Why are ancient greco romans portrayed as nordics in Hollywood movies ?
Why are ancient greco romans portrayed as nordics in Hollywood movies ?
They're portrayed that way in non-Hollywood movies too. Like that Turkish propaganda movie about the fall of Constantinople, the Greeks all look white instead of, you know, Greek.
>implying alexander wasnt described as strawberry blonde and possibly had one blue and one brown one
we literally wuz kangz
>and possibly had one blue and one brown one
forgot to throw the word 'eye' in there
Because modern Italians are Arab rape spawn
In the Iliad, Achilles' hair is described as ξανθῆς, usually translated as blonde, or golden, but sometimes as red or tawny.
shitskin op BTFO
And modern Greeks are literally part Turk, there's nothing left genetically of the Ancient Greeks
Wow, I wonder what race are you op. Surely not a nigger
Modern Italians are more than 95% identical to Ancient Romans.
t. triggered white boi :^)
Northern Italians maybe, but Romans were never shit colored
also, achilles is portrayed as brown hair in all greel mosaics
not even a good try
Except it was the ancinet greeks that first conquered the area and intentionally mixed with the locals of modern day turkey.
Nothing left my ass, that's not how genes work.
Mediterranean whites are all but gone thanks to subhuman shitskins outfucking them, but don't let the jews trick you, ancient egyptians, romans and greeks were all white
>also, achilles is portrayed as brown hair in all greek mosaics
so none then? since there aren't any, only ones made at a later date, lmao
>ancient egyptians, romans, greek
coping after getting BTFO by facts
that's correct, see recent DNA analysis
>inb4 DNA is racist and gender studies graduates are more reliable for the subject
Stop discussing such things on Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums.
Also stop discussing such things Americans period, you guys are fucking insane and have never left your shitty continent.
>DNA analysis
nice argument
maybe. but they think they are celts.
there was nothing to argue about really, you lost it from the start
Usually Anglos, for the accent I guess. Except when Oliver Stone had the more rustic Macedonians played by the Irish which was a nice touch.
>needing to argue when you've already won the argument
Why are Sup Forumsesmokers so deusional?
Fucking white people taking Greek roles away from us.
What's with fucking niggers trying to appropriate "white" culture? You do know that not only blonde people with blue eyes are considered white, don't you? "White" is basically a person that comes from Europe and has full European ancestry in his genes.
And I love how you stole that meme from Sup Forums .
The locals of modern day Turkey weren't turks back then, user. The turks migrated from the east.
Yeah. People make fun of Greece that they were captured by the Ottomans, but that whole area was Greek occupied territory for multiple Hellenistic kingdoms before that. The Byzantines, the Ptolemaic, Alexander.
>over 2000 years of ethnic mixing
>hurr why dont they look like greeks
modern greeks are more middle eastern. It's like saying ancient egyptians were black
Considering the Byzantines held off the mudslimes for thousand years and only fell due to internal strife, I would say they did a pretty good job.
Eyptians and Greeks weren't white.
We weren't black, but we sure the fuck ain't white either. Your whites only beaches kicked us out too even in the north east US.
Ξανθος and not ξανθης means a lighter color though and not blonde. :^) The translations have changed
There are a number of Greeks, and therefore a number of Italians too, with red hair. Hell, I have flakes of copper in my own. Had a great grand uncle in Greece with full a red head of hair.
>t. Greek LARP-er
I have never seen a Greek who would claim he was "not white". In fact, they'd probably beat you up for saying that.
We never thought of ourselves as white. We were Greek. We are better than white. Certainly better than all the fucking white WASPs around us who looked down on us for being Greek.
It was quite a loss for civilization.
>We never thought of ourselves as white.
Obvioulsy not Greek. Greeks take great pride in who they are and who they were in history. Visit Greece and say Greeks ain't white, you'll get beaten the fuck up, trust me.
not really, the byzantines burned the library of alexandria, they were religious nuts.
now I'll agree if you said being taken over by muslims was a loss for civilization, which would be true
Sup Forumstards are pathetic
sure but deep inside they dont consider themelves as nordics I can tell you that
>assmad snowniggers think they can steal history now
>y-you have nothing in common with your ancestor! they were pale like me and the rest of the sunless faggots!
Greeks were not white
Romans were not white
They are above
>They are above
>that one triggered shitskin that keeps bumping this thread
It's funny how you leftists try to propagandize this meme that only "Nordics" are white in an effort to drive a wedge between the various Europeans so that there be no active resistance against the eternal kike. Btw, you just admitted you aren't Greek, so nice try lying.
according to your reasoning, ethipoans are white because their skull is caucasian
The Byzantine Empire was way more advanced than any other country during much of their history and the strongest European nation, too. Also, you got your history wrong, the Byzantines didn't burn any libraries, that was the Muslims.
No, that's what Sup Forums is doing. Go on, ask them about Italians.
You'll get cries of literal "WE WUZ INSTEAD OF YU" and other bile.
Do Ethiopians come from Europe? Do Ethiopians have European ancestry in their genes? Do they? Then they aren't white
You know you fucked something up when you take a literal welfare collecting immigrant murderer seriously.
>Also, you got your history wrong, the Byzantines didn't burn any libraries, that was the Muslims.
not at the beginning, muslims started to burned them centuries later. the library of alexandria and many others were destroyed in the many iconoclasms, lookt for it on google
europe is the name of a near east princess
You just described Sup Forumstards
LOL and then post the busts of clearly white guys as the "black" side
this thread
how can mongrel even compete
nigger OP got rekt
Have you come to terms with yourself, barbarian
Or are you wringing your hands thinking of what piece of history you'll contort to aggrandize your weak pathetic ego
White people pay their denbts though
Fucking morons, there's a bit of a difference between friendly banter (which Sup Forums has in plenty) and serious discussion about who's white and who's not.. What you're describing is friendly banter and memeing.
>just pretending to be retarded
top kek
Classic swedes who looks outside their window and into their muslim-ridden streets and then start daydreaming of fictional past glories.
>774 results
Referring to yourself?
>even Tesla was nordic
>a simple tribal people who were best known for acts of theft
Not much has changed then
>welfare collecting
Now they're too cucked to do it.
>Go on, ask them about Italians.
Here's the thing, he's actually kinda right. Sup Forums isn't as new as you think. Any site that was somewhat affiliated with SomethingAwful tended to for some reason have a sect of stormfronters. One of the best ways to make them angry was to question the whiteness of Italians, because a lot of stormfronters were wops.
What the fuck your post has to do with anything
Sup Forums is filled with newfags and underage scum
*is a failure in life*
*gets into discussions about race and history on internet to cope*
am I doing it right haha
you faggots haven't done anything relevant in over 2000 years. meanwhile Anglos had the largest empire the world has ever seen and directly birthed the world's sole super power. Meds are shitskintier
>tfw too successful to discuss things
aristotle drew a distinction between whites and greeks
>"Those who live in a cold climate and in Europe are full of spirit, but wanting in intelligence and skill; and therefore they retain comparative freedom, but have no political organization, and are incapable of ruling over others. Whereas the natives of Asia are intelligent and inventive, but they are wanting in spirit, and therefore they are always in a state of subjection and slavery. But the Hellenic race, which is situated between them, is likewise intermediate in character, being high-spirited and also intelligent. Hence it continues free, and is the best-governed of any nation, and, if it could be formed into one state, would be able to rule the world.
>directly birthed
You mean lost it after five minutes before the Irish, Jews and Italians took it over
Do you actually think Varg lives off his hard work?
>you faggots haven't done anything relevant in over 2000 years.
What did anglos do 2000 years ago in year 17 AD please ?
what language is that you're, speaking now, shitstain? doesn't look greek to me
I think that he gets enough money to pay for his sparse expenses, yes.
what did greece do yesterday other than blow a brit tourist for 15 euros to help pay back their debts?
Yes, well done, Mediterraneans, well done.
my sides