You can only post here if you have an Aryan eye colorr

Brown eyes GTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw blue eyes
>tfw when a Jew


Is Hazel an Aryan eye color?


Fucking iphone. My eyes are a bit fucked cuz I'm tired

My mother was a West Indian mango-picker, my dad was a spic. My the literal grace of Christ I have blue eyes.

Jesus fuck when did phone cameras become so hi-rez, you can see the six hours of hair growth between my eyebrows from when I last shaved.

datamining thread idiots.
Your eye is as identifying as your fingerprint.

I'm not white and even I have blue eyes y'all need to find a new litmus test.

yeah, okay.

It really is, why do you think iris scanners exist

Cousin Dean, is that you?

Nope! Filthy brown colors.

Same, I may be white on the outside - but I'm brown on the inside ese.

I'm a spic with green eyes kek

Do spics ever call each other spics in real life like with niggers?

How are you not white?

I have brown eyes but both of my children have bright crystal blue eyes and blonde hair. Just like their dad. Thank god they'll be accepted into the glorious new Aryan movement.

Too much guac
>that'll be an extra $1.50

Holy fuck I love being white

Not really, I only hang out with Slavs.

>mfw Jew
>mfw blue eyes
stay mad /pol

Dark brown eyes and dark brown hair with pale white skin with pink nipples and everything are literally master race.
Stay salty, greenies and bloos.

No but I met a cokehead named Dean from California.
I'm white on the outside as well
I'm Slav/Irish/Spanish. This angers neo/pol/


I thought you'd be one of these light eyed Afghans or some shit.

You're white/european you literal faggot, Jesus christ do people actually fall for these memes?

Won best eyes in my eye school year book. Get on my level faggots

lel, you are a mongrel like all amerisharts but still white


Can I marry your daughter when you get one?

>I thought you'd be one of these light eyed Afghans or some shit.
I'm a dude but fucking hell I see those pictures and get jealous of my friends that deployed to northeastern Iraq and fucked the Yazidis.

green mutated fuck reporting in

kek they weren't massacred by Ustase?

Brown eyes, dark brown hair. What went wrong?

>tfw master race

I don't know why but mods always delete these kind of Eye threads

Im not even white

m8 are you heavily balding?

You have really nice eyes.
I'm a literal spic and I have blonde hair and green eyes, my man how jealous are you?

dudeee weeeeeeed

Dude, that looks bad.
Go to a doctor to check that out.

t. Med Student

Only within the "Independent" State of Croatia

Genetic sequence of the R1a1a1a1a

i kek'd

Hello brethren.

Pink eye

Smoked alot of weed. Eye ended like this

420 blaze it phaggot amirite? :DD

Sumerians are master race in my book.

No, why?

Fucking Swedes, Jesus christ.
Get better light ahmed, kind of hard to tell the color.
Pic or it never happened

oy vey

It's Ted Cruz!! Have you found your delegates?

That's impossible.


You sure you didn't let Achmed piss in your eyesockets while you were high? That looks fucking infected.

What is a spic doing in Canada? Do Quebecois count as spics? They're (technically) Latin Americans...

What if u don't have eyes

Hello everyone

your eyebrows look like you are, very sparse hair

what the fug

Hello! Arab, Assyrian or Kurd?

wtf dimitri

It was weed and went away after 1 day. we smoked literally the whole day weed while I normally light up 2 on a day I smoke.

איזה עדה אתה?

Hey, nice eyes, guys


green eye color is a slav gene. congrats on being liberated

>tfw my name is actually Ted

Oh just kill me now, I don't actually look like Ted Cruz do I? Doesn't he have brown eyes?

hello, good looking Russian man

Check these eyes famalam

Fucking bees man, I swear.


All these CIA data mining threads....

בעיקר רוסי

Kys Griffith

Are you Odessa Jew?

They aren't all blond-haired and blue-eyed. These pictures are quite cherrypicked. Lots of then are brown. And, light eyes can come in all different ethnicities in Iraq, except maybe the Shi'ite Southerners maybe.

m8, let them post it, its natural selection, idiots will get filtered


I'm Bureau of Land Management, cuck. I keep a picture of Hitler on my desk. I have never, and will never suffer any consequences for anything I do or say.


No Hispanics here? why not?

Post your eyes chink.
You're right though it's a mess here.
My ex of three years was 50/50 German Anglo and she was darker than me with green eyes and blonde hair.
There's plenty of them in Texas you just need to look in Humble, Fredicksburg, and Kerville.

Nope, mostly polish fag, probably khazar, kek.

No they're French bong, meaning 100 European.
I'm a half Breed spic-Slav.
With german-ashekenazi sprinkled in.
Huh and the rest converted and shieeet.
Go get the Albos for me Novak.

Does bright hazel count as Aryan?

Best eyes posted so far

Nope, polishfag. Probably khazarokike, kek.

>that nose

Griffith from berserk. You got the same eyes as him. Almost too scary

Nothing wrong with his nose nigger

Aye aye.

I think I might be banned from entering the US.

Probably already on the terrorist watchlist too because of all the facebook posts I made like 5 years ago.

HOPEFULLY I can make a loophole because there's a lot of Serbs with the same name as mine.

Pls rate

This is me. Am i wright /paul/?


It's fucking huge.

Hello mr weedman


>No they're French bong, meaning 100 European.

Get with it, colonial. If they speak French in America, they're technically Latin Americans.

yay, we use hats.

My nose is literally of perfect proportions you mongrel mother fucker. Look at it, it's perfectly straight and Aryan in every way

lmao none of these eyes are blue you guys failed

Green eyes are rarer and thus better

Sup gais

Old yeller reporting in