where were you when black women joined us at the vanguard against tyrannical degeneracy?
Where were you when black women joined us at the vanguard against tyrannical degeneracy?
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ya mum's house
she can join me on my face
Black girls will do anything for white dick.
They even flirt with fat losers like me.
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.
7 RMB have been deposited into your account
>masonic 666 hand gesture
He's right though.
i never understood why most Christian blacks who are pro-life vote for abortionist platforms like the democratic party that account for literally millions of black deaths (for mollock).
damn it frog, all this Sup Forums has spawned a drive to watch ebony porn and I'm trying to suppress this shit. don't make it worse
>muh dikk
If you want a suggestion hotguysfuck- danielle jones.
There are four 1080p vids, a bit less than 7giga in total.
Oh man, even black women are accepting Trump, funny that here all the females I know take their news from facebook, so they hate Trump alot, I've tried to change their minds about him but is futile, because you know "he's literally Hitler" either way good on you USA.
I want to fuck that nigger
>h-hey guys, fuck black people right, b-but black women are hot too, though, arent they? i mean they aren't THAT bad...
>coming out and admitting that this is literally only based on porn
kys retarded burger
There's no reason you can't have full white babies and still impregnate negros on the side, in turn making them more white and turning them into productive members of society one generation at a time.
Retard, male sperm is a surplus commodity; acquiring eggs is where is it.
Look at horses for example.
Mainstream sources place the percentage of stallions that should be kept as breeding stock at about 10%,[5] while an extreme view states that only 0.5% of all males should be bred.[6] In wild herds, the 10% ratio is largely maintained, though via a different mechanism, as a single stallion usually protects and breeds a herd which is seldom larger than 10 or 12 mares, though may permit a less dominant junior stallion to live at the fringes of the herd.[7] There are more males than just herd stallions, but unattached male horses group together for protection in small all-male "bachelor herds," where, in the absence of mares, they tend to behave much like geldings.[8]
sex is about domination. not wanting to dominate the shit out of that brown puss is weakness and weak libido - but I guess a kraut would know more about that subject than anyone
Because they're fucking retarded and part of a population that has an average IQ of 80
What is the "ok" sign for $500?
I've noticed recently that the alt-right has been using this 666 hand sign
They hate white politicians telling them to go to work and stop being lazy niggers
Dems offer free gibs
it most definitely is more than the "ok" sign.
does it have anything to do with the fact that it isn't the hand gesture that jesus and the bhudda make?
bretty good way of putting it. chads seriously need to start bleaching more.
Please, go on, you're worthless comparison to your personal experience has made me curious!
what happens when a smart, sophisticated ubermensch comes by the pool?
yes goyim, vote for the other Zionist puppet!
wots this from
yes, my chosen ones. trick them into thinking that both candidates are bought by us, so they might choose the cunt by accident
from google image search (i1.cdn2b.image.pornhub.phncdn.com
feel free to come to one of our nog cities and bleach whatever you can manage
Look at how new those flags are
She put those up just to attention whore as a "black conservative girl xDD"
she's fake
She looks pathetic. Like a slave trying to please its master. Definitely self-hating.
and this is bad because...
Trump does pretty good with non-whites, he's getting more Hispanics than Romney and is getting more than the usual 5% of blacks.
does this niggress make videos?
>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer
>Clinton shows clear, irrefutable signs of psychopathic personality disorder
>Clinton is a blood thirsty maniac in love with death
>Clinton is surrounded by literally dozens of suspicious deaths
>Clinton will bring death and bloodshed to the world
Damn sistah, you fine as hell! How can americans even control themselves with goddesses like her walking the streets? Would racemix with
please don't leave Australia
If you want to see one hell of a based black Trump supporting girl, then check out this video.
Why is she standing in front of a Polish flag?
Well seems that not all black people are the niggers i thought they were.
>unattached male horses group together for protection in small all-male "bachelor herds"
just like modern "bachelor nerds" :^)