What was his problem?
Sopranos: Noah is a sociapath?
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He was fucking Jewish and Black.
hes a fucking moolie what else
I mean, seriously.
He files a restraining order against a chick because he got a C- on a paper for a college class, and acts like she spit on him.
More ever, it was his fault for getting the bad grade. How does he rationalize it being out of his hands? This guy sounds like something dumbshit retard me would make an excuse for.
Then he dumps Meadow and tries to psychology her out into thinking that she's too negative, and acts with this shitty pompous attitude like he's better than everyone.
What was this shit-head's problem?
He has to be fucking psychotic or something.
>meet 5/10 annoying girl
>figure you can trick her into anal because progressive
>meet her dick father
>decide vaginal squirts are good revenge
>do it
>Sup Forums virgins act like he was in the wrong
This is why you sleep alone.
yeah its called being biracial
He was white-knighting her hard.
When Carmella showed up to talk to Meadow in her college room, he acted extremely disrespectful when he refused to leave the room so that Meadow and her mother could talk.
"Hurr durr, I'm not leaving unless Meadow's okay with it durr hurr I'm so mature!"
Like, how fucking delusional do you have to be to rationalize that her mother is somehow automatically as threatening as her father, when she explicitly apologized for her husband's actions? He fucking acts like her mother personally cooked his grandparents with Zyklon and further back owned a cotton plantation. Like, was it autism?
Worst character on the show. Why couldn't it have been a Jewish Arab boy or Jewish Asian anything but what we got for her first
he was trying to be masculine after being completely emasculated by Tony
What a fucking faggot.
How insecure does a guy have to be to stoop so low? Maybe someone like me, but that's besides the point.
He's a butterhead.
Small theory that he actually fucked Kaitlyn when he let her in his dorm and then got the restraining order so Meadow wouldn't find out then felt so guilty he had to dump Mead
I wanted to see him die, but he just disappeared.
I thought this went beyond a theory. That was my impression of that scene from the first time I saw it, anyway.
>quantumodo predicted all of this you know
Originally Noah was going to have Jackie Jr's arc that's why they were building him up as an antagonist to Tony early on.
supreme victim complex but still feels superior to everyone. He always felt Meadow was beneath him but after Tony talked down to him that made him want her. Once his dad said she's ghetto trash he tossed her out like garbage.
Yeah, I mean generally if there's a scene where a woman is invited into a man's dorm room it means they banged
>it's a Vito episode
I don't understand. Was Vito gay or something?
Play this
Why are you so angry about this though? Not even in a "umad", "gotcha!" kind of way. What about the character bugs you so much?
>supreme victim complex but still feels superior to everyone
literally me
because it's not his fucking business to stand between a mother and her daughter. He had no good reason to think she felt the same way as Tony did, fuck this faggot for thinking he can strongarm his girlfriend's mother.
I never understood this insult. I know it's another black slang, but what's the goddamn meaning/origin?
He just wants to have options after graduation, user.
>tell your daughter the nigger kike is a disgusting who will fuck you over
>she falls in love with him more because now she's rebelling
>he fucks her roommate then gets a restraining order
>his dad tells him your daughter is a slut
>nigger kike dumps daughter and fucks her over like you predicted
QuasiSoprano predicted this
I think because it's literally me, but amped up to absurd levels.
Like, if I decide to hang out with someone instead of writing my paper, I might internally blame them for getting a bad grade, but in the end it's still my fault and my responsibility. I can bitch and moan as much as I want to vent, but I never genuinely believe it's my fault.
Noah, on the other hand, is literally in the wrong and he believes that he is the victim. It was his responsibility to get the grade he wanted and he blamed someone else for a decision he made. He also acted like it was literally the worst thing in the world.
My parents raised me to take every grade very seriously, which I do, and I strive for A's. But while a C- is pretty damaging, it's not the end of the world, and you can pretty easily come back from any grade like that in an undergraduate class and pull off, at the minimum, a low A. Instead, Noah literally believes that he won't get into college for a trivial paper that no employer or graduate school is honestly going to look into or even less specifically ask his professor about.
grades are basically meaningless. you just need to good enough to pass and make the right connections. most careers are started by who you know more than what grade you have
Yeah but it's a TV show. What does it remind you of?
No it was just a JOKE! C'mon!
Even more so, he fucking goes as far as to get his dad to arrange a restraining order and just pass it off as:
>LOL, you don't know my dad.
>Do you see how casual I am about it? Yeah, my dad and family's pretty crazy, pretty cool that I can act all smug about how my family's so powerful and overreactive and somehow expect you to be impressed by that, amirite?
He's a fucking faggot that does stuff that literally goes through my mind.
And another thing, this guy right fucking right here: How goddamned disrespectful do you have to be?
I mean, it's not even that. It's like he feels like he actually matters or that he's sticking up for his girlfriend by throwing his weight against her fucking mother. A mother has a way different relationship with a daughter than a father does, and in Carmella's case she's one of the most adult people in the show, and Noah thumbs his nose up to her like he's all protective of Meadow's case like he's a big man. Fucking pathetic and basically what this guy said:
It reminds me of a shitty person. This isn't personal, and it isn't even racial or because he was Jewish, I just think it's a shitty thing to do to try and stick up for your girlfriend in front of her mother. I also thought Chris was a piece of shit when he threw Adriana's mother aside in season 1 when he proposed to her
Who was in the wrong here?
He was a cuck.
He felt he had to compensate but he failed hard at acting tough and had to break up with Meadow out of shame.
I wish I could be half as alpha as Tony
All things considered, Tony handled this pretty well.
Ralphie killed the horse. Tony overreacted by killing him. But he had to go either way.
Pretty sure everyone hates him because he was a gigantic douchebag and never actually got punished for it unlike Ralphie and Janice.
Kudos to the actor for making him so unlikeable.
i just checked his IMDB page and found out he literally went to my HS.
i had no fucking idea.
just fyi there are not a lot of blacks at my HS, but a lot of jews.
Did he really kill the horse though? I thought Tony was making the assumption that ralphie did it because of his lack of reaction to the news of the fire. My memory is hazy but I'm pretty sure Carmella and Dr. Melfie were indifferent about the news when Tony told them, so what made him go off like that?
>Master Detrolio, we meet again at last.
Ralphie and Tony both had a vested interest in that horse. Ralphie should have been at least a little upset that they lost their winning horse.
Also, after Ralphie kills that girl he says "She was a hoo-er"
and when he's confronted about the horse he says
"It was a hoo-rse"
Not concrete but it seems like foreshadowing; Paulie is a dangerous psychopath who has no regard for human life.
His niggerness made him a sociopath, his jewishness made him neurotic.
Two opposite combos in one package.