're fast running out of cash?

Please send us some girls

because there's no jews in the gulf. they are prohibited from entering our country.

Ur a 3rd world mudslime country

Sweden is in France now?
>Australian education

French kids are either fine (the real french ones) or much much worse (the niglets and mini-arabs)

I thnik it's the western experts who wrote that strategy. Arabs are not so stupid. Did you know they own a share in huge amaount of western compnanies like Volkswagen, Twitter, etc.? They invest their money all around the world and get profits from that (by eraning money).

Is it possible to scam these "sponsors"? Like catfish them or something? I mean, it's well known that arabs have quite low IQ and only think about sex.

I can't find the FT article cited in the article to corroborate this. Probably fake.

You are all mudslime subhumans, dont kid yourself

uae bro, u cool with trump?

>France and Sweden are different countries?
What are you fucking smoking?

were not going into other countries raping people and demanding ur laws to be changed

He looks like he came out of a 70s porno.

they most probably just give them whatever they want and vice versa, loads of girls are doin this gettin flown out to dubai by rich old men

eh he is okay, he just saying what he thinks people want to hear, I doubt he really has any issue with muslims or arabs.

>Why are Arabs so rich?

Every Gulf state has a tiny elite population that gets money from Oil shit but the oild and all work is done by non-citizens working for slave wages.

So they are exploiting third world slave labor without giving them any rights.

They are basicly actual monarchy.

Muslims are a plague no matter what country they're from. You are all a cancer on this planet and you'd be doing the same shit if you could. None of you can be trusted.

why the fuck do you write like that?

Whenever I see rich people from Gulf countries in Moscow, to be honest you make the impression of very decent people. Families with kids, wifes dressed modestly, very calm, etc.

Friendly reminder that it's completely immoral to be wealthy and not do any good with your fortune.

Yes but I mean as a guy, is it possible to scam them as a criminal guy? Just wondering if they are that stupid or they actually only pay after.

to annoy you


looks comfy

I always found it weird how flamboyancy seems to come naturally to Elias, but Gustav seems to be stumbling though it. It's like that behaviour is expected of him, but he's unused to it.

this way to thinking is exactly what is cucking the human race

Implying rich arabs don't give money to charities and to poor people as Shariah law requiers them.

Trouble is they're burning cash at an alarming rate to keep up subsidising their lazy useless population and with the level of deficits they're looking at, those assets are going to disappear very very quickly.

Either they end the subsidies but that will mean facing rebellions that their useless army can't handle or they go bankrupt frighteningly quickly.

Either way, they're fucked. They're trying to get their population to work but it's far too late.

how do you keep your potable water aseptic in krautstan ?

> t. the jew

I think you're losing it, you inbred abo half breed.

Must be from snorting kerosene fumes all day long

Never heard a bomb in my life though.

You think terrorisn ia bad now.... wat until the oil runs out. Can you imagine?

Both you and Jews are awful. Both are deceitful saturn worshipping, dick curring barbaric scum. All you do is lie, your entire culture and existence is based on lying.

no idea my man, try it tho

might actually improve things.

Once your great allies the KSA and other gulf arabs run out of money to fund terrorism

They will be fucked in 5-10 years if oil price falls to 20-30 USD. But if not, they have more time to fix their problems.

You may not know this, not living in oil country, but oil price is very low now (50 USD, and it was 120 USD before). So _every_ all country is thinking what to do in this situation. And among all oil countries the arab ones have most reserves and less people, so they in the most comfortable position that can be imagined.

Dat huge Jew nose...

Oh I'm well aware of it but you don't seem to realise how bad it is already. (no offence but I wonder if it's because Russia is in similar shit and the russian media are covering it up)

KSA registered 100bn $ deficit last year alone. They're burning their cash reserves like crazy and are already having to borrow money (10 bn $ for the first time since the gulf war).

They're already looking to sell off major state hel assets.

Even af 50$ / barrel, it's just not enough to finance their economy and they're fucked. If it goes any lower, the collapse will just speed up exponentially.


Because that's what the cancer of Islam will lead to in the long run, once Islam has spread everywhere: "Whoever isn't as muslim as me must die"

does the camel have a name
what do sandnogs typicaly call their camels?

who ever isn't a comformist muslim DIED
There like the next big facist movement, with degenerate rules set in stone

Well, I'm aware about what's happening to oil countries. Actually Russia is in far worse position thatn gulf arabs: their oil is of better quality, it's easier to extract it.

They have problems as long as their budgets were adjusted to 100-120 USD oil. Now they just have to cut it. If oil won't be 20-30, it's not a catasrophe for them.

100 years ago they traded camels and chopped each other's heads off.
Once the oil runs out, they'll be trading camels and chopping each other's heads off once more.

>Aussie BTFOs frog
>frog still chimping out
>while claiming he isn't a nog