Does anyone else hate this fucking guy?

Does anyone else hate this fucking guy?

He usually plays characters you're meant to hate, to be fair

At first I really did. And it seemed weird he was dating someone that looked like she could be his mom, but then she lost the baby weight and got a lot better looking.

YES, he sucks. Whenever I see his shitty fucking face I get so violently upset my mom has to come into my room and calm me down.

His head has this uncanny valley vibe going on with it, like they made him with the wrong parts at the toy store.


Very punchable face

Me to

I don't know what it is but you tvfags are hilarious today.

He acts like a discount Joel McHale. Even has roughly the same voice and mannerisms.

But discount.

He has a Chad face on a Brian head.

No, I've only seen him in Parks and Rec and he plays a pretty average, likable guy in that.

>tfw when moms out grocery shopping and dad tries to calm me down but he doesn't know how and ends up giving up and hiding in the garage until I burn myself out.

The whole board has lungs ache from all the kek 2bh

Only because he's in a reaction gif commonly used by faggots.

damn Anna Kendrick looks like THAT?!?

>Brian head
Explain pls

joel mchale is less successful.

Because he doesn't sell out.

Party Down was one of the best sitcoms of the 2000s, he hasn't made anything else worthwhile though.

>great outdoors
>not selling out

i hope ghosted is good.

Joel McHale is douchebag version discount Adam Scott though

someone get this guy a brush

Spy Kids 4

Literally the definition of selling out.


Watch Vicious Kind, Passenger side or Party Down
Dude kills it in the right conditions

He plays a lot of douchebag characters, but Party Down is a legitimately great show that wouldnt be as good without his performance as henry. He plays realistic, unexaggerated depression really well.

he grew up in my town hung out with him and his mommy, pretty nice people

He gets those roles because he's very easy to hate.
I don't think I've ever seen him in anything and I hate him already.

God yes I fucking hate this fucking faggots fucking face fuck ah shit fuck

Honestly? I think he's fucking hilarious. I can't think of a single thing he's in that i don't like.

i did until i saw krampus. now i just indifferent

ITT: people who have never seen party down

ITP:person who did not read thread

big little lies is extremely good

milf nicole kidman getting hatefucked

he WILL play Martin Shkreli

You see Adam, you have to be more subtle next time


Yes, he's a twat.

Yeah I hate the way he plays a 'geek' in parks and recreation, and the writing is just copied and pasted from reddit

I loved him in Parks and Rec. I didn't expect to because when he first shows up he's a bit boring and kind of a jerk, but he ended up being really great.

Haven't seen him in anything else since then but if I do I'll probably watch it just for him. He was that good.

Party down you ducking pleb

I said SINCE then. Party Down came before Parks and Rec.

He had a good character in Party Down. That show was fun.


>Brian head
What did he mean by this

>and the writing is just copied and pasted from reddit
what does that even mean

This. He's perfect in Party Down.