>Start dating a chink
>White women all start acting passive aggressive, especially in public
Why does this happen? I thought liberals wanted diversity?
Start dating a chink
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because youre a race mixing loser
Chill it with the racism, Asians are our friends.
Because they're secretly mad, just like some black guys get secretly mad when they see a white boi with an african qwuan.
You're ruining their back up plan if they're unlucky and hit the wall(single at age 30).
White males having other options triggers them.
Because they only like the IDEA of diversity. They don't actually want that happening in their own lives. They see you with a woman of another race. They start to question why you chose her over them. You being one of their own. They start to consider that they are inferior.
The passive aggressiveness is them trying to maintain their PC politeness while simultaneously embracing their racism.
Because as a FUCKING WHITE MALE everyone see's you as beta for dating outside your race while white woman for some reason are allowed to do as they please and any critic is instantly shunned by the left
Actually I don't really know, it might be what I just said but why do men get shat on more for dating outside their race than women?
The Jews fear the samurai, that's why.
>because youre a race mixing loser
But that's part of what this thread is about.
Young women here are all far leftists who push race mixing and diversity so hard, but now its suddenly a bad thing.
White women are extremely racist, they just hide it better than white men.
This. Beta white males can easily nail asian women as long as they aren't fat. Increased access to pussy decreases the value of pussy.
Every beta male soaked up by asian pussy means one less beta orbiter for the white female.
>implying you or your asian girlfriend is anywhere near as white/asian or attractive
Maybe you are just two ugly mixed ones and people are grossed out.
Flirting with black chicks that are with groups of guys at clubs is a favorite pastime.
Don't you have cats to feed Cindy ?
Nah I'm white
Don't you have cats to eat?
She looks completely unhinged, holy shit.
>Mixing races increases diversity
Are you fucking retarded?
I'll bet you believe dumping different flavors of ice cream into a giant vat and mixing them together also increases diversity in flavor
Women don't like competition. They rip each other apart in ways the worst of men couldn't even dream up.
Yes, it's hypocritical, but remember we're talking about women. I personally enjoy their bitterness.
They think you are a loser, because you have to "settle" for an Asian instead of dating within your own race. It's not so much that they don't like the concept of interracial dating, but rather that they believe it's easier for white men to date Asians than white women, so they think less of you.
Nice mis quote retard.
A diverse society makes race mixing an inevitability.
I'll bet you're the type to actually fall for the clickbaiting juden.
>Young women here are all far leftists who push race mixing and diversity so hard,
This so hard.
Biggest fucking turnoff imaginable.
>Why does this happen? I thought liberals wanted diversity?
Liberals only want diversity if it
1) Keeps men at a disadvantage
2) Allows women to fuck hundreds of niggers
3) Ensures men are settled with the dregs.
You're dating a conservative, successful ethnicity.
They fucking HATE being reminded of how much they suck.
it's the same answer for "why are most feminists ugly and/or fat?"
it's simply because after realizing they are undesirable by white man, instead of trying to lose weight or maybe put on some makeup they just decided that going for other man such as blacks, would be the "prefect revenge against the white man".
that's also the reason why black man-white woman is pushed so hard by them but not white man-black woman.
when you start dating a Chinese woman, your'e taking their sickening ideology that was created for the sole purpose of making them feel a little more secure about they're hideous body, and turning it against them by saying "this Chinese chick is hotter than all of you're purple dyed pussies combined"
ugly feminist :"we secretly wish white man would want us but since they don't we are going to go for the low hanging fruit and shove it in the white ma n face"
you "cool story bro, still don't want you"
>Women don't like competition.
Kek, have any of you thought about how jealousy of the white women can affect the situation? Typical female hormones.
Whats the context?
lol why are white women so delusional
>Asians are our friends.
you mean heritage
Are... Are you really this retarded?
Yeah I remember my females friends talking about how cute black guys are and how they want to marry one. When I've said something about Asian girls they would be always a little awkward asking me why I like them.
btw Asians have higher average IQ so race mixing into the better gene pool is a good thing
Thank you for that.
You could just tell me instead of being a faggot subhuman that needs to fling shit.
there is none, they're just pictures of a girl from a sporting event someone uploaded.
Suddenly elderly white women started chimping out
They are jealous because asian women make them feel the inferior race.
Even if white women are still superior in looks these are spiteful cunts.
Volleyball player went viral solely due to her looks and some women past their prime got salty in the comments.
You'd think fat, frumpy, uggos knew their own mirror reflection well enough to abstain from commenting.
They think you're a loser and are trying to be nice. You're the male equivalent of a coal burner.
yea surely only white you retarded manchild. asian women are probably worse then nigs. THey are ugly, cheating and most of them have bad behaviour.
I could not possibly care less what other women have to think about me having married an asian. I have found that other asian women tend to treat you nicer though. I don't know why this is. They seem more comfortable around you when you are married to an asian.
I doubt you've encountered that in Australia where Muslim people are all over the place.
Are you fucking retarded?
liberals only want diversity only if white males are degraded in some way.
Is she Asian or Slavic? I have no idea what race Kazakhs are even meant to be.
Only tangentially related, but let's talk about Robert Griffin III for a second.
>Marries white lady in 2013
>Apparently cheated on her even many times, when they were in college
>Has daughter with her in 2015
>They separate in 2016
>Wife finds out he's with (another) white lady from magazine article, and that he's planning on filing for divorce
>She described herself as "blindsided" by this, and was in the process of actively trying to reconcile with him at that point in time
When will coalburners learn, Sup Forums? No matter who it is, a black man is EXTREMELY unlikely to do right by a white woman. Then another white woman jumps right in afterward.
T. White roasty
Central Asian/Turkic. But they also have a not so small Korean minority.
>those bitter fucking comments from post-wall hags
Makes me lol every time
Subhuman gooks are for omegas and ultra betas who can't handle a real White woman
Obligatory video. Everyone thinks race-mixers are fucking losers worldwide.
>this pic
>all the yellow fever fag replies that follows
Every time, without fail.
I'm asian and her face does look very average indeed. Those women are right. The rest of her is nice though.
>Race mixing with Asians
>My wife is Chinese
>I'm from America
Anglo countries do this, including the US because their women are all mostly fat, self absorbed cunts.
German, Croatian. Czech, Austrian, French, etc women are beautiful. I met and married my Chinese wife long before moving to Germany.
I recently went on vacation in Spain. The beaches were filled with beautiful, topless women. It's no wonder Non-Anglo Europeans don't understand racemixing with Asian women. It just wouldn't make sense for them to do so.
That dude is race mixed himself with Chinese, and ugly as fuck.
Find me a source that contradicts this.
Coal burning is despised because people are knowingly setting themselves up for failure.
Okay maybe you're just here to bait
They do not want any competition.
Simple as that.
Actually, the more white men date with asian women the weaker is the position of white women in the society.
If you don't understand something as simple as this, you're missing a chromosome or two. They want other races around them but NOT to compete with them.
Here's a good example of a useful idiot.
>muh beta
>muh everyone worship white women
the guy who came over to them deserves a punch to the face but daaaaaaamn he looks weird
Is this why almost all major Hollywood productions are starring foreigners as female leads? They're most often from GB or Australia (Emily Blunt, that slut from Suicide Squad...)
canadian shitpos
I treat woman like I treat men - roughly. Three or four month ago I told my coworker who was crying in the morning to get her "period issues" out of the professional environment or she's fired. Just an example.
>everyone worship White women
No, race mixers should be sprayed with black paint like we do it in Russia/Ukraine.
>All these ugly women with tall poppy syndrome
Well you ain't even white so what's the matter?
especially sikh women are really bro tier
Have you people seen this documentary?
I'm so ugly even chinks wouldn't date me
Because I won the argument, omega bitchboi.
>not white
Nice racial science there, Mehmet
My own DNA
From my DNA test
34% Scandinavian, 35% unspecified North European, 31% Central European,
People will just have to recognize that Asians > Whites > Blacks, the facts all show this to be true:
> Nignogs are the ones who lived the longest in tribes and never formed any civilization, so they still operate with alpha/beta as we know it, because an alpha can hunt better and chimp out more effectively.
> white [...]
> Asians are the ones who abandoned tribal society the first and started farming and living in peace and meditating and shit, and you can see it even in their religion, it has no chimping out and is based, they also have the highest IQs, don't smell bad when they sweat, men are better suited for civilization (a little more beta than other races) and women are obedient so that males being beta is not a problem.
So, if you guys decide that being alpha is better, then you're all cucks because your women are already choosing alpha muslims that arrived there (most of refugees are alpha because it's like natural selection, betas have already died in the war or drowned); the only master race are betas who have limits, as in respectable, but not selfish, and can see the end goal of building a better civilization and taking it to space, etc...
So true. I sometimes unironically think they should have never been given the right to vote.
I get along really well with my female coworkers, but holy shit, their self image is completely insane. And I am not talking about single aspects, I mean literally everything.
>Arguments are things that can be won or lost
You sound just like a white girl. I believe you about your DNA test
oh shit.
wtf i hate white women now
Vagina detected
>Beta white males can easily nail asian women as long as they aren't fat
top tier delusion, asian women have higher standards on average
same here
Always going on about how niggers are exotic, and "chocolate boyfriend omg so cute". Why are we even trying...
>Find me a source that contradicts this.
how about the source itself, kek
>self admitted
Wow, was she jailed for this hate speech?
she just needs to have a new pin put into her hinge, I recommend a brass one
>Asians are our friends.
Nordic countries are not Russia
I went backpacking in East Asia and the white girls who were also on holiday there seemed in a constant state of butthurt because all of us white guys were getting loads of attention from the locals while they were being mostly ignored. They actually get really racist towards Asian women
Fairly common syndrome among female English teachers in Japan as well, although if they stop whining and moaning and stop being fat and stupid they can land a Japanese husband who will put them on a pedestal as their white Disney princess.
I dunno man... when I was in Asia a few weeks ago I was beating them off with both hands.
The women were all over me as well.
>White female going after Asian men
pick one
nips are honorary aryan.
asian women:
>dont cheat
>dont nag the fuck out of you
they are a death warrant for white """women"""
Men are supposed to know better while feeling ashamed for knowing better.
anti scientific bullshit
have fun user, haters gonna hate.
Not taking racial science from a country that considered 1/4 kikes """Aryan""". Japan was an agrarian shithole until recently.
If you ever want to see how racist white women are look at them when you start dating a asian woman or a high end hispanic woman.
It's the same way you won't really know if a white dude is racist until a dumb cunt starts spouting black guys are so great bullshit.
You will get saltiness m8
I even get it and my grill is white, but from E.Europe.
that's because deep down ANGLO women know they are the bottom of the barrel (they are the ugliest, least feminine, biggest whores), so they don't like it when their men realize that they are better off with eastern european/asian/latinas
sweden i am disappoint
Are you sure economy is something you want to approach with that flag?
> Japan was an agrarian shithole until recently.
I'm not too sure if Russia's recent history is much to be proud of :^)
That wouldn't actually work because if it did, we could just put plants in space suit helmets.
>is on Sup Forums
>He can't nail a woman from his own ethnic group
>Not even from his own race
Usually,till 25,all the good women are taken by good men
What were you doing?
And seriously,a chinese woman?Are you fucking retarded?
Enjoy having the life sucked out of you,no sex and a divorce ,her stupid family,stupid culture
And consider yourself lucky if she shits out a hapa