Pretty based here.
How based is your state?
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I become an Alabamian?
be black
be fat or a nigger
Well shit, I'm whiter that casper the god damn ghost
>How do I become an Alabamian?
Be American. Live here for a year and you've established residency. Now you get in-state tuition rates, which aren't bad to begin with.
>get in-state tuition rates,
what the fuck are you talking about? are you trying to say tax?
if you're black, then downtown Birmingham or the rural Black Belt are options for you.
if you're black, you're probably also fat, fwiw.
Does he have the navy seal copypasta on his license plate?
no, i'm saying if you want to go Uni, we charge doubles for furriners
state-issued "no step on snek" plate
51st state of US here. seperate military and government, yet still recieving US government funding. also we don't use shitty imperial system.
Fuck your siblings, then you're already an honorary Alabaman!
oh ok
>and not paying taxes
youre like the gibmedat provinces of canada.
Cheers mate
>pizza hut
if only they would start making good pizza again.
I don't think that works unless you're a citizen?
Here is how it feels to live in Commiefornia, and why you should never go there.
>Be Califag
>Want to take a walk to shrink my fat ass.
>Suddenly, smacked in the face by a bloody tampon. Look to see feminists having their body acceptance festival again.
>"Mayonnaise IS a gender shitlord!"
>Leave the festival only to take a wrong turn.
>Smell feces in the air.
>Little India again?
>Dear god no.
>Another faggot festival.
>See bunch of stands everywhere on gay life, and how they are the same as straight people.
>"Dildo eating contest"
>"Fresh Cream Pies."
>"Boipucci is best pucci"
>Cop sees me not holding my butthole protection certificate and push me to the ground.
>"Fucking straightie. We'll bend you good." He whispers in my ear before penetrating my tight virgin boipucci.
>I'm crying, and every faggot whips their dick out to start hitting me in the face.
>After an hour, the deed is done. I curl up in a fetal position, covered in cum and despair.
>The cops stand me up before putting on their official festival G string, discarding their bloodied pants on the ground.
>"Since you're a first time offender, we'll let you off with a warning. Learn to accept homosexual lifestyle, bigot."
>Go find gun shop to end it all.
>Gun clerk is a green haired woman.
>"Guns are now banned. Have some bread made from my vagina yeast." She says before force feeding me some demonic spawn.
>Black out.
>Wake up in hospital. Get bill for 10 billion dollars.
>"Be thankful for Obama care, Straightie." Doctor spits before leaving.
>MFW I have to stay here until I get my STEM degree
>MFW I have to blend in lest I take another 8 inches of cultural enrichment in the stinkhole
I imagine gun stores in california are like those north korea stores where nothing is really for sale
Wow he sure changed his tune
I live in Maryland, so about as based as a really awesome guy with terminal cancer that makes him act like a cunt.
>Le meme snek
defuc u talkin about
You do realise you are talking to an Austrian?
>driving a Lexus
>not wanting to pay taxes
Seems like a social moron to me.
>inb4 bunch of florida fags
they are the biggest faggots the sad part about them is at least the californians know their state is a shithole but florida fags (which are more than likely transplants) live in the biggest shithole in the union
>US flag
kill yourself
nothing based about this plate at all. Actually guy is probably a huge cuck
>watches millionaire niggers run with a ball every sunday
> puts 3/10 pussy on a pedestal
>South Carolina
Ultra based, best food too
>4 Rivers Smokehouse
fuuuuuck I miss it. In the airport to fly to Tampa right now, might go have that for lunch when I land
>muslim moon on flag
sure thing bro ;)
bahaha shitty restaraunt for a shitty town
All these jealous faggots.
Floridian here. 4 rivers is best bbq
As an Australian who has visited over 30 American States, Virginia is the best state followed closely by Tennessee.
I'm actually headed to Savannah and SC at the end of the month for some things. Good times.
It's funny seeing this cuck trying to shitpost and failing. Always best to ignore summerfags.
Tennessee is pretty based. They just need to nuke Memphis and things would be better.
Alabama is a shithole.
t. user who lives near Mobile
Nashville is GOAT.
Hearty kek
I hate you so much Israel
>tfw Minnesotan
Feels good. I'm pretty into biking and camping, and MSP is undoubtedly the best metro out there for it.
Everyone here is a liberal cuck and BLM is annoying as fuck, but I'm in a rich part of the city so they're all white and conservative near me.
Alabama has more concealed carry permits than any other state. Totally based. Dont forget Alabama was one of the only states to stand up to desegregation as well. I live in the number one place in america to hire a hitman. Just so happens to be the yeallow hammer state. I dont blame you for thinking its a shit hole since you live in mobile. Anything near the FL panhandle is cartoon levels of stereotypical redneck.
The football team is great, yes.
The state is not.
>Minnesota is a bitch state and a home to beta nu-males.
Checks out. Wise words.
Well, near, not IN Mobile. All the same, it IS pretty shit around here.
I just want to move somewhere nicer up in Northern Alabama, but I don't know of a place that isn't infested with niggers or white trash.
I am a Western Australian. I am an honorary Alabamaian.
True in certain parts of the city. Up north you get a lot of grizzled mountain men and based outdoorsy old people who hate niggers as much as anyone on this board. There's a lot to do around here too. I've lived a lot of places and I plan on staying here famalam
We passed HB2
I haven't checked the validity of the claim but some family members live up around Dothan and said it was alright.
its ok i guess
Anything north of Birmingham is "OK". I live in Walker county (unfortunately featured on people of walmart quite often )which is pretty redneck but has a very small black population. I almost never see blacks working fast food here which is a good indicator of the areas purity. Best bet is to go further north like Huntsville. I lived in MS for a couple of years so everything else seems like a step up lol.
Nig run shithole. So many drugs go through Dothan. Cops are dirty as fuck.
Never been. Might have to check it out one day.
Fairhope was alright when I stayed there for a few weeks, as long as I avoided certain parts of the city.
>I almost never see blacks working fast food here which is a good indicator of the areas purity
Mother of God. I almost don't believe it. It'd be a wondrous sight, to be sure.
Repeating digits confirm it. Well, shit. There goes that.
Why are alabamians the most horrible and rude faggots in all of the US?
Nice trips. Thanks for the heads up.
According to Wikipedia the black population from the last census was only 6% for the county. There is like one tiny area in jasper with public housing they force them all into haha.
>Costa Rica
Shut the fuck up, Scott. Go back to your ugly ass wife.
Coming from a rican? Literally you cant watch a gay pride parade without 20 ricans shacking their dicks from a float. Fuck off.
What the fuck are you doing up? Applebee's doesn't open yet. Go back to sleep Mr. Padilla.
OP here
when i lived in Huntsville, i always wished I could buy a place on lake Guntersville.
Dothan proper looked like shit.
most whites in Bham are heading south down 280/65/31, Shelby Co. is quite popular.
good job, NC
you couldn't be more wrong. people in alabama tend to be a bit backward, but are friendly overall. rudeness is a specialty of people up north, particularly NY, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, etc.
That's kind of true in my anecdotal experience. I've seen nothing but commiefornians or northerners talk about how bad the southerners were or how they talk when eating out. New England/New Yorkers were by far the worst at this. It was an eye opener.
Try getting the same plate approved in your state.
>drives nip vehicle
pick one
>Be from Iowa
All you fatasses would litteraly starve without us.
We are a purple state, we vote out retards and vote in common sense.
You can send your kids to most public schools as well.
Good food is super cheap.
Can own a house for less than rent.
4-5 hour drive from: Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Miliwakee, and Omaha. Can choose your travelling and weekend activities easily.
Low as shit crime rate.
Cheap as shit airfair.
Gun laws make sense.
Only negative is voting first in the many god damn ads and corn jokes.
Is Iowa a "flat" state? Cant stand living somewhere where the geography is flat and all the same. Probably why low crime since no one wants to live there.
Yeah no thanks. I'm sure the scenery is nice in places, but I like mountains, trees and hills way too much.
>the geography is flat and all the same.
corn does not grow well on mountains.
You wouldn't be growing much without all the government subsidies, welfare queen.
We'll see what's up in 100 years when you drain the Ogallala Aquifer just to make biodiesel and corn puffs.
Decently based over here.
Had a friend move to north GA from Texas. He would get car sick constantly because he was used to the flatness of west TX and couldn't handle the mountains.
New Hampshire is the freest state in the country. Completely based
The snuff can ring in the jeans pocket was a really nice touch. Gig 'Em.
Fast food is degenerate, user. Nothing based about someone waiting in line at a Taco Bell. Take some pride in yourself and stop eating that trash.