What does Sup Forums think of national service for fit men/women?
I think its pretty good as it teaches discipline, national pride and gets people /fit/.
It's especially important for us to reintroduce it as today youths would be too scared to fight when war comes to Britain and will run like a mob of Syrians to America or wherever else is safe and handing out food stamps.
National service
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What war is coming to Britain, op?
The Islamic caliphate
BLM Terrorists
it's a waste of money here
going every year in also such a pain in the ass (bye bye my october)
shouldn't be mandatory
but I do think that the military has some positives; during my time it helped alot of introverted guys in our group get some social skills and "courage"
They really should be spending their time learning science and advancing it. However if there ever was welfare needed for a large part of the population, that'd be one option. Although it'd just be Rome all over again.
If you have a nation, you have national service. Else, what the point of having a nation?
5/5, pretty good.
Fat fuck/manlet detected.
Throw the fat cunts in there too. Give them some discipline and teach them how to not be fat.
I have those same gloves. I got them during combat medic training, from a website that sells Oakley gear at huge discounts to military members. They are great gloves, I still have them and use them to this day. If you need a pair of combat gloves, I would buy those instead of some cheaper alternative that will just break really easily.
womens national service is making babies
The UK military includes women, not sure why but if it keeps them from hating the UK and becoming massive pussies then its ok for me.
1 year conscription should be mandatory for women and men. That one year would be military training followed by civil service. We'd have much fewer leftist and fewer degenerates. And no vote if you don't serve 0 exceptions. It's the one fix all for our current situation.
Can't you see it's mostly a waste of time?
>learning to defend yourself/your people
>learning teamwork and leadership skills
>learning survival skills
>encouraging people to get /fit/
>giving a unique once in a lifetime experience that bonds all men together regardless of age, wealth, or political views
>a waste of time
One of you will die when niggers attack.
Having served in 2 armies I can tell that it's definitely a good thing for a young man's development and maturity. Ended up being an alcoholic but hey 5/7 would do again.
It's me, because the government sure as shit isn't gonna do anything since it would be racist.
>tfw cucked by EUSSR's shitty gun laws
Send help ASAP
Okay, okay. But one year max. It shouldn't really be encouraged unless it's needed. It's naive to think they're learning anything that can defend us in a real war while patrolling Iraq and sand people. Let's not make careers out of killing Abu Hajars.
>giving a unique once in a lifetime experience that bonds all men together regardless of age, wealth, or political views
Should be brought back. It'd solve the NEET problem and might stop millenial men from turning into walking vaginas
Then go back to your shit country where you came from.
>muh I have to go shooting four weeks a year and I also get paid 80% of my salary for literally doing nothing!! life is so unfair!!!
Fucking moron
And just to add: Watch we waste our time on the Middle East when aliens or an asteroid suddenly appears and mop the floor with us. All those trillions on some sand people.
good way for individuals to be able to experience killing.
You're aware that you can train troops without sending them to actually fight?
But anyway i agree with the 1 year max service. The way we do it is 6 months for basic cannonfodder troops, 9 months for medics, and 12 months for officers/drivers, and we're doing absolutely fine against NATO troops in exercises.
There should be a compulsory service requirement for 1 or 2 years for all men and women. The pay should include money towards job training or college credits.
America should impose it and do it Roman style.
In peace time the Roman army built infrastructure. Roads, aqueducts, forts, whole towns.
It would be a huge net positive for the nation.
You could even have a Cuck branch for pacifists where they cleaned up old tire dumps or eradicated invasion species.
>The guy who knows science
>Going to die from niggers
Choose one. Meanwhile
>"Durr, wish I wasnt a brainlet so I knew how to rebuild society hurr"
>You're aware that you can train troops without sending them to actually fight?
Yes. The unneeded fighting is my issue.
We have a workforce full of men and women who can make the country better while also having the ability to defend the country.
This would be cheaper than contractors and would be a benefit to the UK.
Fat cunts who haven't been broken in yet get to build houses and roads, reducing house prices.
Psychopath detected.
>men AND women
Yes. YES. Over here the women get to skip out on it. They go to university two years ahead of us while we're working for a slave wage for a country which doesn't give a shit about us.
Make them suffer too.
Have them go in after secondary education, they'll come out just in time to choose between jobs or school.
>The Congress shall have Power To ...raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years....
Unconstitutional and leads to a standing army. Unless if facing a dire emergency, we should just rely on the well-regulated arms-bearing militia to defend the country.
No one's saying make all men and women join the army for life.
We are saying there should be mandatory military training and some service, then a choice to stay or leave for schools, jobs or families.
1 year of national service which can cover training and service or further training if you are staying in for longer. This means your special militias actually have trained troops and leaders, while the real army has even more troops and skilled soldiers in a way as well instead of having a nation of useless cucks.
Perhaps this is right for you. But not for America. The Constitution is clear. There should be no funding for this purpose at all but only for a period of two years. The intent is to prevent a standing army.
There should be no national service. There should be no armed forces at all. There should be a militia of the arms-bearing populace that take the defense into their own hands.
I think you'd be surprised how few people actually would want to invade America, land where there is a rifle behind every blade of grass.
I think they should have national service but in general we should keep out of wars. National service should be used to provide training in needed skills and a sense of national community. Participants should go to work repairing infrastructure, planting trees and gardens, and renewing rundown areas.
Have fun with that then, having no real organised defence and a nation of pussies, may as well give all your nukes to Pablo and his cartel/militia while you're at it.
>national pride
Pfff, what would a current year bong be proud of? Fucking itself in the ass and watching the Sterling plummet? Bwahaha, dumb nationalist.
Please bait me more daddy
These, and I'll continue with:
>making friends for a lifetime (still in regular contact with 4 buddies)
>learning to mentally function even during intense sleep deprivation, hunger, thirst, darkness and cold/heat
>conscripts bonding with their fathers and other fellow countrymen in a way that those who haven't experienced can't understand (great for the stability of a nation)
>hardens up even the wimpier guys
Most concripts do value the experience years afterward. The temporary hardship yields advantages for the rest of your life. Also considering the current invasion of Europe, I'm glad we're having a conscript army. The governments will never order their professional soldiers to pest removing activities. Females and beta-leftists make up over half of the population so a democratic solution isn't going to solve anything. It'll be only a matter of time before the majority of reservists will take matters to their own hands if the ridiculousness won't end.
No country's defensive needs are the same so obviously the strategies have to be tailored to for each nations separatedly.
Why would I fight for my country? It's run by a bunch of assholes who don't align with my ideology and morals.
So the people you care about don't end up like pic related
Nope, every man and women should be included. Or else it will reward lazy fatasses
I'm totally for it, with some caveats.
I don't think it should be purely military based. It should be a first come first served basis but across lots of different fields including military, forestry/environmental work, data entry/statistical work, research, care work, construction/civil engineering, teaching etc.
The goals should be contributing to your country, learning about the work environment, gaining work skills and earning some semblance of national pride. Paying minimum wage would also be a great idea, but I'm not sure how feasible the economics of that would be.
Do you not see the problem with fighting to keep an enemy out of your country when your leaders let them in legally?
Every year our large cities become less and less white. There is absolutely no reason to fight and die for a country that gives itself away.
Do you not realize that it's the very same subhuman kikes that currently control our countries? I'm all for military service, if it doesn't serve the interests of ZOG, which it currently does. I do more genuine fighting for my country posting on this image board than I would serving in the ZOG military
I am autist so wouldn't have to do it.
I agree with it for normies though. Especially youth criminals. They should do their sentences as military service for lesser crimes.
Would you think different if the war was a defensive war and a Russian army would slowly approach your town? I for one, would rather risk my life in gorillawarfare than live under Russian rule.
Some militaries are for defence only. We all know during the conscript period the exact reason we are there. Russia. Such a defensive war would be fought to protect our lifestyles, our relatives, our culture and ourselves.
Absolutely no. Fuck off. Fight your own wars.
>hihat ylhäällä TST-harjoituksessa
Vai onko toi joku propagandatiimin lavastama kuva?
>m-mutta oli kuuma niin oli pakko :D t. alokas nönnönnöö
Toisaalta en usko että oli taistelutilanne päällä. Ei nuo noin lähellä toisiaan olisi.