He's right, you know

He's right, you know...

Other urls found in this thread:


>who did i betray
the american people

>i gave all my information to the public
he aided foreign governments and terrorshits we were spying on

>to american journalists
our msm journalists are anti-american

Americans might be slow, but they are starting to realize that Snowden is America-hating swine

most journalists are traitors
snowden supports hillary who is a traitor
snowden is probably a psyop by traitors

so what did snowden release?

a bunch of shit that basically tells terrorists that the US can read all that shit you are sending to each other and the US can read your plans so you better stop making them

snowden is a meme

don't forget he is on soros pay roll and didn't even have security clearance so he isn't a whistleblower.

>and is now selling cyber weapons to the US enemies


>because of his actions spies where killed.

Hillary belongs in jail more than Snowden does.

snowden is just a patsy to make clinton server seem less important.

>they have tried to use this ploy already they will again

>your own government spies on you for no fucking reason to pick out a few specific people that want to attack you
>because your own government specifically pissed them off to the point that they started flying planes into buildings
>a man gives up his livelihood to tell you about this
>you call him a traitor and say he should be brought back to the US and executed

95% of Americans on this board spontaneously forget what the Founding Fathers wrote out 200 years ago, whenever Snowden comes up.

At least he made "Huxley was right 1984 is wrong" memers shut up.

>95% of Americans on this board spontaneously forget what the Founding Fathers wrote out 200 years ago, whenever Snowden comes up.
the founding fathers hated treason so much, it's the only crime defined in the constitution. the founding fathers would have beaten the tar out of snowden

Yes mate, right after they fought a bloody revolutionary war against a government that was infringing on their freedoms.

I bet they'd also kick Assange in the shins and take Manning out the back.

Yeah mate.

Let me give you a bit of text from the declaration of independence:

>That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

>Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

>it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

If Jefferson came to life at midnight tomorow, he'd be hoisting bankers off the federal reserve building by dawn, caving the president's head in by noon, burning down congress by dusk, and making the constitution EXTREMELY clear by midnight.

How is what he did treason?

>sign up for job, signing documents to say you aren't going to leak documents
>leak said documents, breaking the law
>b-but im a hero, w-why are you trying to arrest me? i-ill move to russia, they are much better than america!

No one really believes he's a traitor, lad. Yeah, there are some boomers who think NSA and et al. are like concentration camp of angels, but you and I know they're wrong.

There is a huge difference. The traitors are in charge. They bow down to multinational banks and corporations that are dictating America's laws and policy. Our government has be compromised by organizations like CFR and Trilateral Commission. These people need to be strung up for treason. You really should be aware of WHO is the real enemy here. If the Government was not corrupted, Snowden could have gone through the proper channels. Those are all closed off by gatekeepers working for these traitorous NGOs, looking out for anything that could and will implicate their overlords in the crimes they continuously commit.

Sup Forums is pretty much the only echo chamber in all of Sup Forums where you will find dumb mouthbreather faggots defending the NSA spying on its own people.

Can't tell it's because people here are naturally contrarian, due to ignorance of technology/NSA or because they're unapologetic right wing cumguzzlers.

Have you even read this thread?

Please tell me that pic is photoshopped, If he actually posed for that photo he's an even bigger faggot than I thought.

So has anyone heard from this guy since the whole deadman switch thing

Snowden was fine until he started hanging out with all those Leftist Jews. He can get fucked.

He's dead, you know...

I did. It's disappointing.

Yeah. Problem is you vote to remove surveillance you gotta vote left and get a never ending stream of sand niggers instead.

It's 2016 and hardly anyone can just be normal.

Now we whiteout user names? Wtf man

But you know very well he wouldn't have a public case. Did Manning have a case?
How did he defend himself?

But he had a pledge to defend the Constitution
>One pledge says don't leak documents
>Next says defend the Constitution, which in this case involves leaking said documents

>sell millions of documents on US foreign intelligence operations, sources, and methods
>i-its okay because there were a few pages related to metadata that required a court order to access

no, fuck this lying piece of shit

i hope Putin lets him hang when he's through using him

Who did he sell it to?
Where is the evidence of sales?

Is that pic real? I mean, why would he pose for photo and hugging a flag like that? Or is it just shopped?

>95% forget...
Hardly. Never knew or understood it in the first place...

Have to agree there, most don't even know anything besides, 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments, maybe 5th too only because of TV and MSM.

lol do people really think that guy pictured is Snowden, fuck people are retarded

>snowden supports hillary
Since when?


People really belive he is a traitor, when NSA is watching your every step and moving you up and down on risk ladder, based on your internet activity? And than in the next thread you say you are red pilled af...

The person being replied to was also from Spain so it was probably him:


No classified information was "exposed". All the recipients were cleared.

If you knew anything about classifying authority you'd know this.

Those two stories are not mutual exclusive. Man has created a reality that is both ideas right now.

If you want truth, go to the author of truth.