>Americans think they are top shit because they are winning the Olympics
>In reality are losing per capita to both China and Jamaica
>MFW America is just as useless as the s in the word scent
Americans think they are top shit because they are winning the Olympics
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MFW even Finland and England is winning the Olympics per capita
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a fucking idiot.
Well well well if it isn't the country losing to India
He's saying America absolutly demolished China. Also Jamaica is mainly niggers so no matter how many nigger they had, they wouldn't have won anything but the running section.
It doesn't make any sense but I know his tweet is for those that follow him because they're "intellectual" losers that will run around trying to act smart in front of people that don't give a shit.
>the size of the population directly correlates to the amount of athletes you can send to the olympics
below a certain threshold, maybe but above say 20 million that's utter bullshit
fucking moron
If the population of earth were brain cells, that would be a big brain
sixth post best post
That math is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life, it sounds like the shit an elementary school child would punch up on their calculator while they were bored in math class
Black retard man strikes again
There are more stolen bikes in his garage than there are molecules in a star!
How is this guy a "scientist" again?
>Losing per capita to China
Really makes you think...
>population is correlated to gold medals
Man, Neil Tyson is either retarded or an autist. Why does anyone think scientific knowledge actually makes them wise?
That reading comprehension... lacking
stick the astrophysics stupid science bitch
>thinking that medals are directly proportional to ones population size
jesus fucking christ neil, you're absolutely retarded
Okay cuck I am going to explain this once and for all. If you have 300 million people in your country you are going ot be far more likely to have more talented atheletes than say a country with 20 million people (Perhaps the great Australia for example)
I know you can only send so many people to the olympics however it doesn't change the fact that if you have more people in your country you will by default have more talented people. That is why our brothers in NZ are basically winning the olypmics suck it cucks ahahahahahahhahah and isn't your flag meant to be white france?@
Wtf I hate China now
rekt xd
>i am le black science man
>watch me do basic statistics to make non-points, upholding the meme that i am intelligent black science man
Isn't this nigger like a science man or something, because thats pretty cringe
Quantity != Quality.
he's not and he never was, he's a living PR meme. His claim to being a 'scientist' is working at a planetarium.
Is this real?
No you retarded cotton-picking liquor-store-robbing kid-abandoning dindu fucking nigger, you can't just multiply the amount of medals won by the percentage difference in population and just say "Jamaica be gud". That's not how statistics work but I wouldn't expect an ape to understand the basics of any logical concept.
>they'd have won 1382 medals
This guy needs to delete his fucking twitter, he's such an arrogant, insufferable moron.
>implying every event is running
>implying Jamacshits would win swimming, gymnastics, and other traditionally white sports.
Neil "Smoke" deGrasse Tyson couldn't make it in research so he became a popsci guy
Same as Bill Nye the Bachelor's Degree guy
Much like Bill Nye The Bachelors Degree Guy
WTF I hate Neil deGrasse Tyson now.
This is assuming niggers are good at anything beside running from police.
NDGT doesn't even actually do anything of value for the scientific community, he's just praised because he's a black guy.
Does Neil hate America? We're winning anyway and I doubt his fat ass would be able to win us anything
>not taking athletes with multiple medals into account
Stupid nigger
>treating individuals as aggregate.
Tyson really isnt all that bright.
Did Neil suffer a brain aneurysm recently or was he always this crazy?
>people are once again assravaged that the USA is winning
I sweeten my coffe with the tears of foreingers every morning.
Just because he is african american that doens't make him any less good of a scientist than say a white one
Wow, it's almost like Niel Degrasse Tyson is a fucking idiot who knows nothing about statistics.
Are there even 1382 medals awarded at the Olympics?
The math here is more difficult than a simple proportion. This is a Poisson distribution
The fact that he's retarded makes him less good of a scientist.
Where would Britain be, per capita?
black science man totally blowing my mind with math, I'm like wow.
You know that if the IOC didn't have limits on the amount of athletes that could compete, the USA would have the world by the balls and win a medal in nearly every event, right?
so if every county had the population of the United States and had won their adjusted medals per capita, would there even be enough medals to go around? Would we take medals from the white countries (adjusted per capita) until we have a total medals won count equal to the total medals available? Who will decide which medals to take? Why don't we all adjust to the population size of the Pitcairn Islands instead so it would be easier to redistribute medals based on per capita? If not the Pitcairn Islands then maybe the least populous country with a medal? Why not just abolish the Olympics once and for all because of the unfairness in population size between competing countries?
>this amount of autism
Man, this guy must be a blast to be around
According to black science man, if America was all Michael Phelps's we would win 2.4 billion medals
Can you even read you fucking nigger?
The fact that he's black doesn't make him as valuable of a scientist as, say, one who's actually fucking done something to have his name accredited to.
>le black meme science man
Fuck off.
Every medal was in sprinting / hurdling where no single person ran more than 200 meters. All this proves is that white people on sugar cane plantations bred slaves to be fast.
Jamaica would have more medals than the number of events in the olympics?
They'd probably steal our thunder in cycling though.
>that top tweet
>why do people like space movies we had one a long time ago REEEEE
What kind of logic is that?
There are more planets in the galaxy than atoms in the universe dude.
>losing per capita to china
This is wrong. They have a population that's 3 times ours so they would have 3 times as many medals if they were winning per capita
The proper way to do the math here is to look at the probability any given nation has to produce a medal-winner. Then figure out how many medals that nation would win with a given population. That way in your analysis you'll never hand out more medals than there are to give.
But of course this doesn't even tell the whole story, because some nations are only good at certain events. For example, I'm sure Jamaca didn't do too well in the 100 meter swim
>more planets in the galaxy than atoms in the universe dude
Do you mean stars, retard?
for you
This. I wasn't huge on the acting, but Gravity was pretty well done with the feeling of desolation that you get.
>implying niggers can swim
Thank you for everyone posting in this thread for making me feel successful
First of all, 104 if greater than 20, so I don't see why you think china did well.
Also, Jamaica only wins at things like running. Their is a cap on how many medals they would win. Just by increasing their numbers, you would not get good swimmers and Gymnasts, you would just get more runners.
Youre right, but the trend isnt linear like neil is trying to imply. Hes simply taking the ratio of medals to the population, but its not that simple.
Theres a couple of factors that makes his reasoning flawed:
>you can only send one athlete per sport
>there are a limited amount of medals
>human athletic ability is finite
>aussie falling for a low-tier french shitpost
He's like that Fucking moron in high school that always took everything literally. Nobody gave a shit
Then explain why the pooinloos with their 1billion population can't manage any medals?
By your logic there should be at least a few "talented" people.
The only way for the US to win per capita is to win literally every single gold medal in every single event, and obviously that's insane to expect when upsets happen all the time, and there are plenty of events our athletes don't give a shit about, and we're competing against other large countries, and even some countries larger than us. The only way to judge Olympics is by golds, none of this per capita nonsense.
The reality is we dont give a fuck about international competiton.eurofags apparantly need it but here,it appears for 2 weeks every 2 years and in between is never mentioned.sure,there are us soccer fags who try to pretend otherwise but honestly a worldcup match outside of LA or NY will draw about 40,000 people,maybe.i find it amusing global faggots get so angry about our medals.you should also consider that we dont even care about them.g'day faggot,suck a dick.
Everyone gets the same Size team you retard nigger
I'd say it's more about having the resources and knowledge to train good athletes, not so much about population, just look at India.
now do the same for White inventors vs Black inventors
Yes you gun totting faggot but as my dear friend inestien once said "If youjudge a fish by it's ability by how it climbes a tree it will spend it's entire life thinking it is stupid"
Indians are just too bust working the land to be bothered with olypics
If America had the black population of Japan, we'd have a crime free nation.
I reaaaaaaaaallly hope this isn't a real tweet.
jamaica LITERALLY only won track and field medals, they've got genetically enhanced slave niggers and they make em run very fast in a circle, it's really not that impressive
btw he's saying the us beat china per capita but most european countries beat the us per capita
rofl I thought it was funny leaf GJ
>New Zealand
Thats right cunts
This per capita meme needs to die. If we are to take it seriously we would believe that Grenada is the most successful Olympic country followed by the Bahamas, New Zealand, Slovenia...
It's just not realistic.
Don't you mean too busy kicking your asses at cricket?
I actually think the USA goes easy on the rest of the world at the Olympics, the college programs they have are mainly aimed at domestic sports instead of Olympic events. If there was more money flowing back to the universities from Olympic champions than handegg no one would get a look in.
most of the athletes the us france and new zealand will bring to the olympics won't win medals anyway
This. He is smart for a nigger but that's it.
Per capita blacks are the most violent people on the planet. How about that Mr. Black science man
>be an island
>be literally surrounded by water on all sides
>have 3 gold medals in swimming this year
>Phelps has 5
You retards do know that the population has nothing with it.
A team that is supposed to represent the best of the best athletes from the entire population.
It would make sense that the bigger the population, the higher the odds of having better athletes.
Phelps is a freak and a one off, if we had 300 million people we would have 1000 Phelps who would be more tanned and probably beat your Phelps up
Australia why are you so buttmad?
Thats not how it works astronigger
What he's doing is stupid, but of course population has something to do with it.
>if if if
If my aunt had a dick she'd be my uncle
That's not how it works, Neil
ooooo. wtf is cricket?