I hate the both of right-wing and left-wing.
Centrism is the best
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I just hate niggers and want my country to be 100% white.
well done
Hate is so off-cenntric. I prefer to dislike them
I disagree and agree with both.
I want Aska's boi Pucci.
Centrism is just the inability to deal with your emotions when it comes to sticking to principle
Only if your principles are radical
Centrism is a refusal to take a side, mostly taking that position to feel above both sides. "BOTH choices are bad, there's no difference!"
Of course fucking japan would.
You got bombed by the burgers and invaded by the soviets
or it means you're as far as you can be from being a nigger and are de facto more rational
>nips 1 nigger and 2nd
>US 4 niggers and DQ
>not apolitical
I just come to this board to watch retards.
wtf happened to japan
you're a kike that makes shill threads and tries to derail threads but only ends up driving out more hatefacts
>you're a kike
You say "kike" as if it is something bad
one mixed blood of japanese and jamaican.
Well considering they started both world wars it does have a dirty connotation behind it.
how did that even happen?
Very useful to shake people out of their stupor, but that quote is apocryphal.
Here are the actual excepts from an official translation into English courtesy of Quoteinvestigator:
“Master, what is it that I hear? Who are
those people so defeated by their pain?”
And he to me: “This miserable way
is taken by the sorry souls of those
who lived without disgrace and without praise.
They now commingle with the coward angels,
the company of those who were not rebels
nor faithful to their God, but stood apart.
And I, looking more closely, saw a banner
that, as it wheeled about, raced on so quick
that any respite seemed unsuited to it.
Behind that banner trailed so long a file
of people-I should never have believed
that death could have unmade so many souls.
These wretched ones, who never were alive,
went naked and were stung again, again
by horseflies and by wasps that circled them.
The insects streaked their faces with their blood,
which, mingled with their tears, fell at their feet,
where it was gathered up by sickening worms.
triggered much?
how do you grasp that quote?
is it the middle of the road people who are just happy with the way things are?
It is in reference to the neutral angels.
But also, being centrist doesn't mean you're 'neutral' on every issue. It generally means you take policies from both sides of the spectrum. You'll end up arguing for the policies you pick as hard as a lefty or righter would.
A historical example would be mussolini's fascism. He frequently claimed his politics were a form of radical centrism.