Do you support same race relationships?
why is it bad to not racemix?
can we uncuck the social websites somehow?
race mixing isn't bad but your whole geno would be lost in one generation if you all did it at once.
I don't mind race mixing if it's an isolated and spotaneous phenomenon.
What's bothering me is that it's being used by the globalists' agenda in order to found a civilization with no sense of identity.
Honestly I used to be a frothing at the mouth storm fag until I lost ny virginity to a qt Dominican girl now I really wouldn't mind racemixing with a black or latina girl with mostly European features personally.
On the whole however I'm still opposed to white countries becoming non white however.
This. Forcing shitskin immigrants in and then memeing blandaing up in the media.
all the great races are the result of a mixture, the key is to not introduce too foreign genetics, they have to be similar enough to bridge the gap or you end up with mongrels
i don't care about race
if you're a neet, you better not breed
if you're productive, we get sexually active
Don't mind it
I've always wanted a huge aryan family, but every white girl that I've met has been shit or has had really shit politics.
I met a Brazilian chick that I am 1000 percent comfortable around because she's exactly like me to a really strange extend. She has a really healthy relationship with her father and a great political viewpoint so yeah..
Idk. i kinda wanna blanda after all because proper sensibilities are more important than mere preservation of my race while living in misery and not truly being open with my opinions.
there are a lot of weird protestant cult religions in the north filled with blonde blue eyed nordics who try to have as many children as possible to spread their religion, join one of them
is this Sup Forums ?
I'm soon going to marry a qt Indonesian girl.
White women are garbage.
It's not that people don't approve of others doing it, it's that they don't want it to happen to their families. My parents told me that if I get a nigress gf they would kick me out and disown me.
I never understood why the care is shown to race, eat race should have its own homegrown, and be a completly neutral state, closed boarders
read some houston stewart chamberlain
Race mixing isn't bad if it's between smart girl and smart dude. The actual European race mixing is bad because it's between dumb negros and dumb white chicks.
Yea but that shit happened like twice since the first age
Yup, nothing wrong with them. Or with interracial ones either.
we need to purify
I support relationships of individuals, no matter their race as long as they actually care about each other. If one person has preference for this or that, it's their right to go with it.
I do hate making an agenda out of it, actively dis/encouraging people to do so with research that turns out to be false or biased (in a way of including only bad/good aspects and excluding the others) and I do hate blatant false accusations about people who prefer/do not want to have sex with individual of different race as racial treason or racism.
i wish they would release cross breeding stats, i only ever see one race stats. I think indians and britih and a fairly good mix
I fixed your meme
Adding obvious bias to the same message isn't fixing a meme.
But I'm not really that religious and enjoy being miserable so long as I can freely voice my misery
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