Auckland ( Biggest, foreigner filled city in New zealand, think new Zealand Berlin) university has made a great new video apologizing to our natives for being evil whites. While girls in 1700 clothing prance around to a justin beiber song saying sorry. They even have white guys crawling on the ground infront of a strong independent dark skinned man
>Sup Forums destroy them in comments
>go full damage control and elete comments ratings
>seem to have opened comments back up
Fight white guilt even in irrelevant countries
White guilt cucks crawling back for more
>ratings disabled
looks like the like to dislike ratio tanked even harder than yesterday and they disable. top kek
Thanks Dad
Is there a better way to admit your video is a steaming pile of shit than disabling the ratings?
>they thought it was reddit for the longest time
>that comment where they imply our comments proves them right
Sorry the video is banned in germany.
the rest of the vids on their channel are worse
>not using proxtube
>new Zealand also has white guilt cucks
nowhere is safe
>new Zealand also has white guilt cucks
we still have natives
crucify them
>think that where i live is safe, far away from the major cities
>tfw one day at local uni there was one teacher who said some shit about how "white genes are weaker than black genes and will be wiped out one day" and got triggered and a guy making a blowjob joke to his friends
>she was bordering on hambeast level and wore non-standard glasses
Indeed nowhere is safe, portubro
why are nz women always so average looking
That's being kind m8
what the fuck are you doing new zealand lmao
even the poms look far better than ours
Even worse
another thing why are kiwi women so hideous looking?
I see no problem with this video. Why are poltards being easily triggered by this kind of thing? They bitch about blacks committing crimes and stealing bicycles, but they claim " we whitez dindu nuffin we wuz gud bois towards natives and shiieet." Wew.
Kiwi slags are like brits with thicker jaws and calves.Rank.
holy fuck who made kiwis this way? Do whites just create things to be cucked about when we don't have niggers in our society?
its like a meme has come real
It's intellectually dishonest. Fucking nips, I swear, using a women's language what cucks.
Typically they were once cute when they were a teenager and put out a lot. The normie guys got used to these chicks putting out and, as they stopped caring about appearing attractive to males, they started putting on weight which fucked their already below-marginally-attractive faces and bodies. But the teenage boys were still horny, so these sluts kept getting dick. Over time, this normalised fucking ugly sluts to the normie guys, so the women had even less reason to put any effort into their bodies because they can go out and get sex whenever they want because there's 20 desperate faggots who're into that kind of disgusting pig-faced, nose stud, unbrushed teeth, solid handful of stomach fat cunt every time they so much as slide their fat asses into a skirt so short it exposes their grotesque pussies and wander of shitfaced into town.
tl:dr they don't have, or need, self-esteem
but why is it only here nz that they are so bad even the USA has good ones
Probably because our women are the sluttiest.
There are some cute chicks here, it's just a shame that most of them are retarded
NZ if you don't get your shit together you'll get colonised by us within the next 50 years.
try 20, m8
Can't wait for the day that mandarin becomes AUS and NZ's official language :^)
Well, that was fucking rubbish. I thought we had got past this shit by giving them a lot of passes in our country, even the Waitangi Tribunal.
all of this reminds me of the pilot for king of the hill with that faggot Los Angeles transplant into Arlen bringing his idiotic, brainless liberalism and creating problems where they don't exist. Liberalism is a mental disorder
Colin Craig was right when he said nz women are the most promiscuous women in the world
You have a city one letter off from Cuckland?
>Biggest, foreigner filled city in New zealand, think new Zealand Berlin
Petition to have the name changed.
too late
maoris want to change it to Tamakimakaurau
oh shi-
You better fucking believe it won't happen peacefully, cunt.
No, they really are. A 2007 study showed that our women have had an AVERAGE of 20.4 sexual partners. I don't know if it's just because it's normalised now since the feminists have shifted the Overton Window, but it seems like hypersexuality's gotten worse in our country since then. I can only imagine how fucking slutty our women 9 years later.
Tell them what Cuckland would mean.
They're go for it.
Maoris can get fucked
my mum says she remembers the days when 7 made you a slut
Probably why this kiwi bloke is with my aussie sister haha
I helped her reach that number. She got used to the name
>niggerish behaviour shouldn't be cause for arrest and imprisonment because their great great great grandfather/cousin four times removed traded for a gun from the british and embarked on a genocidal crusade against some other savage tribe
7 was a complete whore, 5 was a slut. 3 and the neighbourhood was talking behind your back.
From the ones I see on a daily basis, Kiwi women seriously aren't marriageable.
Well, white people did steal 3 continents. If you choose to stay in any area outside of Europe, the least you can do is apologize.
>Kiwi women seriously aren't marriageable.
this is too bloody true, even our so called "christian" are left wing whores
That rolls off the tongue fucking easily.
I'm trying to find a good, conservative, traditionalist woman but I doubt it'll happen here. Chances are I'll end up going offshore for work and trying my luck wherever I end up.
Had one girlfriend. She cried when I said I supported Trump and guarantee he will win, then held a grudge and wouldn't talk to me for half a day when I #CTR'd her about the Lugenpresse's bullshit towards him. As soon as she started talking to me again, I dumped her. Fucking not putting up with that shit.
its actually not bloody fair why our women are the worst in the world
its better than this which is an actual place in the hawke's bay
Are you shitting me?
beats your welsh place doesn't it
Home to some of the most beautiful places in the world, home to some of the ugliest, skankiest women in the world.
It's just not right.
>It's just not right.
it actually is unfair every other country has at least 10% non slut women but we don't
>cried when I guaranteed trump will win
Because she realized that she was dating a retard
They've been disabled mate
There are shills this early jeez
even the south africans know whats up
Yeah, can't even remember the name of that. I know some Taffies who can't even pronounce that shit.
But that goes without saying in New Zealand.
We need to squash the leftist shit in the mainstream here, maybe it'll help some.
>he's on the wrong side of history
I love that they have to go "Hey, look, here's an airbrushed, professional photo of a New Zealand woman who wasn't completely ugly once", but forget that it's not the past anymore, it's CURRENT YEAR (pic related).
Side note, was it her who Trump bragged about fucking in the ass?
she also fucked off to australia
pretty hot desu
These look like high school girls who get their information from facebook rather than university students
Mate zggrt443 is clearly a pollack trolling that bitch.
>9gag is secret af
What a king.
She has a child's understanding of genetics if she thinks that's how it works.
>Fight white guilt even in irrelevant countries
Do not be so hard on yourself, you are relevant sheep fucker.
>We will never be blamed for our raids
Feels good man
>Giving them exposure
What the fuck are you doing you retard
m8 we don't even have an official language, you're probably looking for "defacto main language"
the thing is, this is the correct way for are women to be in are white culture, but the problem is, are culture is no longer allowed to rule, and primal cultures abuse it
man, this is sad. i remember going to auckland uni back when the anarchist cookbook was still painted on the walls near the student union. Was a pretty good school back in the day. a shame.
Aus law way better anyway
Thanks America.
Every day that goes by i hate you a little more.
>shitting on the crown
Oh boy am I assblasted
maori and fucking sign language are official here but english is not
South Island secession when?
Stewart Island secession when?
they'll need to take invercargill with them oterwise they're fucked
>hurr durr these bitches think crackers need to apologise for racism
>I know, we'll call them nigger lovers in the comments section!
>kiwi women apparently sluttiest in the world
>still a virgin at 25
thats because they want chad and not you
This. ^
Why are women so awful?