"pure" Muslim women meme

Turns out that the Qatari princess Sheikha Salwa is into gangbangs with European men
>The suspect during investigation admitted that the Qatari princess, called Sheikha Salwa, a daughter of former Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani, had agreed with him through an intermediary to bring in men of special physical qualities who have experience in specific ways of collective sex in exchange of a lot of money.

>The Qatari princess asked him this time to bring six men at once, and asked him to stay in the apartment hall until they leave for fear of violence by anyone of them, as had happened in previous visits.

Other urls found in this thread:


She was even paying them
>The princess in answering security personnel questions said it is not prostitution for money, but she is paying the money to the men, and as far as she knows this is not in violation of the British law. But police told her it is against the law to use a man who has a criminal record or men for prostitution. Unlike other laws, British law men prostitution outside the law is punishable and that she sought sexual services outside the British law.


>that's my fetish

Gonna need more pics ASAP

>middle East news agency

fuck off

>Slutty Arabian princess with a harem

I did not request a boner at this time.


>butthurt mudslime damage control.

No paper or website is going to post a story accusing a princess by her full name of breaking the law through soliciting prostitution . The U.K. Has the strictest libel courts in the world.

There are dozens of other news agencies reporting on the Qatari prime minister's daughter hiring a prostitution ring you can easily see on google searching "Qatari prime minister's daughter prostitution"

Fuck off you damage-controlling, intellectually dishonest mudslime.

He's just brainwashed. Muslims literally believe they can do no wrong. They aren't far from the jews. Ismael an Issac were brothers after all .

Lol apparently the same "princess" (really prime ministers daughter, these desert camel riders have no true royalty) was caught before running a brothel from her apartment a few years ago


>pure muslim women
Translate "prostitute" into arabic via google translate and wonder why they even need all those words. It's like eskimos who have 80 terms for "snow" because they live in it.

Well, it makes sense in a way.
Theocracies tend to work this way, even Mahoma was a pedophile who married a 9 years old child.
The try to control and supress common people sexualities to control them, meanwhile the elites are degenerated as fuck.

Never forget

>The try to control and supress common people sexualities
It's very justifiable in case with arabs, or they would have designated orgy streets. BTW burkas is what sacred prostitutes wore in babylon.


Can she killed for this act of cunting degeneracy?

No. Royals are above the law in muslim countries

How do I seduce a muslim girl?

She likes big uncircumcised cock

>special physical qualities
by allah's grace!

Muh dik

I thought a woman would get stoned to death if she did this?

Sign me up, i'll Bataclan her asshole

>repressing sluts doesn't work
wow who would've thought.

It's fake.

The FT article cited to corroborate this does not exist, and the picture of the woman is not 'Sheikha Salwa' (she doesn't exist) but rather Al Mayassa Al Thani, the daughter of a very prominent man in Qatar but not, I repeat NOT, a Qatari princess.

Also, sage.

Be really religious, I think they tend to think of white people as degenerate atheists, but they're just as degenerate in reality just they try and hide it because of their culture, it's not really hard to attract a Muslim, Iranians seem the easiest though. Just don't start things with the intention of sleeping with them, it's pretty obvious just talk about religion with them even Christianity they seem to really like that you believe in God.

Is this shocking to anyone? Muslim women, like all women, are obsessed with the superior Aryan man.

If you can't hold "important" people accountable for their crimes in US, what makes you think they can do that in sandnigger countries?

Muslims aren't pure, and they are certainly not red pilled. They are degenerates who are all going to hell.


hot as fuck nigga

how do you know about their ethnicity?

Ahahahahaahahhaa... why a lightbulb? Anything glass can break.

>arab men have to pay instagram whores thousands of dollars to shit on them
>arab women pay white men to fuck them

White men are the apex!

First time I heard of a 'slime chick doing this, but then again it's already pretty well documented that wealthy kebab are some.of the most degenerate people in the world by far

Yea Arab women are whores. We had this one girl transfer to my highschool from whereverfuckistan and she let everyone fool around with her my degenerate self included.

>women like sex
Oh wow what a fucking surprise!

No wonder there are so many virgins on Sup Forums


Where the hell do I sign up.

>not gangbanged by superior big black cock

>superior big black cock
I'm not sure who's trolling who anymore.

>Implying she hasn't tried being blacked, bleached, riced, dogged etc

When you are that rich and bored, you try everything. Why do you think rich arab oil sheikhs are obsessed with pooing on instagram models?

Id hit it, run a train with the crew make $$$

so arabs are cucks?

hahaha that isn't why someone posted this article here you autist

I can Arab men know that their women are super sluts and this is the reason for Niqabs and all that "oppression"

Thank you for Hallaling the Record, Ali.

Islamic culture is full of insecure men. Hence why they force their women to cover up.

Are you tall, blond and with a big dick?

Because there is nothing else in Iran

More like big black child




Insta-boner material

If you are an arab you either cover your women up or have them whoring around and you end up being cucked

Honestly, I'm not a fan of the Religion of Peace, and that's putting it mildly; I'm a white English Catholic.

But let's be honest here: we all WANT to believe that it's real (it feeds into our desire for a story about Arabic women being slutty, and being slutty with white men), and as a consequence, very few of us have done any basic fact-checking and accepted a poorly-written, barely-coherent article from a third-rate 'source' as gospel truth.

There is actually an entire tale in 1001 nights about a woman who searched for the most filthy hobo in Baghdad and slept with him in revenge to cheating husband
[spoiler]Husband apologized in the end[/spoiler]


also speaking about arab women who sleeps with European men, werent there a Moroccan pirate princess who took British and Irish slaves and had them for her own personal Harem?

After this stuff gangbang with 7 men is rather innocent and easy to believe

LOL bruh do you know what Somalis are?


Archive for good faith

They look like your kind, Muslim, live in a desert, and usually have piracy for a career.

former muslim here
The only advice I can give is: do not invalidate the religios views of muslims, instead, bombard them with scientific knowledge and scientific data. its the only way.
they are very angry and insecure

Yes, they weren't just talking about just Somalis.

How do you bombard them with scientific knowledge and data without invalidating Islam?

Also, how do I persuade a virginal hijabi to be my wife?

Tell us your story Bosnia.

There is no such thing. One of the most savage insults in Muslim-ese is to call him "sister fucker". It's a sad and strange world outside the fortress of solitude.


>Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani
Muslims, sort your stupid fucktarded names out.

t. Rest of the world, where people have normal names like John Smith or Richard Davidson.


Every civilization has whores, it's a question of scale. You either have hypocisy or full blown degeneracy.

As long as Qatar has positive birth rates they are doing things right.

The only way that works is to know more about islam than them, make them question and ponder their existence and stance on religon and life. The key is to recognize when they have a moment of questioning and uncertainty, then you hammer them with factual knowledge - Muhammad was a pedo and L.Ron Hubbard of Arabia. bring their guard down...

tfw I will never fuck a muslim princess.

Why even live?

Nothing much to tell
>Grow up with muslim parents
>discover philosophy and science
>question everything in life

BAM, fuck islam

Also, hiding my power level has become a way of life in Bosnia.

>they look like your kind

How many Somalis have you seen that look like Freddie Mercury? They look more like your president and most likely you, Jerome.

don't forget about getting paid for that

I didn't get past the first few replies but yeah Muslim girls are sluts. I've been to Iran and if you tell them your zoroastrian you'll get a bunch of girls wanting to jump your bones.

>financial times
>(((Security services)))
>Waiting for your turn in the gangbang... in the hallway

Looks like a smear job imho tbqh familia

Dont believe everything you read

>off air until they lose weight

Lol enjoy small brown and white cocks then

>"suspect" waiting in line
Holy shit how cucked?

The fuck is that? Slavs?

Pretty much. Well that and all the men are rape monkeys

Niqabs were originally created to prevent women from perverts.

It isnt even a muslim thing, it came during the pagan times.

It wasn't always enforced too, If I remember correctly, some of Muhammad's wives didnt wear it

Americans use to be puritan like this, and wear full on body suits to the beach. We had a cultural awakening and realized 95% of what religious leaders were selling was bullshit.

It never actually happened - don't feel too bad.


>discover philosophy and science

Kinda achieved a boner. Sorry. I didn't ask for this.

Bin is like the german "Von"

This story is hot as hell. It said in one of the articles that pictures were taken of her. I wonder if they'll pop up anywhere.

>We had a cultural awakening
You don't seen to understand what "culture" means

>heh, he's ugly so he must be wrong

>"an argument", ever

What's the actual rebuttal in this meme?

How did that not break?

What a disgusting, disgusting child. Happy to kill and torture both.


>princess getting gangbanged
It's just like my hentai


There was also a woman (I think she wasn't a Saudi but a south asian or a southeast asian worker) who put a a huge stick in a little girl's vagina and the girl died, but she got executed publicly.

Just tell Hans this is serious.

The stats from OkCupid showed that whites are in fact the most widely desired race. White males and females were the most likely to be searched for by other races, sometimes even moreso than their own.

Not even shocked.

These shared ghastly experiences are what makes us a true community.

>we are 4channers. the people devoid of any type of soul or conscience. products of cynicism and apathy, spreading those very sentiments daily. anonymous is the hardened war veteran of the internet. he does not forgive or forget. we have seen things that defy explantions. heard stories that would make any god-fearing, law abiding citzen empty their stomach where they stand. we have experienced them multiple times and eagerly await their return.

Calm down Mujo.
