Why do you support the orange muppet?

Why do you support the orange muppet? On a scale of 1 to Palin I'd say he's a 9.

He talks about MAGA while outsourcing whenever he can.
He makes shit up whenever he can and tries to weasel himself out of it, like with the ISIS founder bullshit.
His tax plans are full on retarded and only for the rich to become even richer.
His other economic plans are retarded, unworkable and not supported by any economists who aren't complete retards with their heads up some conservative's ass.
His campaign team is fully retarded, his spokeswoman doesn't know her shit and now the campaign is headed by a Breitfart moron and the shady Manafort got BTFO.
He has changed his positions on everything to appeal to racist morons, only to turn around again after his campaign tanked going full >muh blacks only to get a retarded jab in at Hillary.
He behaves like a 5 year old when something doesn't go his way as he is used to and insulting his political opponent is his MO.
He insulted a holy American cow, a dead veteran's family and especially his mother.
He goes to Lousiana while being asked not to come to not obstruct relief efforts just to make a retarded tweet about Hillary "sleeping".
He has a literal >who? for running mate who is also ass backwards in his policies.
He looks like an orange muppet.
He has no understanding of politics, let alone international politics.

So why, all memeing aside and yes he is great material, but not more than a laughing stock outside your MAGA echo chamber, why do you root for the orange muppet?

I support him because people like you fear him.

I don't fear him, he's a great source of amusement because it's not my country being ruined by conservashits like yours is.

go back to arabistan, ahmed

>it's not my country being ruined by conservashits like yours is

Fucking Germany said this hahaha. Oh god the irony..


No, your country is being ruined by white guilt and liberal overreach. You will be on your knees awaiting your decapitation before long, Hans.

You can deflect all you want, at least we won't have a completely incompetent orange muppet running for any relevant office soon.

So why do you support the orange muppet anyway?

Shill thread, post your best gore and nigger hate.

Because Hillary is a globalist traitor, and Trump is a nationalist.
It's really that simple.
t.Bern victim

because turk smell like you are upset

Your country is being ruined by a childless east German commie shit who has zero stake in the future of your nation.

She is literally menopausal and mentally ill.

CTR slide thread
report,hide, and sage

Don't get baited into a fight. Your first mistake is thinking that you're arguing with a white german.

>judging people on their skin color
Nice Muhammad.

Why are Germans so xenophobic?

I see CTR has offices in Europe too now.

Fuck off you dumb nigger kraut. Go suck some merkle cunt you faggot.


>Germancuck wondering why other nations don't want to be fucked in the ass by third worlders

Too obvious

>I see CTR has offices in Europe too now.
Just proxies to avoid campaign laws
CTR slide thread
report,hide, and sage

It's weird to think anyone could support such an obvious narcissist and an ignorant idiot. Then you remember the types of people who support him: self-involved, ignorant idiots.

Are you ok?


So, because you have no other choice as a conservative?

Because he is, as Yeb! described, the chaos candidate.


>He insulted a holy American cow
over the line