Ready Player One is literally "Member That?: The Movie"
Ready Player One is literally "Member That?: The Movie"
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more like Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
More like Reddit Player One.
im going to watch it online and enjoy the shit out of it then come on Sup Forums and shit all over it.
Sounds like Spielberg just wants to have fun this time around. Nothing wrong with that.
this. It's so exciting to live a dual personality. By day, a reddit loving normie, & by night, a cool headed channer who knows all the latest memes.
No. Spielberg very much wanted Who Framed Roger Rabbit to have a good story facilitate the special effects.
>no upvote button in theater
the future sucks, desu
i'm going to clap every time
I'm gonna bring a gun into the theater xD
Doesn't the book version of IT have a lot of that too?
>It looks like this clown from that TV show
>It turns into that monster from that movie
>It turns into that other monster from that other movie
>It turns into another monster from another movie
>child orgy
>giant spiders and space turtles
Is that a requirement in America?
The "No Singles Policy" isn't enforced as long as you conceal carry.
The movie monsters It transformed into made sense since those were the horror movie monsters of the 50's and thats what they were afraid of, mainly Richie who was generally the one to give It a form when It attacked the group.
This clip never stops being relevant
I read the book. It's gonna be a bad movie. The source material is atrocious.
I have this weird gut feeling that this is going to be a huge flop
When the first trailer dropped I saw so many people shit talking the book on places where you'd expect it to be dick sucking it like crazy, such as twitter and tumblr
Even saw reposts of that terrible page that listed all that 80's shit the main character went through that gets posted here constantly, and you'd see almost the same exact reactions you'd see here
Feel like its way too late for the movie to ride on that wave of popularity the book had
Its going to get shit on, hard
>unironically using memes
The book was pretty fucking abysmal, and full of nostalgic bullshit references that made zero sense. It's only going to be worse on the silver screen. Looks like Ready Player One will be joining The Emoji Movie on the short list of films that have "achieved" a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes
I've said it a million times, Spielberg is a hack who heavily relies on nostalgia This. For the reddit crowd.
>spielberg flick
Crystal Skull has fucking a 77%
Redy Player One : Roger Rabbit :: fidget spinner : Rubik's cube
This. They're both equally worthless, but one was created a long time before the other.
You only think Crystal Skull sucks because you've been told it does, just like with the prequel trilogy.
Though this may be his worst reviewed film yet.
>places where you'd expect it to be dick sucking it like crazy, such as twitter and tumblr
do you live in bizzaro world?
Twitter and tunblr are the HQs of SJWs. they are shitting on the movie already (and the book) because they both glorify true gamer/nerd culture.
to the SJWs they hate it because
>the MC is not a transfluidnongender person of color
>the entire cast is not made up of women/LGBTQYONFDOIUW
>the movie references 80s nerd culture meaning shit that mostly men will understand
>surface level normie shit
>true gamer/nerd culture.
>>the entire cast is not made up of women/LGBTQYONFDOIUW
What are you talking about, the MC's only friends are a sassy fat bisexual black gamer girl, and a shy introverted also fat white gamer girl.
believing what some sperg on twit says
>Sup Forums
I HATE surface level pop-cultural references, especailly in movies like this, where they have taken on a life unto their own as signifiers
>Sup Forums sees someone post the george constanza
kek dude. just... kek.
>Sup Forums hates another movie because Sup Forums
>Sup Forums hugboxes about how shit it will be
>everyone gives their opinion on how it could be done better
>no one does a fucking thing to make a better movie
>the Sup Forums hugbox continues.
I'm fully aware this is ironic, but please stop posting regardless.
I personally don't think Crystal Skull sucks.
But the general consensus among "the people" is that it's an abysmal travesty...and yet it has a 77% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Same thing'll happen with Ready Player One because Spielberg is directing. He's critic-proof. Even The Terminal has a 61%
Oh so it's basically just like Family Guy
a lot of Sup Forums is just reddit tier SJW noise.
No, most theatets supply you now if you're chosen as the designated shooter.
>true gamer/nerd culture.
theres that buzzword again
>tfw your entire motivation for watching movies and anime and playing games and reading books is to be in on the memes and pop culture references on this site and secretly you don't enjoy doing any of it, in fact you hate it so much that watching another shitty tarcovsky movie is literally physically painful but you need to be able to retort the guy telling you you're wrong
reddit player one
And if you'd been talking about Lucas, you'd have been right a million times.
If the theatre isn't silent during my solo viewing of this film, I will not hesitate to lodge a complaint and seek a refund AND a free ticket.
So yeah. Go ahead, Spielberg. Encourage the audience to disrupt my experience. I'll get not only a refund but also a free ticket if ANYONE says a peep.
Can't wait for the download to come out so I don't give them any fucking money.
>Doing something you hate to be "in" with a a an online clique of anonymous strangers.
Wow, you're a fucking loser.
shut up I understand more than you will ever know.
no, youre going to like it and shill it constantly on Sup Forums and when everyone tells you to fuck off you'll pretend that they all secretly like it too.
isn't there some weird kiddie rape shit in the books?
for shame Sup Forums
i know this feel
ManChild pandering (i.e Nostahlgiah) was a mistake.
are you serious?
thanks for the (you), though ;)
you could have just told him boku no pico but no, you're baka as fuck like always
please let this be bait
lel, same here
more like tonchiki
I hope the cameos are more than just seeing harley or gandalf for a second or two.
People whop who were in their early teens in early 80ties are now fucking 50
People who were in their twenties are are 60 and older
I fucking hate 80ties nostalgia, the thing this entire book revolves around.
Unless they swap most references for really basic shit or for modern one kids wont get it, and if they change the period the game is based on why even bother?
Ye, its probably worst part about it.
It makes sense early on when they try to solve the puzzles and riddles, it blends well with the story
But comes off as obnoxious pandering when that part of story is over. Final chapters are just god fuck awful, its just an endless string of references to better creations.
>Doing something you hate to be "in" with a a an online clique of anonymous strangers.
welcome to living in a society
>Spielberg making meme films
What's happening
Wow, shit taste and you don't understand how Rotten Tomatoes works. I guess I'm not surprised
go away [s4s]
Just when you thought Spielberg couldn't make a movie more Jewish than Schindler's List
You sure it wasn't "I know that, here's my money"
Ready Player One is "Member That?: The Book" so it works. if you enjoyed the book you'll enjoy the movie, it's not exactly a Solaris.
The Goldberg's is still on the air and it's just one big joke about the 80s
I want to go see this movie and yell that out every time they reference something. Maybe I should get a recording so I don't become mute.
recent photo of Speilberg