Why are Arabs so rich?

Why are Arabs so rich?

It's not fair.

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Why don't they take the refugees? They are richer than all of the west combined plus they have the same religion.

What's the point in bringing the sword of Islam to other Muslims?

oil and not communism or socialism

>They are richer than all of the west combined

>Why are Arabs so rich?

most arent

the ones that are rich get money from oil

Because they make a lot of their population really really really really really fucking poor.

Only those that have natural resources to sell to the West.
Their direct Arab neighbors like Egypt or Morocco are pisspoor. They don't have a union like the European on at all. They don't even accept Muslim refugees.

Really shows how unfair the World is.

Step 1 : have oil
Step 2 : hire westerners to do all the the work of extracting oil
Step 3 : spend all the money on shit
Step 4 : oil prices take a plunge
Step 5 : can no longer afford subsidies for lazy useless population
Step 6 : lazy useless population starts rebelling
Step 7 : ask the USA for help
Step 8 : ?

>create nothing
>only have oil

Time will catch up with them eventually