How does this image make you feel?
How does this image make you feel?
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Is it supposed to be a boy or a girl?
I don't know what to feel.
Am I artistic?
Just gonna leave this here...
It does not.
No one will believe it. I believe facebook bans pics like this
even if its the same guy ,it makes sense since he is photographer . its his job
give context.
also, those children aren't the same child.
well holy shit.
what the fuck are you even trying to say, you fucking roach?
Jesus, that's so fucked that they're just casually sitting for a photo op with the kid they're about to behead. What is the purpose?
Eh, looks like makeup
He's a fucking terrorist, that's what his job is and since he has no problem hanging around with his besties who chop a boy's head off with a fucking kitchen knife (and for all we know, he probably shot that video too), he very likely has no problem to fake that pic with Omran.
roach defending fellow mudslimes
nothing surprising here
There's a difference between being completely neutral and just documenting things through photography - and taking thumbs up selfies as you're beheading 12 year olds.
Like number one
Its his job to assist in the killing of people and the Aiding and abetting of terrorist propaganda?
Nah sorry roach not fooling me. This is not the first or last time they will be using children as a propaganda tool because everyone feels sorry for them but the people who are woke will understand they are not the one lives on the line.
Fuck that part of the world, maybe if you just figured out your religious problems we could be focusing on important things for Humanity like fuck I don't know improving the space program and actually exploring space?
Nah lets all just fight over this rock we live on and what religion is better than the other.
>ITT third world problems put before the goals and achievements of the rest of humanity.
I feel nothing at all.
Had to force myself to not look away when they sawed the other kids head off with a knife though. And felt disgust and anger at the barbarians.
This bullshit again, we don't care at all so fuck off Mehmet.
That pic should have been saying that Russian Airstrikes are important in preventing this, not achieving it. Makes it sound like they're helping the terrorists, not killing them.
Who the fuck is this kid and why am I seeing him everywhere?
it doesn't
this is just the world we live in
If war comes to your country, you must pick a side or you will be left at the mercy of people who have no intrest in your survival.
I don't trust random .jpgs that gets thrown around so I looked it up and well fuck:
It seems to be legit.
relly maeks u think...
why are we being spammed with this pic every day all day?
sage goes into options
Not any different as I always want to kill every jew.
when u wake up and dont remeber wat hapened last night haha
>velvro shoes
He had it coming. You notice those shoes didnt make it out?
>xD da joos
wow you can speak english?
Thread theme
Someone photoshop first photo to JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP already
he will grow up to be this
I dont give a shit about him
Makes me feel propagandastic.
Honestly, I didn't find it all that shocking. Not that I'm okay with civilians getting hurt in airstrikes, but sometimes it happens (assuming the injuries were from an airstrike). Seriously though there's a war going on there. I'm not sure what people expected. The kid is lucky to be alive. Plus his injuries don't look that severe, he might have internal injuries, but externally just a minor head wound. That's it. He's just covered in dust. Bandage and a shower and it wouldn't look anywhere near as bad. What ever though. Doesn't matter anyways. Much worse is happening over there. The more outraged people are by this photo, usually it's a sign that they don't understand how the world works.
>tl:dr; bad things happen in war. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
I feel nothing. I don't care.
there's something wrong with his neck
Stop projecting you autistic faggot
Look how happy they look to behead an "infidel" child.There is no logical purpose. They are showing that they are doing Allah's work. They don't see it as a vile act. They think, they deserve praise for beheading that child, so they capture it on camera.
desu that little shit can come to my country and i dont fucking care. he can come alone, because he is a child. his military age male father can fuck off and his indoctrinated mother can fuck off. The children can come and we will mold them in our image. The problem is that 99% of the "children" who come turn out to be 25.
Halloween costume idea
How does this image make you feel?
If your best excuse for why the world is how it is is actually blaming the Jews you sound as stupid as people who blame reptilians. There are many reasons why the world sucks. Blaming a benign miniscule group is a pointless affair. Just saying, you snail-eating fuck-monkey.
Twitter is a Saudi website now, you know that?
fuck having laws and borders and shit
Are you fucking retarded?
Makes feel like it's fake. All just stage and makeup to take advantage and rape
>you snail-eating fuck-monkey.
is this a valid insult? i dont even ..
My race and my country has it's own problems to deal with.
Gone are the days where the white man will save every other subhuman.
when that bottom photo came out the MSM were actually pushing this picture here as "powerful" and "legendary" and comparing it to the Tienanmen Tank Man
how does that make you feel?
i cri evrytiem
staged photo.
That won't be covered by western mainstream media.
Sad, that the little rat and his kind are allowed to breath the same air I do.
We should gather them all up, put them back in their shit hole homelands in the middle east, and drop a fucking nuke on them.
Absolutely nothing, other than disgust that it's just pure appeal to emotion to take in more rapefugees. This civil war wouldn't be a thing if Obama did not decide to topple Egypt and Libya, and try to go for 3/3 with Syria.
wow really
Satan speaks
Reminder that these things happen, it's a fucking war for god sake. Putin isn't going out of his way to bomb children.
Reminder the kid didn't remain calm and composed, he was probably in the very early stages of shell shock. Children in particular don't know how to deal with this.
Pic related, a child in the early stages of shell shock from the Chechen war, staring calmly at the camera. Their brain takes a while to register what happens. Imagine standing in a building one minute then BANG blacking out and waking up there's entrails everywhere and the whole place is destroyed. For a child this takes a while to process.
not surprised.
>why gave you their place to these people
your are grammar strong it be.
What it feels like to chew 5 gum
I am not surprised in the least.
I haven't been on Sup Forums in two weeks and the second I saw this kid I knew he'd be blasted on Sup Forums all weekend and used for endless bait threads.
I fucking knew it, shit seemed fishy as fuck from the get go. Never trust emotional appeals.
Yeah because it's technically violence/gore. That's the excuse they use.
Literally nothing
well, whats the right form then?
I'm not trying to run cover for the pig fuckers and their Jewish enablers but I don't see how determining who took the picture makes the kid any less affected by the airstrike.
Makes me feel sad because I'm not a sociopathic mudslime who revels in hurting children, whatever their race.
Nevertheless, one can't forget that their deaths, liek the deaths of so many other innocents, were ultimately caused by the mudslime death cult and that bringing more followers of that insane cult into our countries will not make anything better but will merely increase the likelihood of more innocents being killed by mudslimes in our countries.
Underrated kek.
Makes me feel like european children have enough problems not getting raped by muslim shit like you so fuck off with your propaganda.
What roller coaster is that?
>any image from syria
>beheadings and excutions by ISIS
fake and CGI
>trump losing
fake polls
"anything i dont agree with is fake"
im starting to think holocaust actually happened you poltards
whoa.... really makes me want to go to war with russia so that jihadis can continue holding aleppo
underrated as fuck
stop using the wrong version
rlly makes you think
Shut the fuck up roach
Did you forget that nobody cares about muslims opinions?
Even if 1 billion pregnant children die - i won't give a single fuck.
someone nuke that fucking roachland please
We need to be more precise because clearly he's still alive.
Oh no. I believe the Image is real.
I just just don't give a shit.
Maybe you cared about that kid so much you would invade Syria to stop Assad.
>arab children
Woops, fast fix.
I'm not sure exactly what it's supposed to say, is it asking why we let niggers in instead of the children?
If so, It should be
Why did we gave their place to these people?
We gave their place to these people
second one seems more appropriate to me, a statement, rather than a question.
Why weren't photos of the children murdered in Nice spread all over the news?
One billions Pregnant children kek
Where the fuck did you get that from
Why do liberals only want to hit emotions to get empathy like i rly dont give a single shit about that boy.
Thats just some dank memes.
>he thinks it's assad's fault
I don't think that will get the pulitzer of photography this year, not a bad make up but don't have that extra punch needed to win.
Makes me feel like the crooked media exploits these boys as an appeal to emotion in order to further an agenda rather than objectively stating the facts like they're supposed to. And people will eat it up.
>is it asking why we let niggers in instead of the children?
Why did you gave
not correct?
>crooked media exploits
Well, at least some people can see how they are shilling nonstop.
Good post, didn't expect that from your flag.
Sad that children are suffering.
I am pragmatic enough however to realise that children suffering is pedestrian in warzones and you do not give in to evil because war is horror.