>drug addict
>dresses plainly
Is elliot /our guy/?
S3 trailer: youtube.com
>drug addict
>dresses plainly
Is elliot /our guy/?
S3 trailer: youtube.com
No. This shit is fucking embarassing tier.
Go back to www.reddit.com and don't ever post here again
Fuck off
he's had sex though
>fucks a drug bitch in the first episode
fuck off
I'm just trying to start a discussion here, my redditor friend. fee free to post in any of the available cunny or BLACKED threads
Kill yourself pleb cunt
It's not a real accomplishment to fuck a slutty girl on drugs. You can do it too if you really want to
She's high on morphine, homie.
literally the worst show I've ever seen.
Yes yes great viral advertising thread OPbot
this show has one big problem: Angela.
Gooby pls
Am I a fucking faggot or is mr robot low-key actually GOAT? asides from this the show is thoroughly stimulating and creative, and it's a lot of fucking fun tbqh familia
How? She's the best part of season 2
Agreed. That mask coated in blood she's wearing in the new trailer fucking HNG
this guy is trying real hard to fit in
Yeah sure thing, because not liking some gay show about an EPIC le hacker is really trying to fit in huh?
end yourself faggot, or get some taste
>it's an angela episode
Damn that user got throughly btfo
angela is a cute leave her alone
still trying too hard my dude