combat encounter with the enemy!
I am sure those 200 billion you spent really were put to good use intercepting a bunch of Soviet era SU-24s!
combat encounter with the enemy!
I am sure those 200 billion you spent really were put to good use intercepting a bunch of Soviet era SU-24s!
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I thought they weren´t allowed to fly in syria?
When will you fulfill your self-defense NATO obligations Germany?
I guess you're just jealous of American air power, Muhammad.
hey better this than funding more welfare for minorities to keep having 15+ kids with
>When will you fulfill your self-defense NATO obligations Germany?
When you stop invading countries to kill dictators without consulting us first.
After Hillary's second term, maybe.
Germany too busy trying to create muh European army.
>we never saw them coming
>durka durka allahu akbar durka durka
>without consulting us first.
>implying Germany or EU without UK is relevant anymore
Stick some bubble gum on those planes and they get as visible as a fucking moon rocket on even an amateur radar.
>tfw subliminal advertising for vegeta
>>implying Germany or EU without UK is relevant anymore
Yes, I am implying that.
EU - 1.6 million active soldiers with the UK
EU - 1.45 million active soldiers without the UK
Mein Merkel knows full well what's going on, desu.
>america has a plane that can shoot anything else from the sky
>it is so effective that air superiority exists the second it hits theatre
>this is somehow a waste of money
Guess it's time to put this boy to work.
Why have your own army when you can co-opt everyone elses? They are nothing mroe than blonde jews.
This seems like a lot of effort went into it, but to what end?
spoken like a true ANGLO
F-22 still wins.
>implying raptor is best stealth ac ever
America has an F-22... which "engaged" old SU-24s, by telling them "could you please leave?"
And that is the only achievement of the F-22 in 30 years since the program was launched.
Does that even count as a combat encounter?
I'm not going to shill for this military embarrassment. The F-16 still outperforms this pile of shit. It's doesn't do anything exceptionally well and performs a multitude of functions on a mediocre level at best.
How about another kind of encounter?
>f22 is 1980's technology
Imagine what we're cooking up in the skunkworks now
That isn't even a valid argument, why would the Americans put bubblegum on their Raptors, let alone anything that compromises the stealth before they achieve air superiority?
You're jealous Muhammad, how are those shitty Typhoons and Tornados going for you?
you are a fucking retard and i want you shot at dawn
F15E maybe, the F16 is just a budget model
>implying it works
>mfw F-14 reks everything in this thread
What were US special forces were doing in Daesh bakeries?
>Imagine what we're cooking up in the skunkworks now
It's called "drones" and they fly without pilots in them. We have known that is the future since the 1990s.
PLUS, low tech, low cost ground attack aircraft like pic related are needed. They cost 1 million dollars and just a few hundred dollars of fuel for a mission.
you are just as stupid
the F-22 is the greatest air superiority aircraft ever designed
it can take out 8 (eight) F-15s without the F15 pilots even knowing there was another aircraft in their airspace and before the F22 the F15 was the greatest air superiority fighter ever designed
you are all fucking retards
Piloted planes are done.
We're going to be killing chinks and slavs with robots while sustaining zero casualties.
Within' 20 years we'll be 100 years ahead of the east.
why do you have these saved?
You're a degenerate, go sleep on a road you fucking abo.
Is nothing sacred?
>it can take out 8 (eight) F-15s without the F15 pilots even knowing there was another aircraft
But any advanced Russian fighter can pick it off from 150km away with the new passive radar Russia and China have developed in the 90s.
The F-35 is even worse.
It did it's intended job, and did it well.
Call it a live fire test.
>Within' 20 years we'll be 100 years ahead of the east.
Within 20 years, America will have an 80% obesity ratio and the F-35 will still not be operational.
if you think of it that way
>it can take out 8 (eight) F-15s
That same passive radar that allows Russia to shoot down their own planes?
you dont know shit about military aircraft
just shut up
The F35 is operational right now
Syria confirmed for KEKED.
>get out of the airspace over your sovereignty
>he actually believe this putin news network malarkey
If that were true Russia or China would already have cucked us, but instead they are forced to tongue our assholes and live under the Petrodollar.
Keep sucking that chinoslav cock.
Good thing they don't stick bubble gum to their planes.
it's not degenerate if it's heterosexual
I thought the su24 was faster
maybe they're trying to drag the us into a fight.
they don't have permission from assad to be in syria
>not allowed to fly somewhere
Pick one.
>When will you fulfill your self-defense NATO obligations Germany?
How are they supposed to do that while being an occupied country?
>achmed seems upset that germany has turned into an irrelevant slum just in time for him to get citizenship
Germany would lose to Russia within a month.
America could invade Siberia and ass fuck Moscow within 6 months.
This is degeneracy I can get behind.
Swiss denied there air space to us forces.
You had to go around.
>200 billion$ aircraft
>no asymmetric TV
Seriously lockheed, wtf.
No plane is invisible to radar. stealth is about minimizing radar cross-section and the amplitude of response. stick a gum on it- and you get a radar cross-section the size of a gum.
Radars are calibrated to ignore these sizes, because otherwise, every flying cockroach and bird will show up on screen.
>"it flies!"
>not actually stealth yet
>izdellye engines not ready yet
>using temporary in-stock 117 engines to show it can fly, maximum performance are about 70% what the specs for the final product say
do you know anything about the combat ability of the f22? its quite literally the greatest air superiority fighter ever designed. when they do mock dog fights with F15s the training missions are over before the F15s can even get a radar lock
Just calling a spade a spade. Negroid.
>Best stealth ever
Yes, that's why they were retired after a record breaking 25 years in operation.
what the f is that picture
>Syrian aircraft flying in Syria
>Sir, excuse me sirrr, you can't fly here sirrr
>What? But this is our country
Also why do Americans always say "sir" in such an annoying way?
So did Austria but we just tell other Germany to go fuck themselves.
>european media
Im not clicking that shit
>criticizes another country's military budget
>pays 10 Euro for a cup of coffee
>pays 50 Euro for a basic meal at a restaurant
>subsidizes own ethnic replacement
>pays Jizya via taxes
>If that were true Russia or China would already have cucked us, but instead they are forced to tongue our assholes and live under the Petrodollar.
What are nukes?
The only reason there are no major conflicts between major countries these days are nukes. The F-22 has nothing to do with it.
>The F35 is operational right now
In your dreams. What operational flights has the F-35 completed? What missions has it flown? Eh?
Because we can't call everyone nigger these days.
do you even have an airforce hakim?
It's in operation right now, they're currently rolling off the assembly line.
>had to
>implying we weren't just being polite
If so than i would think she'd be against the war in Iraq, seeing as the one and only reason for that war was the fact that Sadam wanted to back oil with euros
operational doesnt mean what you seem to think it means
We have fought the chinks and Russians directly in the skies over Korea and Vietnam.
Every single time we blow those mudbloods out of the sky at a 12-1 ratio at the very least. And it never started a nuclear war, even when we were shooting Russian Mig pilots out of the sky.
You're a fucking idiot, millennial kid.
>he fell for Jewbamas speeches
>get jammed
Cleared for active combat
Sir, step out of the vehicle! Keep your hands in the air. No, put them down. On your knees. Now lie down, sir! Spread your legs! Put them together again. Now on your knees! Hands down I said! Move backwards! NO, sir, not on your knees, stand up! Get down immediately! Put your hands on the back! Sir, could you please confirm you have no mobile phone? Confirm, sir! I am gonna shoot, sir!
>American State Department and CIA finance civil war in Syria
>openly call for Assad to be deposed
>send American special forces into Syria (this is sometimes called an invasion)
>Syrian planes keep an eye on the invaders
>American jets swoop in to make sure the Syrians mind their own business
>American media praises heroic jet pilots
Heh, u mad rationally-thinking individuals? Looks like freedom wins again :^) . Putin is a thug Assad gotta go. Adam and Eve etc. God bless
Commies really can't take a good banter
>when they do mock dog fights with F15s the training missions are over before the F15s can even get a radar lock
You say this like it's a fucking achievement to beat a jet from the 70's.
>better tactics
>Swarm sky with cheap drones
>Detect AA defences
>Take them out
>Fly in the reapers
Were they using that radar when they were shot down by 1970s era SAM technology from Turkey?
say what you will but this plane is fucking beautiful
You didn't say "SIRR" enough
they were protecting our freedoms, user :^)
>air superiority fighter never lost in air-to-air combat ever gets btfo'd 8-0 against a single aircraft
>not significant