>post yfw you found out the holocaust was a lie
Post yfw you found out the holocaust was a lie
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But it isn't a lie you stupid aussie fuck
>you mean there were no jew balloons?
Watch this video and tell if whether the Holocaust was fabricated.
Like the whole world was a lie...
>threatening violence when you literally don't have an argument
i hope you get raped by a pack of niggers
You don't have an argument either you vapid turd.
But it's not a lie 6 billion jews were killed
Why would you deny the holocaust?
Because life is a lie.
more like mfw i literally have to sit around watching survivor interviews for my job
Nice source on the 2.8 million jews
The holohoax is a greatly exaggerated piece of jewish propaganda.
How about jews who lived in Russia?
Picture doesn't say anything about them so you can safely double that amount.
And don't forget that to this day around 3 million jews live in Russia near Kazakhstan.
Don't forget about the nazi axe throwers that patrolled the concentration camps
Is Mel Gibson Aussie's favorite son, or whats the deal? I like his movies, and I could see why he hates the Jews after working in hollywood most of his professional life.
I never really found out per se. I've always suspected it was a lie.
I remember when I was a kid and our history teacher talked about it. I was like "hmm doesn't really makes sense but whatever".
A few years later I went on the internet, read about it, and realized my suspicions were true.
the dick is a metaphor
but why you gotta get mad tho?
I'm curious as to why you had that picture in the first place
> German-occupied Europe
> what about the Jews that lived in Russia
Because antisemitism is what's holding this board back. It's why we're never taken seriously
academic interest, i swear....
how is denying Holocaust Mythology anti-semitic?
Who cares what the rest of the internet thinks you fuckin goytard.Gay shit like being a faggot is why Canasians never get taken seriously on this board.
Because it is literally calling the genocide of their peoples a fraud
Kys, go back to sniffing petrol
You're not serious if you perpetuate exaggerated lies stupid
Think how much worse it'll be when you'll find out that it was and you were had the first time.
>bluepilled kike
Thought it was one of those melting jpg pictures at first..pretty gross
You're implying that it actually happened the way you describe it, for which there is no evidence. I'm sorry but I can't believe in something without strong evidence.
Also, "denying" that something happened does not imply hatred or dislike for that particular people in question.
>it is literally calling the genocide of their peoples a fraud
That's literally what it is schlomo
>Learn to think
Millions of jews killed in Soviet Russia is also counted into holocaust victims.
nice unsourced list.
by the way, look what happens whenever you click a link to find out more.
you don't fucking care. keep being dishonest while truth comes forward.
Just look at Auschwitz. Literally all the evidence you need.
I'm looking, all I see is conjecture. Show me the evidence.
>Tfw put on the masturbation machine till death
>I'm an edgy 12 year old : The Thread
>tfw I once thought WW2 was a great war of good versus evil, and the good guys were the allies, but found out about the lies and realized it was the other way around
But it actually happened you stupid kangaroo.
It just wasn't 6 million jews.
didn't they disprove that being possible on mythbusters?
He did a couple of aussie movies back in the day but he's pretty much been a yank for a while now. Still based tho tbqh
>pls spoonfeed me daddy
Hitler, why hast thou forsaken me?
t. Schlomo Goldstein
Sometimes I dream of hanging out with him in the afterlife as I tell him stories of modern Juden subversion of the world. Of how bad things got, and how right he was.
The right side of this photo and the sitting "jews" behind the pillar on the right are obviously shopped. Stalin's editor didn't have enough experience at photo editing yet to do a good shop.
Sometimes I dream of slapping him in the face for NOT murdering 6 million jews.
I can imagine paleontologists 5000 years from know digging up that kids skull and being baffled as fuck
Give me the best proof the Holocaust was faked. Or don't but it would be cool of you
the numbers have been trimmed down officially to about 2-3 million
hitler only talked about expelling the jews - there is no discussion of killing them all in concentration camps
>prove that something didn't happen
are you dim
I thought it was obvious. Those on the winning side get to write the story.
>denying the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history
Oh goy, here we go.
I didn't care very much as I was and still am an egoist.
>we have the technology
>we can make the Holocaust real
Can we just straight up ban canada from pol?
what struck me reading hitler's zweites buch is his talk about "negrification" - that jews literally attack the ethnicity of the nation. he would complain about their media- newspapers and theater
then look at whats going on in the US and west now - and its amazing how jews do exactly the same thing
No argument here.
would prefer a humancaust desu
>Because it is literally calling the genocide of their peoples a fraud
"There is nothing more antisemitic then the truth."
exactly, except this time they have ((((oppressed minorities)))) to do it for them with a sprinkle of white guilt
Indians start worshiping and if Chinese find it they'll just turn it into meat paste
> Prove you didn't go somewhere
> Show them a picture of you somewhere else at the time
You fuckwit.
Let's do it. Let's give the jews the holocaust they always wanted and let's make sure none will survive this time.