Megan Fox

Megan Fox
>They all think we should shut the fuck up and stop complaining because you live in a big house or you drive a Bentley. So your life must be so great
>What people don’t realize is that fame, whatever your worst experience in high school, when you were being bullied by those ten kids in high school, fame is that, but on a global scale, where you’re being bullied by millions of people constantly

>There are restrictions to this kind of fame,I haven’t walked in Central Park for 15 years. I’d like to, you know?

K Stew
>Fame is the worst thing in the world. Especially if it’s pointless. When people say, ‘I want to be famous’—why? You don’t do anything

Idris Elba
>You know The Truman Show? Sometimes you’re not sure what’s real or not, especially when it comes to relationships

Justin Bieber
>You get lonely, you know, when you’re on the road. People see the glam and the amazing stuff, but they don’t know the other side. This life can rip you apart

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Justin beiber feels
I feel you man

Wow they must have a really hard life with all that money. I feel so sorry for them

>attention seeking by despising attention
Why not stop doing movies if you don't like the fame :^)

why is this ugly ass asian fucker keep posting photo of himself?

we wuz real people in shiieet

Cloony only want to to be famous because it's hipster to not want to be famous

>don't hit on me you silly plebs

To be fair paparazzi are soul sucking douchebags

>bullied by millions of people constantly


probably regular people are just as bad
>OMG can i have an autograph and a selfie

they say that because people would be offended if they truthfully said that it is awesome being rich and famous and they are glad they aren't a part of the unwashed masses

Celebrities are generally obnoxious cunts


We "normies" will never understand this level of attention.

>tfw the only thing you want on earth is a simple walk in Central Park

yeah, but he can book a flight to hawai like it's nothing and get his dick sucked 25/7 so that equalizes it in a degree

We should lobby for their immediate release, this slavery is sick.

Oh my god they cant have absolutely everything?

Man free them actors.

If i became an actor
> make money
>buy some cheap land and develop it
> say something politically inflammatory but important on purpose to tank my career.
>Never work again, go to the local market to buy my groceries, have a chill country life shoot random hangers on an paparazzi.

I don't know. Being rich is great but being famous has a lot of major downsides I believe.
>Can't even go to the barber, the mall, a supermarket or any public places like that
>Always have to walk with bodyguards anywhere you go
>Have to have security at home at all times
>Can't even have a relationship/friendship with people that are less famous and wealthy than you without them trying to use you
>Being able to have "scandals" that will haunt your life forever and people will make memes of you like with Brendan Fraser

Clooney hates being famous, but is seeking public office?!

If hypocrisy were a capital crime, Hollywood and D.C. would be fucking ghost towns

I want that fame and notoriety that doesn't have a face to it. Something where I could go to a convention, walk around in the crowd unknown, then sit behind a board with my name and have people queue up out the door to talk to me. Best fame, imo.

My nigga

paparazzi are the scum of the earth though

Who the fuck cares!

slay all the luciferian hypocritical pieces of shit

Is it true that ausland holds a drawing/raffle to decide who gets to be an aus celebrity?

Yeah, but Jackman keeps rigging it.


>waaahhhh im a rich fucking cunt

So? If some average guy posts the wrong opinion on twitter or facebook he can experience the same but without the money.

Why don't they give up their money and stop being famous then?

Oh right, it's like when women bitch about catcalling. They secretly love it but have to pretend like they don't.

They could just stop living in fucking Hollywood or NYC and 90% of the toxic celebrity lifestyle goes away.

I genuinely feel sorry for them in this sense. Celebrities shouldn't be public property and should be able to walk around without people getting up in their shit.

Acting or singing is just a job.


what other city is as lively as those

As if anyone recognizes Megan Fox anymore

A job they voluntarily choose. If you don't want to be famous don't pursue a career that is guaranteed to make you so.

Being famous is part of the deal when you make money from being an actor/singer/whatever.
It's like a businessman complaining about how his company is getting sued because it's profitable or complaining about how some people criticize his product because it is very popular.

>Wahhhh I can't have everything
Boo fucking hoo bitches. Go dry those crocodile tears with a 100$.

Honestly they have a point. Not being able to just walk to the convenience store to buy bread or not being able to just go to the local bar for a few drinks without being hounded by hordes of retards is a special kind of hell.

Although the literal millions of dollars that come with it probably make up for it. Idk

There's a social contract that celebrities sign that, in exchange for their wealth and fame, they serve as a public figure and deal with everything that entails. It's been like that since the advent of cinema. It's embedded in (especially) American and Western culture.

Many of them, like Clooney, make it far worse on themselves by constantly injecting themselves into politics or causes, further aggravating the masses. That makes it even more comical that he complains about being in the limelight, when clearly he goes out of his way to put himself there.

They can all go FUCK themselves for bitching about the life they signed up for. If they want to go away, take your millions of dollars, disappear for a decade, change your look a little, and enjoy a life where nobody gives a shit about you. This bitching is just an excuse to get more attention centered on them.

Bunch of babies.

Same with athletes, by the way. Those that are dicks to fans or complain about it are entirely ungrateful, and want the best of both worlds, completely ignoring what is entailed with being a public figure. That's the tradeoff.

>Celebrities shouldn't be public property and should be able to walk around without people getting up in their shit.

If people put on a public show it should come as no suprise that they inturn gain a public audience.

Especially Clooney, he's not exactly shy about using the media to further both his and his wifes personal endeavors, they guys a fucking hypocrite, fuck him.

I'm almost in disbelief that Clooney has the nerve to bitch. Then again, Hollywood liberal...


Thats it bros!!! The hollywood (((elite))) are pro democrat because they secretly want to kill us all off so they can have privacy to go along with their ca$h

keanu reeves thread?

>having a vapid money chaser on your dick is better than an introspective walk in the park
Gonna have to say no to that one

wtf YELLOWED by Merlini PogChamp

everytime there's a good story about a celeb is this guy
and he's not aging also

Fuck off rich dipshits I havent eaten in two days and im getting evicted in a week ill be homeless

If I was famous, I'd be too boring for the media, I would live normally.

> Show your power level to end career
Brilliant, also you just described my dream life


>sell your soul for riches
>it comes back to bite you in the ass

durr... who'da thunk it?

You may think it's a positive that Keanu is immortal, but Keanu sure doesn't.

It's like he pissed off a Greek god and must now suffer for all of eternity as an ageless, misfortune-prone soul.

He's not aged in almost 500 years. Why would he start now?

What gets me the most about these cretins is if they didn't like it they have more than enough money and investments that they could quite easily retire from the life, but they won't. If this doesn't prove that leftists can't be appeased than nothing will.

still looks damn good for 50 years old dude, drives a bike, physically fit and active.

I definitely get that sense.

These people have so little sense of self that they will chase every trend there is, including self-abasement.

>Continue to be in films and television and concerts
>I want to be a normal person

They can fuck off

Only thing more rigged than the US election is Australia's next Top Shitposter

Join the Army
Pick an MOS that would provide good pay when you get out
Suck the government's cock for 5 years
Become successful

He was a really good hockey player, and he almost made it pro but then his knee ( or ankle ) fucked him up

He gave a huge chunk of his salary to the SFX team of Matrix, cause he thought they did a terrific job

He's probably the purest thing to come out of the ulcered asshole that is hollywood

>There are restrictions to this kind of fame,I haven’t walked in Central Park for 15 years. I’d like to, you know?

Can't he just wear a disguise?

Why don't you get a job?

>Serious question - not trying to be funny, hungry-user.

if you don't want to be famous why do you continue your career? you can just quit? makes no sense.

>his child is still born, then his partner dies a year and a half later

That fucks me up just imagining it. How he keeps going is beyond me.

Well Keanu doesn't really need bodyguards

In the grand scheme of things the fact that your rich would be great. A good strategy would not to comment on every fucking thing going on in the world and keep your opinions to yourself. That way they would avoid backlash and more unwanted attention to them.

>What are property taxes?

A lot of them do wear disguises.

Or wear their hair different.

Lets face it - if Clooney wasn't famous - if he were a plumber or a welder, say - he would have a hard time getting quality pussy.

That last line.

Well Brad Pitt hasn't aged since the days of Stalin

What's their secret!

>not benig able to walk in public places anymore for 10-50 million.

where do i sign? i havent left my home for the past 7 years.

Shit, I am impressed.

pic unrelated

asian-white mixes the master race?

so quit, dress cheap and live life lime a regular

Just become a shitposting NEET on a mongolian tapestry discussion board if you can't handle all that fame, fortune and the thousands of women lusting after you.


Kek based pitt

Justin Beiber did nothing wrong except make the same kind of soulless, shitty music like everyone else does. He was subjected to a jewish hate campaign for being a young white man.

Someone has to show that even when life throws everything it can at you, that you gotta keep going.

ITT: A bunch of low-IQ, zero self-awareness, low empathy niggers who don't understand being in the limelight is a shitty fucking situation

Fame and infamy are on the same exact fucking continuum because once people know your face, you're bound to attract the worst of the worst, the unrelenting mob mentality that causes people to hate you for farting in the wrong direction and innocuous out-of-context tweets to be blown out of proportion in the media and shit like that.

You wouldn't understand that because you can't even imagine what such a thing would be like. All you see is the glamour and opulence. But no, you're not the shallow one, it's them! How fucking ironic.

Now respond to me with your kneejerk "b-but they have duh monies!!!" because that's all you can manage.

Based Keanu
I'd share a cake with him


With all the money they have they could change their appearance, quit their jobs or just disappear from the face of the Earth.

This fag feels bad for Justin Bieber, jesus christ.

I'd go gay for keanu desu

Or you can do what Brad Pitt does and contrive a whole new persona without any effort.

I feel bad for the people who have their lives ruined for stupid little shit. Not Justin Bieber. But either way, you've proven my point.

Move to Bowling Green and you'll quit having to put up with so much bullshit.........but then you wouldn't be the center of attention and that would be terrible.

>Has literally every reason to have a legit breakdown that every famous twat on hollywood likes to make
>makes other people happy instead

Keanu is one of the best fucking reasons to not lose hope

You should feel some sympathy for Justin Bieber.
He genuinely didn't choose fame. He liked singing and playing music instruments, they made him into a star.

He seems like a pretty cool dude, but he is constantly getting hammered by the press and his fans.
The only reason you shouldn't feel bad for him is because he's filthy rich. If I was him I'd get away from it all for good, and live a nice quit life without fans telling me to kill myself because they don't like my girlfriend, or something.
His fans are absolutely disgusting.

And that's why I made my post in the first post. Because no matter how thick-skinned and resilient you are, you'll have outrageous shit like people telling you they'll come and kill you which is pretty fucking scary.

fuck them all, get 20M for saying 50 words on a movie
>buaaaaa im rich and famous what a nuisance
fuck. them. all.

nah mate, he's a gigantic arrogant asshole.

Cloony has a point in a way.
Everyone likes to be left alone now and again but celebrities don't get that unless they lock themselves away.
We take for granted the fact that nobody gives a shit about us when we walk around.

Don't get me wrong I would trade for his life in an instant but I think he understands that as well it's just something he kind of misses.

Probably just a reactionary coping mechanism after realizing how fucking shitty the world is first hand.

Wouldn't be the first time it's happened to someone.

You're making broad generalizations that are not true for every celebrity.
What Justin Bieber receives is very different from what someone like Brad Pitt receives. What they receive is very different from all the abuse Michael Jackson got.

Not all fame is bad. Not all fame is good. Generally it's good if you're not in the top 1000 most famous people.
Just look at the actors of Game of Thrones. They're famous, yet they get along just fine, but if you're Lady Gaga you're absolutely fucked if you want to go anywhere.

Jacky Chan was in Latvia a few years ago, and people didn't bother him too much. If someone like Katty Perry visited she would have to have bodyguards all over her and she could go places only in a car.