How much money is rich to you ?
How much money is rich to you ?
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'bout 3.50
Considering the following funds are strictly for recreational use:
$60,000 for wealthy
$300,000 for rich
can ya spare a dollar mate?
cenlink gimme next wesday, pay ya back then cuz
lyin cunt centlink comes in monday
>$197 million net worth
How does she have so much money?
Isn't she an obscure actress?
ahhh come on got no fuckin durries, why ya gotta be a cunt?
Wealthy is more than rich
Enough to invest for an annual return equivalent to about £15k with minimal risk i.e. step bond type. Enough not to have to work ever again, put it that way.
So roughly £900,000.
I didn't mean it, fuckin missus is on my back. can I raid ya ashtray at least?
Depends on the location and cost of living there. There's a HUGE difference between San Francisco, New York City, the rural Midwest, and the deep South.
What's considered rich in one is dirt poor in another, and what's considered rich in another is considered obscenely rich.
ok m8 but dont go takin me dollas
when you can spend around 5000 each month for the rest of your life without working anymore and don't run out of money.
for me it would be around 3.500.000, assuming i'm getting 85years old.
where are they just so ya kno I can avoid em and ya know
whats the go with that cunt cross the road? he still sellin? I owe him ay, can you go get me a j bag ill shout ya, ya gotta get it on tik tho, I'm good for it bro
ill get you a stick mate
ONE stick dont be comin around this arvo asking for more
I wouldn't rest until I got 20 million. That's enough to live very comfortably off the money itself and as long as my descendants maintain it they will enjoy it too.
Anything over 2 million in fuck you money.
100k+ euros for wealthy
1 mirrion for rich
I don't remember if this was you or not, but there was an user saying that their life goal was to earn some non-round number, and they wouldn't be satisfied until they do so.
I think they said $18,000,000 for some reason? Was that you? I always found that super weird that they didn't just round up to $20,000,000.
if you can eat every day you are a fucking rich privileged faggot
maaaate I wouldn't do that, it better be good weigh up n shit. whats the naybas name again? used to go to scool wit his sister. they just bought a new car ay.. they growin or sumfin?
That's not me
>How does she have so much money?
By building a billion dollar business.
fuckin cunt your takin ages getting me that stick, what you and that dropkick across the road fuckin smoking it on me, nah fuck you i'm not shoutin you anything dog your fucked mate. I come round here offer a sesh and you smoke it with that faggot fuckin mutt cunts the lot of ya
ahhh I'm fuckin sorry, catch ya at the trevs later cuz
this reminds me of a fuckin tiprat back in brisbane who knocked on my door at 10pm asking if he could strain my bong for resin. told him to get fucked. didnt have a bong anyways, only smoked joints.
Rich = at least 50 milion euros / dollars
Wealthy = at least 10 milion
Well-off = at least 1 milion
Comfy = at least 500.000 euros/bucks
Money for rainy days = at least 50.000
Just having a bunch of savings = anything under 50.000
why do you think rich is more than wealthy? it's the other way around
enough for being able to do what you want and when you want it, hard to put a price tag on it
I dunno, I think of rich as filthy rich.
And I think of wealthy as just having a small fortune.
You can switch them around, if it's not accurate.
2 Billion
Not even kidding, Rich means Vanderbilt Rich not having a couple mil in hedge funds.
Why do Australians use cunt in every possible opportunity?
6 million!
my mates mum's dealer's ex came to our place when I lived with some school mates and did the same. we'd just cleaned it so she ended up cutting metal and smoking it. we didn't even know her name, just let her in because we bought from her ex through my mates mum (we were like 17). threw the bong away after. fucking fiends kek
cunt, ill teach you to smartmouth me cunt, fuckin cunt. treat me like a cunt will ya cunt
If I ever made 100k a year and were single I'd nut. If I had a family I wouldn't want the wife to work and I'd have at least 3 kids so 100k could also take care of them and we could live relatively modestly but i wouldn't be rich then.
Should keep you and your children above a painful, shitty middle or lower class life for at least a generation.
But yeah you'd have to be careful.
Lmao, this is why I sometimes wish I had an Australian friends for bantz.
Canadians are giving boring.
Im a mutli thousandaire. Feels good
why cunt we be friends
it pains me to say this, but some bottom tier bogans really do drop to nigger levels of scumminess and petty villiany....
yeah mate, I lock my dog in the house at night because fuckheads sell dogs they steal to pricks to train their pitties. the dis-concern is what really gets me. like taking shit without even acknowledging that who their taking it from has kids or whatever. scum is scum no matter what the appearances are