How would you like you pickle rick?
How would you like you pickle rick?
With mayo?
I hope he never turns back.
how does pickle rick fart and what does it smell like?
Holy shit Season 3 Episode 2 was complete dog shit looks like the Meme finally is dead.
Memea aside am I the only one who doesn't find R+M funny in the slightest?
I don't understand why it's so highly regarded, feels like watching Family guy but without the punchlines
If you watch Rick and Morty I wish great physical harm upon you.
Ugh. You're just so UGH.
They showed some extra scenes from Episode 3, it's already terrible female jewish tripe
>My father turned himself into umm a pickle
>Hmmm I see how does that make you feel?
do you guys like my tattoo?
i like it, do you like mine?
Dan Harmon looks like fucking shit
How long until he dies?
this can't be real
100% true. I'll out myself as someone who enjoyed a lot of the first two seasons merely to make this point: that episode was fucking terrible. I didn't laugh once and cringed multiple times.
And S3 Ep 1 looked kinda promising as well
I've been on vacation for two weeks without any internet except occasional whatsapp. What is this epic new meme?
Do phoneposters make threads and talk to themselves about things they don't like, is that normal on this website?
GRRM will go before him
What the fuck did you cunts do to me, I'm actually starting to like pickle rick now
Big guuy!
For meeee!
Big guuuuuuuy!
>self referential jumping the shark scene
>in a show Sup Forums hates because le reddit menace
>gets spammed to shit
>somehow this fucking shitty club song from back when I was at university gets associated with it
>dabbing randomly added on top of it
>its coalesced into this gigantic clusterfuck
10/10 pls be real
Someone post the pastas
rickbutt! XD
hire this man
i fucking hate each and every one of us so much
If this doesn't get stickied on Sup Forums swaglord has no balls
If that's the kind of shit you want to see stickied, then maybe you're on the wrong board.
Don't you fucking dare tell me with straight face that Sup Forums has standards
It used to ;_;
This is just like Harmony on Sup Forums 6 years ago
Listen to the disdain in his voice. It almost pains him to talk about Pickle Rick. He know's that he's doomed his show by hiring (((female))) riters but can never admit it.
Sup Forums dropping any and all standards is the reason why we have some of the best spawned memes
Pickle Rick is in the house tonight!
If that's all you can remember, then you've missed out.
But no, it's not like that at all. harmony was good.
This is shit. Most of Sup Forums's maymays come directly from reddit now.
What you're saying is that Sup Forums is good now because it has become reddit's bitch.
post yfw they put party rock anthem in the show
I remember chanology protests and tom green raids
also gontlemen
am I an oldfag?
if you were, then you wouldn't support this faggotry.
> Most of Sup Forums's maymays come directly from reddit now.
Are you one of those people that false flags on ribbit and uses it an excuse to claim something comes from there?
I hope not, because I can't imagine anything more pathetic.
All Sup Forums memes are stolen by reddit and made popular there
That used to be the case, now the opposite is true.
You landed a nice fish, but you can stop now.
you can stop now
New milhouse