Reminder for all people on Sup Forums that if you:

Reminder for all people on Sup Forums that if you:
>are a virgin
>have never had a gf
>are overweight
>are a NEET
>live with your parents
>have no friends
Then kill yourself. You are a failure to the white race, a waste of white genes and can not be truly redpilled.

If you are a neet redpill the normies. one hour per week on twitter and you can wake up more people in a year than goebbels himself.

i've had 1.7m impressions on this picture alone. i've probably done more to shatter the stab in the back myth than himmler and all his officers. anyone with fingers and a brain can do this too.

>kissless until 23
>proceeded to fuck a ton of women
>still never had an actual girlfriend

booze and crazy adventures will have to tide me over.

-Wrong. Fucked a girl last week after telling her that I'm a Nazi to see if she'd still do it. She did.
-Correct. Who keeps women around unless you intend to marry her?
-Correct. I drink a lot.
-Wrong. I'm in college.
-Wrong. I live with my brother on the other coast from my parents.
-Wrong, I have a small but very intimate group of friends.

Yes no no yes yes yes

Karl Liebknect and Ernst Toller are the exceptions to the rule, or just not enough info?

Would've liked them to be included 2bh, even if they weren't kikes. It's telling enough if 8/10 are jews, this just makes it look inauthentic by ignoring those two


nah you could show three jews we're talking about 1% of the population here kikeboy

I'm only a virgin. Should I still kill myself?

This is the kind of brotherly love we've all come to appreciate here on Sup Forums.

Nietzsche would be so proud of us.

plus you kikes have rammed the 'stab in the back myth' down our throats you claim jews weren't involved whatsoever in the fall of germany during WWI but then people see a revolution wiki they've never heard of and realize that some 80% of the movement that started the revolution were Jewish. Jews refused to fight in the war and then tried to take over the country normies will think. I wonder what other lies I was told thinks the bored norimie.

That's my point, faggot. It's especially telling that there are 8 of them.

I'm just saying it makes it look dishonest by not including those two. That way if someone says "What are you, an anti-semite or something?" You can follow up with exactly what you said. But without that, you're making it look like you have something to hide

You're confusing my motives. I'm not here to educate i'm here to convert, to start the unstoppable redpilling snowball effect.

Once a goyim recognizes the Jew it becomes impossible not to see it. At this point you've converted them for life and it's the reason NSDAP ideologies are so restricted in Europe. Truth is ever powerful.

Toller is in the picture. Look harder.

>become town rapist
>problem solved

>Have no friends
Will never understand how this happens. Even the most retarded people can find similar minded people to mumble with.

Oh fuck, I'm retarded. Same question minus Ernst the Kike, then. Just wondering why he wasn't included. 9/10 were jews, that's really disproportionate. It doesn't make it more proportionate if there's a non-kike in there with them. It just makes the image seem weird to me

I find that making it outright "The jews did this" works less than "The jews (and one other guy) did this".

That way people actually get exposed to the Jew, since their conditioning to hold anti-semitism as abhorrent isn't triggered

Standards are kinda dropping

>virgin shaming
Enjoy being a part of the jewish-perpetrated sexual culture. Oy vey, only together can we ensure the success of the sexual revolution! Wannabe chads make the best goys.

But I am not white, I am Jewish. What should I do?

>having friends

That's where your wrong op. Having time for friends makes you a failure to the white race. You should be raising kids, working, and constantly keeping busy with productive hobbies that can someday supply income.


I will keep on living to help bring about the downfall of the white race.
There's nothing you can do about it.

This. If you're not married, it's indefensible to not be a virgin.

I tailor the message. On mgtow forums I private message and show how the Jew is behind feminism. On ex-con forums I tell them about media control and propagation of degeneracy on the television. On lefty forums I talk about Israel. On history forums I ask loaded questions about the reich. But when it comes to twitter the best method is showing something absolutely outrageous that every normie sees and doubts but looks legitimate and can be easily googled. Showing 8 kikes leading the German revolution does this.

i've found these are also extremely effective, showing a kike that looks white to most people talking about wiping out or harming the white race. one meme on a shitty hashtag might wake up two or three dozen people. it's incredible.

No clue what a NEET is, any explanation perhaps ?

Turns out I fucked up, btw, it's 9. I missed Ernst.

But still, people really reading into it will want to know why he's missing. If they're against the message, it allows them to have a "gotcha!" moment, where they can search for the last one and find out they're not a jew

Not in Education Employment or Training

>Who keeps women around...
How do you know she's wife material unless you date her?

>implying i'm white

You honestly think these university kids who have been hammered with the 'stab in the back myth' propaganda is going to go "oh shit well only 80% were jewish nevermind" of course not. People look at a twitter post for less than a second they must see the word jew every single time. Really all you need to do is make them question the narrative and the naturally curiosity in them will do the rest.

K, didn't manage to fit in any of OP's points.. do I have to leave Sup Forums ?

None of that is true except me living with my parents

It's NZ my dude.

90%, but yes.

These people are looking for any way to keep their misguided beliefs. If they can "gotcha" you, then instead of acknowledging "Wow, 9/10 of the people involved were jews", they'll go "That person tried to hide the fact that one of them wasn't a jew, which obviously means anything they were trying to say is wrong". Add to that you've got most Americans are brainwashed to call out anything that isn't dick-suckingly praising kikes as anti-semitism and with the previous point, you've got people who are looking for any reason to not listen to you and you've presented them with all the reason they need

Well I guess we agree to disagree. I've woken up tens perhaps hundreds of thousands of people and will continue with my ways perhaps you could try yours and see how effective they are.

Bruh, I'm gonna tbqhwy rn, you sound like a massive faggot lmao

worried about #110 eh? you kikes sure seem scared these last few years

>Are a NEET... or a Pajeet
I think that's what OP meant to say, poo


This made me chuckle. That meme never gets old

>are a NEET

You mean I don't participate in this jew run arena of profligacy and economic slavery.

And I should kill myself? Yeah, ok.