What podcasts should i listen to on a 15 hour flight?

what podcasts should i listen to on a 15 hour flight?
i have listened to every single JRE (except the MMA and bowhunter and female guest ones) since day one but i want to try something else for once.

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Try the latest Eddie Bravo one, Ben Shapiro, Jamie Foxx for memes, and lastly the Alex Jones ones for memes. Most of the new ones are pretty trash.

hardcore history with dan carlin

get learned

Norm MacDonald live.

this on repeat for 15 hours

>except female guests

Wow how very manly of you to automatically discredit an entire podcast due to the chromosomes of one of the speakers

You sure are tough dude

The Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast.

High Society Radio
Drew & Mike
Part of the Problem
Nick Dipaolo

Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show

>latest Eddie Bravo one 3/10
>Ben Shapiro 6.5/10
>Jamie Foxx for memes 0/10
>Alex Jones 7.5/10

>i have listened to every single JRE
im pretty sure this makes you some kind of a cuck considering how much of a committment that it

>except female guest
Co-ed podcasts can be pretty comfy just avoid the overly nerd-culture obsessed podcasts and all female breakfast clubs podcasts

i need background noise 24 hours a day, and i don't like music.
i have also listened to every opie and anthony clip available online.

Fatherland, The Daily Shoah and Fash the Nation are good, just remember that Mike Enoch's wife is a fucking kike and take everything he says with a pinch of salt.

Hardcore History

I've been listening to podcasts since 2001. All the best ones have come and gone and 90% of the current ones are absolute garbage that only exist to push commercials on you. Cum Town is mediocre with a cringe fan base. LPOTL is Reddit humor yelled by three unfunny faggots. Literally the only podcast I actively listen to daily is Red Bar Radio. Don't be fooled by the gay name, it's been around for over 13 years and it is still great. It's the only show where you'll find comedy that uses the word nigger or makes fun of gays without being edgy or tryhard. It's the last great podcast.

What about audiobooks?

going to thailand to practice muay thai?


cumtowns pretty great

>except the MMA ones
>the only topic he's remotely knowledgeable about
so you tune in for the pseudo-intellectual ramblings and product shilling?

15 hour flight, eh?
Only one answer and no one has posted it.

An audiobook version of Ted Kaczynski's manifesto.

He'd really appreciate it


Jordan Peterson's biblical lectures. You might have to rip them from jewtube tho...

this, norm

true capitalist radio

after hearing nick mullen on real ass podcast i enjoy cumtown less now, because i know it could be twice as hilarious if nick wasn't hamstrung by his gay friends. stav and andy just aren't on the same level

the female guests are shit you cuck, and stop projecting your feelings about masculinity

The one with the Phelps girl is pretty fascinating though.

fuck off, nick


Radio lab is very entertaining

The Rhonda Patrick episodes are pretty good my dude, but you need pen and paper to write all the shit she says or nothing will stick.

yeah is she the ex-wbc girl?


Ghost has been my dude for almost 10 years now. It's too bad he's a Jew in a wheelchair.

I'm not a cripple! shove it up your ass!

There have been so many episodes, you could probably start over, and they would be new to you again.

What an edge lord, you ignored the memes part on Alex Jones so you could give everything relatively shit scores to look smart. well you just look like a goofus

Jim Norton

came here to say this. the rhonda patrick ones are by far my favourite.
the amber lyon podcasts are good as well, a bit old though.

The Dick Show is the most incredible podcast ever only surpassed by its predecessor The Biggest Problem In The Universe which was canceled sadly.