Million Dollar Extreme Presents World Peace

Episode 3 of MED presents World Peace is here.

This one has a segment highlighting the shit they put into our drinking water aka modern well poisoning . Are (((they))) going to shut it down?


>This one has a segment highlighting the shit they put into our drinking water aka modern well poisoning
I fucked loved that tbqh.
>literally implying that the birth control in the water supply is used to keep the population docile

have a bumper

>That guy driving into the house

Got a chuckle, everything else wasn't much chop

It's just a watered down version of the sort of stuff they put out online. I also think it's a matter of taste


Holy fuck, well spotted. It must be a reference to WTC7

Australia, home to the brightest minds on earth

>being this daft
wew. They made it pretty obvious


Well I didn't notice it when I watched it, I'm sure both of you noticed it though. I think you both you should cool it with the anti-australian remarks.

That (((Shirt)))

could that be? wasn't this shot last year already?

I can't be the only one who keeps watching the ending over and over again right? Just something about it.

Which part?

From when the music starts and the set pulls away. Just really aesthetically pleasing and considering the context of it and with him mouthing Vote Trump...I dunno, it's like milennialls who hate all this extreme left stuff finally being represented. That combined with the bangin song just ooh baby can't explain it

yea its like episode 1 all again and it isnt even sunday

I keep watching this one from Episode 2 over and over.

As soon as he turned around in blackface I didn't stop laughing. Best episode yet

Its a fucking 311 shirt.

that scene is great but it seems like he is referring to the final credits and music combo, ie last 30 seconds not last 2 mins

Who is million dollar extreme. I know it's the director but wtf.

Also how the fuck did sam get a show?

Saw the first two episodes in pol let's watch imperium thread on cytube yesterday they were funny af.

You just explained it pretty well m8. That's exactly why this show needs to stay on the air, we need less Trevor Noahs and more of this shit

Fucking agreed m8. I have my own opinions on that sketch/thing, what do you think?

>Also how the fuck did sam get a show?
Memetic magic

They probably cut all the really real parts where Sam was chimping. He probably said some hate facts.

Yeah probably

I loved when Charls eluded to killing politicians.

You missed the entire context of what he was saying if that's all you took from it

where can i get hd copies?

I love the cinematography in these, but holy shit, all the meat is gone. All the substance their videos have is just not there. It's like it's all cut.

They censored the ''Jews rock'' part. It was supposed to be ''Jews rule'' and it had something else there, but it was cut.
Even in this one they couldn't say the word ''fluoride'', instead they had toothpaste.
Sam's blackface was just shit stuffed in his nose and a slight tan. It's not even a blackface, it's like he wasn't allowed to paint his skin and had to figure another way to make himself look blacker.

>not realizing that's the point
I actually enjoy the fact that it's censored and they worked around it because it just shows you how things work.

The point is definitely not to be censored.
Sam has talked multiple times how he wants a megaphone so he can say what he wants. He did a Q&A video where he said he doesn't like Tim and Eric because they use the megaphone to do silly shit and go ''BLEEP bloop BEEEP SPORK SPORK!''.

I love this show

wish the eps were longer

Watch Doctor Manslave

You continue to miss the point. I'm not saying they want to be censored but that they have adopted it as part of the thing.

It's right there in the center of the screen, how can you not notice it? It wasn't subtle or hidden, it's right there.

What megaphone are you talking about?

Squinty chinky eyes

A platform that reaches millions of people.

I didn't notice it either. I saw the 9/1/? part but not the 3 towers part

him walking backwards was trippy as fuck. Kubrick tier.

the nose stuffing is brilliant, more effective than regular blackface

Tbqh I didn't quite get that


Also the #7

obviously. But everything that's shown is chosen.

It's either a coincidence that they chose a shirt that has ((( )))


They planned it out.

I'm pretty sure they planned it out.

How new is ((( ))) and when were the episodes filmed, though

Haven't browsed Sup Forums in months, what the fuck is this show?

They're making fun of you, idiots.

>still believing MDE is left wing

Denial isn't a river in egypt

They're just naturally goofy

Hey, my daughter has a basketball game. Is it alright if I step out of this thread a little early?

Is your wife's daughter black?