Is Germany a lost cause at this point?
Is Germany a lost cause at this point?
Germany must fight!
Or we will fight for it!
Not after Uncle Donald becomes POTUS.
t.dick cousins
>walking around Berlin
>LITERALLY 80% of the people were brown
I didn't realize how bad it was until then.
Germany, don't give up on yourself, there is still much Aryah in you!
Don't give up, the Nazis went through many obstacles, DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR GREAT RACE!
Yes. The ARYAN NATION is finally finished.
We will soon be rid of the DISGUSTING ARYAN WORM from the Rhine Land.
Every last one of you will be thrown into the BLOOD REFINERIES and turned into a crimson paste for consumption in the Commonwealth.
The ARYANDIED is coming.
Berlin is so german, like London is britihs, Paris french or vienna austrian.
No, but your (((60%))) country is.
Europe is a lost cause.
After every fucking attack everyone gets up in arms and starts getting angry until the left screams them down.
Nothing happened after Paris, nothing is going to happen from the truck of peace.
I don't know why people aren't doing something about it but nobody is.
Underrated Kek blessed post
RIP Germany
based anlgo cutting the kraut since '14.
NO but it must fight and change its spirit. As an example look at this faggot German right here: So long as they answer Yes they will not change.
They're not bad as France or England.
We need based Höcke as chancellor
Does it still hurt Korwin?
No people are but if any German person where to speak out it would be considered as a hate crime and you know where that will end.
Also France is on the brink of civil war. Any day now there will be blood just look at the beach thing that happened recently.
they are pretty much at the same level now
Merkel was anti-multiculturalism about 5 years ago. What made her go full retard?
Hasnt gotten laid since
I am sure that the Japanese, the Chinese and the peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France, in spite of the fact that we are related by blood.
The changes to this country are irreversible. Maybe I'll post later on a picture of all the names in the building that I live in. Around 5-15% German names to see.
Yes yes, our regime tells us that the Germans won't die out, foreigners make only about 5% of the population. The average age in Germany is 45. It is a very old country. The previous generations are mostly German with a few Turks, but the overwhelming part of newborns and young people are cultural enrichers (esp. in West-Germany).
The influx of 2mio doctors and engineers are the final stab into the heart. Ethnic Germans will become a minority in a century.
Besides the ethnic problems I don't see a bright future when it comes to economical terms. That's why I'll leave this shithole after I finished my masters.
TL;DR - Germany is dead and I'm packing my stuff.
>it's this thread again
>smaller murder rate than in the USA
>smaller rape rate than in the USA
>less crimes than in the USA
>fewer shooting rampages
>nothing resembling the riots in your ghettos
>higher standard of living
>higher life expectancy
>better educational system
>better infrastructure
>calling Germany a lost cause because it helps people who flee from a war which once again the Amerifats insitgated
It really is, but we take the rest of the west with us.
so its fine
You need based Hofer to Anschluss you. But we are doing a practice Anschluss of south tyrol first, so you have to wait.
Don't get too used to those German stats.
Those stats are bad in the USA precisely for the reasons that you're inviting in right now. :^)
Legastheniker, das bist du.
File name is from the internet, didn't change it. So joke is on you.
~6 million shitskins
Not really a hassle to kill them all in the age of machine guns and weapons of mass destruction
>Machine guns
Don't kek yourself.
I know. It's the American degenerate culture and sadly we let ourselves be flooded with it. But that's nothing new.
If you were referring to muslims, then my response is a simple "nah".
Feels good man
>no guns
>polish death camps have been banned
Nah. It's fine. Once the Syrians learn German it's gonna be even better.