>expose the Matrix
>become a tranny
no one thinks this is suspicious?
>expose the Matrix
>become a tranny
no one thinks this is suspicious?
I too was in disbelief when i read about this and saw this
Which one? I like the hon look so I choose the one on the right.
I think it's funny that one converted... then, a year later, the other.
They probably did it that way so we wouldn't make the obvious conclusion about their incestuous relationship.
any more info?
I bet they've fucked one another on several occasions, then wake up and act like nothing happened.
>anons don't know about the gay, incestual, violent relationship between the Wachowski bros
>he's staring at "her", narrowing his vision, grimacing, shaking, clutching himself, making sure nothing slips out, until his "sister" slowly/defensively looks at him
>his expression instantly changes into less of a threatening manner
>"her" body language completely changes and turns away sharply and nervously
>"she" looks down at the floor, grits her teeth, and licks the inner part of her teeth
>he goes back to giving her a deadly stare, and narrowing his eyes at "her"
Wondered this about Bruce Gender as well.
>come out as Hollywood Republican
>become transgender
I don't know. Taking the red pill is always a very overwhelming experience, it messes up with your brain. To me the strongest red pill was that christianity is a lie - when I realised that it was groundbraking, it was like poles shifting. I am not transgender, but I'm guessing realising that you feel more like the opposite sex than the one of your body must be even worse. In other words - it's probably not that they became transgender because of their movie, but that they made the movie, because of their experience.
Yeah I don't see any of that
They decided to take the blue pill (estrogen)
>Yeah, I can't read peoples facial/body expressions in order to further understand a social interaction better
>Wachowski brothers
>Wachowski siblings
>Wachowski sisters
Woah. Checked x4 in a row
>Christianity is a lie
Does it get more bluepilled?
>so we wouldn't make the obvious conclusion about their incestuous relationship.
Explain, please.
The Matrix has a lot less to do with transcendental metaphysical themes and a lot more with more earthly themes like BDSM and LGBT
Probably being Protrstant, at least the Cuckolics fell for the original lie.
You missed one.
Wtf I hate the red pill now
intersting comment. out of curiosity I checked what estrogen pills look like and it looks' like they're actually red. wonder if that's meaningfull/ on purpose
I really couldn't care less of the Wachowski's are men, women or fucking attack helicopters. They made The Matrix, and fuck do I love that series, even Reloaded and Revolution, unlike a lot of people.
The continued storyline they had going in the MMO, before it was ended early, was actually really cool too. Shame we never got to see it, but at least one of the writers came out and just laid out every individual plot point they had lined up before cancellation.
2 brothers becoming trannies is just fucking disturbing too.
Do you think they fuck each other?
Christianity is the basis of Western Civilization, my friend. Literally the number one reason the world is owned by whites and not sand people
Better than reading into it and making assertions you can't defend without straw men
What the FUCK? It's both of them now? Jesus H. Christ. If this doesn't cause people to question the whole transgender thing, I don't know what will.
Speed Racer's fucking great, though.
it is abit weird. Jump started alot of conspiracy theories with the matrix films. Just like the transsexual navy seal. instead of ending up dead they just fuck with your hormones and fuck your whole life up. Whoever is at the top is having a great laugh.
The first Matrix was decent summer escapism, albiet you could see the SJW already.
Everything they've done since has been colossal trash.
>Do you think they fuck each other?
Do you think they don't?
>decent summer escapism
Is this the most plebian Matrix review ever written?
thats john money my dude
>In 2000, David and his twin brother (Brian) alleged that Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role.[16] He said as a child, Money forced him go "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks," and that Money forced David to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections". On at "least one occasion", Money reportedly took photographs of the two children doing these activities. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity".[16]
trips = you fucking know it they did
The character 'Switch' was a tranny
Female outside the matrix, male inside it
It was there from the beginning, Brahs
Bradley Manning:
>exposes the US military.
>suddenly becomes tranny.
Daid Shayler (pic related):
>blows the whistle on MI5 (British secret service), and reveals the plot to assassinate Gadaffi.
>completely loses his sanity and starts dressing like a woman.
I bet they cosplay trinity, and act out scenes before buttsecks.
>The continued storyline they had going in the MMO, before it was ended early, was actually really cool too. Shame we never got to see it, but at least one of the writers came out and just laid out every individual plot point they had lined up before cancellation.
Where can I read that mmo plot?
and lookie here
You do realize that The Matrix is filled with Christian symbolism right? Neo is Jesus.
no, the basis of our civilisation is greek philosophy and roman law. christian bible is no different than koran, it's not that the christianity has civilised the western world, but that the western world has civilised christianity.
Direct me to the Source
I'd recommend reading the full story of the MMO before the developer file dump section. That's the stuff that was planned before the cancellation, it continues the storyline they established in the game.
Matrix = Social moral standards, morality, "right" or "wrong", "Man and Woman" etc. "Evil" "Good"
Red Pill = Breaking of this social norms, true freedom, having incest with your brother. Brother-Sister sex, Sister-Sister sex, Brother-Brother sex, Transgender Sex, breaking up of social taboos, normative society to gain true Freedom for the individual
True story btw
but how would someone be able to do that? like you think they're minds were reprogrammed? you think that's possible?
Was telling my girlfriend about how one became a woman about two months ago. She didn't believe me, went to Google and found out they both had became sisters.
Just crushed my childhood. Realized the whole movie was really about them coming out.
>Everything not being as it seems.
Yes Lucifer has a great love of turning men into women and making them gay.
>Christian Bible is no different than Koran
Which books did you read (or didnt)? New Testament is the story of the ushering in of a new age of love, Koran is the story of a deluded warlord uniting his people. Mohammed: "God told me this, follow me." Jesus: "I am God, follow us."
If you have watched the ending of the Matrix you will realize these fags went against their master kikes narrative and now will have to pay the ultimate price for their betrayal.
Neo ... One, The One
He dies and comes back to life. You all know it's inspired after the bible right?
This is why you watch it on acid.
V for Vendetta colossal trash? Sure
Well he was in custody just as Bradley manning was, so anything could've happened to them. But I presume they were forced onto a course of hormone replacement therapy, strong drugs (LDS for example) and hypnotherapy - new and refined iterations of MK ULTRA.
David Shayler's case was very interesting because he had a massive idenity crisis, (calling himself Jesus, etc...) before becoming a transexual.
But he was right about the UK/USA plot to assassinate Gadaffi, that much is for certain.
>On acid
Hide your degeracy.
>mk ultra
You are literally retarded.
The machines express contempt for human beings constantly throughout the matrix partially because of their inability to control their sexual behaviors.
>agent smith calls us a virus
>Merovingian drugs and rapes a girl just to prove that humans are dumb animals.
>architect promises to free the humans because he isn't an evil human
The entire movie is about the spiritual vs the material and how highly intelligent beings have rigged the system to control and dominate those addicted to the material world.
Bingo. It's a poke at consumerism
that's just a part of it.
it's essentially an expose on the system of society that has been built up by the freemasons.
New Testament is legitimised by the old one. You can reject the NT or both, but you cannot believe in NT and reject the OT.
I read the whole Bible. It's full of contradictions, therefore it's full of lies.
give me a verse where Jesus claims that he is God.
I really don'y want to get into this, it's a waste of time. I already discussed christianity on Sup Forums a few times, you guys are way too deeply invested in this to even consider the fact that you're wrong. To me it's a waste of time, believe whatever you wanna believe, I know it's a lie.
Faith is a matter of personal belief. Thats a different topic. Christianity as the unifier that brought the West into global dominance is just historical, though, my man.
wow, you might actually be right, there is a pattern. that's scary too.
>I know it's a lie.
Everything is a lie.
Shit. No question. There is a connection here and I bet it goes deeper than any of us can fathom.
is that mk ultra programming actually true, not just a meme? long time ago a watched a bunch of videos about that on youtube, but it wasn't convincing desu
Lucifer loves to turn men into women and make them gay.
Oh, it's real! It's more real than anyone comfortably wants to believe. To start with, look up Operation Northwoods.
Fucking pink boys, no balls man.
you can have fath as long as you are not presented with undeniable facts that contradict that belief. I used to be a christain, as I mentioned before, but then I figured it's a lie. I didn't find it out through Zeitgaist, or other bs reasoning but by reading the bible and critically annalysing it. you should try that too. Nothing I wall say will convince you untill you seek for the truth yourself.
>Christianity as the unifier that brought the West into global dominance is just historical, though, my man.
that's complete bs. dominance and conquest are quite opposite to Jesus' teaching. christianity was jus a tool to take control of people, it was not a driving force to any civilisational development, if anything it was holding us back.
and as funny as it may sount in this thread in particular, I am not a man, user.
you have to go deeper and actually find the experiments, today are working just fine. look at pokemon go, people leaving their cars open and unlocked just to catch a pokemon, Russia also have this kind of experiments, just find info about baba vanga or something like that, they use "witches/wizards" soldiers to fight their battles, even hitler did that..
mk ultra is an old good voodoo trick, but people just won't believe in hocus pocus stuff anymore, because it's working! they fill us with lies and make us think that there is a
>(((mental sanity)))
the true that you're looking for, you're the only one who can answer
>it was like poles shifting.
No shit you are from poland.
no, not everything is a lie, that would be nonsense and then we would not be able to say that anything actually is a lie. The existence of a lie determines an existence of truth as well, as you can logically negate anything.
thanks guys, I'll look it up.
Listen im not gay but, they look better as women.
Everything is a lie.
The world is a stage.
You aren't free.
The Matrix is more "true" than you think.
The power of God is the power of the Author.
In the beginning their was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
He who Writes the Law is God
He who keeps the Record is God
Real. Read The search for the Manchurian candidate by John Marks.
Run by a doctor called (((Sydney Gottlieb)))
if you're willing to say that everything is a lie, why can't you question your religion as well? if it's true it will stand, if it's false, it's better to know that than to waste your life on a lie. That's what I did. I don't think everything is a lie, but christianity for sure is not true.
>reveal corruption
>become a tranny
That is what Trump will become if he lost. topkek.
>why can't you question your religion as well?
I question everything.
Truth speaks best in the language of metaphor and symbolism.
ok, so you write about god and lucifer, how do you know which one is the good one and which one is the bad one? simbolism you say, that is also an interesting aproach to religion. how do you explain that the bible uses the same simbolism to sedcribe Jesus and Satan? Why are they bothe referred to as the morning star?
because they are "both" the "morning star".
have a look at manly p halls books.
Fuck off you drug addicted borderlining schizo cunt. MK Ultra and hypnosis shit is real and does work, but you need to fucking force it inside the ass of the singular person CONSTANLY
>But Pokemon go is mk Ultra cause people leave car doors open
What the fuck?! Nobody even does this unless theyre retarded enough to qualify for Darwin awards when they die. And let's entertain the idea, how does some faggot getting out of his car to catch a pokeshit and not locking his car, evidence of mk Ultra?
Fucking don't spread your /x/ shit here fuckwit
Word > Sound produced by oral utterances that resemble a symbol or signal of sorts, used for communication
But what is sound?
Remember as you research and feel compelled to tell others your findings, to teach as Jesus Christ did. Through parables.
Unless of course you wish to cast pearls before swine and have them trample them or worse yet, use them against you.
Good luck.
can you explain what exactly you mean by that?
Didn't hall die of ass ants?
It's a metaphor.
They preform a good cop bad cop routine BUT much much harsher. They try and break you down until you are physically, mentally, spiritually and lastly finically broken and then they feed you what they want you to believe and then lastly you are putty to them.
In this case they insult you and tell you things like "You are NOT a man ARE YOU PUSSY!?!," They beat you and then after a while lighten up once you start acting more submissive--- simple things like NOT looking into their eyes, etc. This goes one for weeks. Then they get you physically attracted to submissive things , etc. After a while you don't know who you are or what you like anymore and that is where they start implanting ideas into your head. In this case that you are NOT a man.
The shit started back in the 50's at some college and I imagine some of the data was used in other experiments NOT knowingly by the professors over the years like the Standford Prison Experiment.---who know's
The thing about MKULTRA is that it never really ended. The information they garnered from their early experiments informed their later experiments. After that program was completed, they 'went live' with their plans.
Killing Kennedy, The psychedelic movement, Hippies, The Alternative/Grunge/Hipster music scene, 9/11, Mass shootings, etc - are all applications of what they learned.
Inflict trauma, create mental chaos, uncertainty, and repeatedly bombard the audience with imagery of expected behavior. Slowly regress them back to a childlike state until they're putty in your hands.
MKULTRA isn't just an experiment anymore. It's not a program. It's a way of life.
>your salty tears are washing my body
fuck off if you don't take the time to prove my words by doing a fucking research, I won't fucking put a big description of what's on, I'm just giving a example you retard! that's because you will fucking die as a sheep you are!
fuck you fucking Austi
ok, I'm asking you to explain it. It was you, after all that said after John, that in the beginning was the word, you should be able to explain it with words then
vr is literally preparing us for the matrix. funny r ligh this was posted today because i just decided to rewatch 1+2 a couple hours ago
Ffs sake forget the cathy obrian tier shite.
MKULTRA program:
6 subprojects involving tests on unwitting subjects were conducted.”
8 subprojects involving hypnosis, including 2 that also used drugs were performed.
7 subprojects included the use of drugs or chemicals.
4 subprojects used “magician’s art . . . e.g., surreptitious delivery of drug-related materials.”
9 subprojects studied sleep research (read: deprivation) and psychotherapy’s influence on behavior.
6 subprojects studied the effects on human tissue of exotic pathogens and the capability to incorporate them in effective delivery systems
why do you think they choose to program them into transgenders? to discredit them to the public? or it's the deepest level of programming, like if they can change your sex identity it pretty much means they have reprogrammed everything else as well?
>Christianity is progress
>Christianity is the reason for civilization
No its not. It's what was holding back the West for years until the enlightenment. How bluepill can you get?
my search shows mostly blue
people have to learn how to decipher the words before going in the full vr
I would like to try this game for example, some people just think that is for play and have some spooky suspension, but the truth is that the many games have histories inside of history, and when we find those histories and compare some with old knowledge you will find something for sure
You guys know that the only reason they changed their gender was some domina right?
In other words they got forced to change their gender by a women because of sexual desire
This won't directly answer your question, but it will provide a means for you to figure it out yourself.
Look to Hinduism. There are many connections to follow.
I searched estrogen pills - funny how it gives different results.
but why con't to just straight up answer it? to me it looks like you don't really have an answer but you're hinding it behind some misticism. just be honest and tell me what you think.