Anybody else notice Tyrion looking obviously distraught over the fact that he caused the death of Lannister soldiers? Is he still /ourdwarf/ ?
Anybody else notice Tyrion looking obviously distraught over the fact that he caused the death of Lannister soldiers...
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I'm talking about leaked episode 4 btw I assume you retards watched it
he's a cuck that wants to destroy the entire westerosi civilization because his dad said some meany words to him
I font understand how dothraki won against wester osi without armor
Also I dont get Why They have no armor but wear just pelts like cavemen
I would say, rather, that the retards are the ones who watched a 360p version of episode 4 because they couldn't wait a few days longer. The ones who then proceeded to casually spoil it for everyone else who didn't.
Don't worry, I wasn't spoiled by (You).
Sup Forums doesn't want to notice it. They obviously are showing Dany going off the deep end and too far in places and how she's beginning to resemble her father. But they just see the "YAAAAS QUEEN SLAYYY" shit and think that the show wants you to be cheering for her the entire time.
can someone post the season spoiler list pls unedited
>a thread about acting on got
>Daddy didn't like me (even though I'm better off than 99% of Westeros and am the luckiest dwarf in the world)
>Better betray my family and everyone I've ever known by siding with the daughter of a tyrannical genocidal king
>Better help this woman bring hordes of mongol savages to rape and pillage my own people
Tyrion is a huge fucking chode
kills army, not civilians, in open field, GOING OFF THE DEEP END
i dont even like her and your retarded
where can i watch the leaked episodes pls?
T.Beta male
It comes out in like 15 hours. It's in 360p.
What are you people?
thx my man
>The quintessential mobilefag
>you retards
wtf why would you say this to us
Yeah, even though Tywin hated him, he made sure Tyrion was well provided. He was given good food, gold, fuck any whore he likes as long as it is in private.
i wanna know what happens not see aryas potato in HD
Not whiny children?
I watched the 360p version on my phone it was great
>wester osi
Why wouldn he be?
They are soldiers in a war, yes, but also they are normal humans.
Yes wait if you can it's the 3rd best episode
Are we going to get a cheesy ending, like Jon and Dany getting married and live happily after?
Mad Queen Dany? That would be more interesting.
I guess it is 4 AM my time. You're probably from a poor country.
I was annoyed at the spoilers, yeah. That makes me a whiny child? This was more about me calling you people plebeians for watching something in shit quality.
I have no doubt you enjoyed it.
He was confronted with the reality of his choices. He's on Dany's side but he has to watch his people get btfo. At least he has something going on this season so hopefully no more cringe small talk.
>winning a battle is going off the deep end
top kek
thanks user. are all episodes leaked?
it will be the cheesy ending of course
grrm made game of thrones because he was frustrated by fantasy tropes and then writes a story with the most cliche ending possible
>I was annoyed at the spoilers, yeah. That makes me a whiny child?
>This was more about me calling you people plebeians for watching something in shit quality.
And why does that bother you? How does it effect you outside of others discussing something that you currently can't because you don't want to watch it in a lower quality?
I haven't watched it yet myself, but I'm not gonna be annoyed by others that have because it'd be fucking weird to let that bother me in any way.
The meeting makes no sense. If all the major players are there, why wouldn't she use that as a chance to kill everyone that poses a threat to her as queen all at once?
this /our/ shit is realy getting tiresome
>CIA dies
and dropped
I think the dragon might've helped.
I think he was more shocked at the devastation a single Dragon did.
It's like watching a nuke go off for the very first time.
Like a true fan, I wait until there's a high quality torrent
You've mixed up your two points.
I am bothered that the story I am watching was partially spoiled, and that I am not going o be able to experience it as it was meant to be experienced. Which I'm prettty sure is perfectly sound logic, no?
I am not annoyed that anyone watched it, or that it was in low quality. The low quality part doesn't matter to me. I just wanted to make fun of those people and let them know that I think they're stupid. And I don't mind the idea of them discussing it, but they happened to discuss it in plain sight, blemishing a future experience of mine.
Was it autism?
>I am bothered that the story I am watching was partially spoiled, and that I am not going o be able to experience it as it was meant to be experienced. Which I'm prettty sure is perfectly sound logic, no?
When you're anywhere but the internet, yes. Especially if you're on Sup Forums. If this is your only source of information then it's fair you missed the many articles across the internet saying the show had been leaked within about 10 minutes of it leaking. Likely even less than that. But it's not logical to have only this place as a source of information.
>I just wanted to make fun of those people and let them know that I think they're stupid.
And I'm sure they think the same as you for different reasons. It's honestly an act of a whining child. It implies you take one episode of a TV series seriously enough to be upset over information from it, that you subjected yourself to, to insult them. Are you forgetting this is the board where people have openly discussed the entire season's spoilers? Where people were posting and discussing the script that leaked for this episode days before this happened? Your own ignorance isn't their fault.
In ep 6 or so Missandei has to specifically spell it out "Dany is evil now" while crying in the arms of her fuccboi no peni
Maybe then normies will get it
>help a mad women to bring a raping horde and a fire breathing monster to your homeland
>watch hundreds of your people get slaughtered
>finally realize that you fucked up
Except that family that loves him so much was going to have him executed
You sound very much like a whiny child, yeah
with what her vagina dentata?
>When you're anywhere but the internet, yes. Especially if you're on Sup Forums. If this is your only source of information then it's fair you missed the many articles across the internet saying the show had been leaked within about 10 minutes of it leaking. Likely even less than that. But it's not logical to have only this place as a source of information.
So me not looking at the internet for a period of time, and then opening Sup Forums sooner than a news sight didn't cross your mind as a possibility?
>And I'm sure they think the same as you for different reasons. It's honestly an act of a whining child. It implies you take one episode of a TV series seriously enough to be upset over information from it, that you subjected yourself to, to insult them. Are you forgetting this is the board where people have openly discussed the entire season's spoilers? Where people were posting and discussing the script that leaked for this episode days before this happened? Your own ignorance isn't their fault.
Huh? I'm not allowed to care about a story? Care about experiencing it without knowing what's going to happen next? That's just dumb. And I was never THAT upset. A little annoyed. It wasn't a finale or anything.
And for the script leaking part: funnily enough I haven't run into anything from that.
So you don't mind spoilers? Call me an idiot or whatever, but nothing I'm saying amounts to whining. Complaint = Whine? Ok. Cool. Good talk.
>I font understand how dothraki won against wester osi without armor
They had horses, the lannisters were on foot. Also they outnumbered them. And the dragons.
I always get confused when people insult me back with something I don't agree with right after I insult them with something I consider well thought out.
Of course I should expect that. I just called them an idiot.
Yeah, seriously. Fuck that fat bitch.
>proceeded to casually spoil it for everyone else who didn't
the entire season was spoiled before episode 1 even aired you fucking mong
>judging a daughter for the sins of her father
But desu Daenerys has enough sins of her own.
Apparently they weren't anywhere near as in-my-face.
>tfw saw leaked plotline for season 8
>tfw jamie kills the night king and saves everyone
>tfw jamie the guy who pushed a kid out of a window while fucking his evil sister will be the most loved character by the end of the show...
Got is the best show in history of tv.
I hope the undead dragon will eat that dumb bitch Daenerys
>So me not looking at the internet for a period of time, and then opening Sup Forums sooner than a news sight didn't cross your mind as a possibility?
It certainly seemed a possibility, just an unlikely one. Personally, if I had come here after weeks of not using the internet (which it would take to be unaware of spoilers here) and saw spoilers, my response wouldn't be to get annoyed at others.
>Huh? I'm not allowed to care about a story? Care about experiencing it without knowing what's going to happen next? That's just dumb. And I was never THAT upset. A little annoyed. It wasn't a finale or anything.
Of course you can. Caring enough to insult others because you saw them discussing an episode you haven't watched, that leaked early, is the part that is childish and whiny.
Being annoyed is fair, but you shouldn't be annoyed at others because they don't share your position regarding ONE EPISODE of a TV series. I don't really think you've considered how it comes across to go out of your way to insult people over something like this.
I'm prepared to drop the spoilers discussion and focus on this part, "you mongs."
He didn't want to kill Jaime or Bronn which is a very reasonable position in my opinion.
Ever heard of Mongolians? You can even look to our history to see why they won.
>I font understand how dothraki won against wester osi without armor
Did you miss the dragon roasting the Lannister soldiers alive?
got is one of the more diverse shows out there. this dudes career is literally a product of diversity
Muh quality faggots are the worst
mongolians had dragons? wow i guess i missed that in history class, u grade a idiot.
Mongolians wore armor when they fought with western armies because they weren't fucking retarded. They used siege weapons too, the image of >muh nomad archers in cloth is somewhat exaggerated.
but dany sacrifices herself to defeat the night king in season 8
More than that, his career is the product of another country's diversity. If the USA wasn't 10% black, Boyega would have never been anywhere near Star Wars or Pacific Rim.
Mongolians wore armour you goofy nigger.
>he actually believes this
Mongolians got in range just enough of the enemy then fired their arrows.. when the enemy advanced they ran away like cowards. Effective but no honor. also why they couldn't hold all the land the conquered.
It's hard to argue the part about being here when I knew the scripts leaked. But nothing was real until screenshots of the leaked episode were next to spoilers.
I wasn't gone for a week. I was gone for the day.
>Of course you can. Caring enough to insult others because you saw them discussing an episode you haven't watched, that leaked early, is the part that is childish and whiny.
Insults are a poor way to handle situations, all things considered. In a perfect world, everyone would have polite discourse.
Insulting, in general, in an immature act. Sure. 99% of this board is immature in that case.
You're problem is that I was insulting someone, when I was in the wrong in the beginning. So don't attack the act of insulting while your on the internet, the land of insulting others. Just tell me that I'm foolish for being here when apparently I should have known about them.
And I guess we'll just be in disagreeance over whether or not I should be upset.
right? imagine the amount of white actors who must have auditioned for his role in star wars who were obviously better.. but they went with this ugly wide hipped manlet nig because of 1 reason. Diversity, progressiveness and appearing to be on the pulse of modern society.
>Effective but no honor. also why they couldn't hold all the land the conquered.
What's your definition of "couldn't hold the land"? They lasted for centuries.
>Couldn't hold the land the conquered
>Largest contiguous land empire in history
>Only broke up due to infighting following Genghis and Kublai's deaths
nigga u wot
The dragon broke their line against cavalry charges.
The real question is why is the army of a feudal state composed solely of infantry
Sir, you should stop talking now.
hey my mongorian bros lets fire arrows at the people who want to fight us in hand to hand combat like men then when they get close let's run away on our little bitch horses!!!!!!
I don't even know why that's the real question. What are you insinuating?
By your logic the European colonial empires were full of cowards because they just shot down tribesmen from long range instead of fighting them hand to hand.
>people still describing Mongolians as "le wild card cr-cr-crazy horse lords who just charged" when they had based Subutai
It hurts brehs.
>Also I dont get Why They have no armor but wear just pelts like cavemen
The area they come from doesn't seem to have a lot of natural resources other than grass. That's why they just spend a lot of time looting.
1206 - 1294
"they lasted for centuries"
i swear u anime faggots are braindead or have a mental illness lmfao
Super high quality faggots can be pretty rough.
"I don't want to watch this shit in Lego form in the year 2017" faggots are pretty cool guys.
- 1294
>cheekily leaving out the Golden horde
user, I...
>got is one of the more diverse shows out there
>european colonial powers who fought eachother lined their men up and walked into the gunfire. If a man in the rank before them fell the guy behind would the gap
There's a difference chink
History faggots are usually pretty smart. You do have a leg up typically in that department.
But you tend to have poor taste.
That was how long the whole thing stayed unified, you twat. You're ignoring both the Golden Horde and the Yuan Dynasty. Why?
"i aint paying money to always see one type of person on screen"
The real question is why isn't anyone calling him out on his racism? He can't stand watching white people on tv?
Also who the fuck does this guy think he is lmao? He was a cheap diversity hire on a star wars reboot..
Not to mention that all the land was still controlled by fucking Mongolians who were now fighting each other.
>The real question is why isn't anyone calling him out on his racism?
Blacks can't be racist, according to leftists.
This, who's getting paired up with "minority quota to please the Chinks no. 154547" just to rub it in that he's also a minority quota.
Just be happy you're getting roles and don't try to pick a fight with the industry like some established actor you faggit.
You sound like such a childish faggot, living in a video game. Muh honour, who gives a fuck about honour. So presumably, you wouldn't use skirmishers either?
there was that black pirate who talked about culturally enriching some westerosi women
I think he was talking to the onion knight
season 2 I think
not to mention the king of that one city Denaerys first comes to in season 2 as well.
boyega is just spouting shit to stay in the spotlight.
he hasn't watched game of thrones.
which I can't blame him for.
I can blame him for his disingenuous justification however.
In the SW movie I mean. As love interests apparently.
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought medieval armies relied a lot on heavy feudal cavalry. Which also influenced organisation of the feudal society, where vassals were granted land so they could provide their lord with such a cavalry.
Also Missandei, Grey Worm, and the entire fucking army of black dudes...
Nigger Tywin had his wife gang-raped and made him watch. He'd be a pussy if he *didn't* kill him. The only thing he did wrong was wait so long to do it.
That particular bunch of Lannisters didn't have a lot of cavalry, and many of their soldiers didn't have time to get to their horses. If you re-watch the battle you can see a lot of riderless Lannister horses running around.
Also, there was the whole "frame him for murder" thing. Tywin was going to exile him to the wall, or execute him.