
Have you ever felt intense rage for following a certain character and getting shown the fucking middle finger for giving a shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, my favorite character is Vriska ;^)

Jade confirmed still using guns despite being able to sling suns into people.

>tfw we are finally dead

I'm angry at the Huss for ruining Karkat.

How much was Hussie actually drawing up until the end?

Can he even draw anymore?

As stupid as it was, I was invested in Gamzo and still upset Terezi's arc took a dumb tailspin to being ;_; all the time.

Alright Eg8ert. I know I got mad when you mentioned it 8efore, 8ut I've given it a lot of thought. I know you're interested in 8lowjo8s so, fine.
I will let you 8low me.

john was my favorite character
so thankfully not yet

It's time to move on. We need to let go.



This... ples...let me..die

Why the fuck did sollux do what he did?
Why does no one ever call him out on it?
He's a fucking douchebag and nobody hates him for it.
Wwhat the fuck?!

Jade's tantrums


Thoughts on Daverezi?

Literally perfect. don't let the autistic karkat or jade fags tell you otherwise

Sollux is Hussie. Recall that one pic of him with the horns. We are the blue team. Tumblr is the red team. It is so obvious in retrospect.

I have no complaints about the way it turned out pre-retcon

They had some chemistry, but ultimately there's no way a relationship between them would work out in the long term

>dat red
Does she lick her own eyes?

Does Dave keep an open mind about his wife's autism?

I dont think that her tongue can reach her eyes user

Dirk put up with Jake, and Jade's better adjusted than him.
It's just, sometimes she flips the fuck out like this.

I don't actually care about fictional characters to that degree because I'm not that pathetic :)

I had some but they all happened offscreen.

Why are we still here? Just to wait for the epilogue? Every night, I reread Jailbreak... Problem Sleuth... even Bardquest. The characters I've lost... the plotlines I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there.
You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.

What are you going to do?


>Implying that even John wasn't gentrified and over-simplified by the end too.

You mean abandoning everyone despite being a component guy?


I read homestuck.
Fuck the cosplayers and general community.
They robbed my cart of my gps and ipod.

>robbed my cart of my gps and ipod

plot elements don't have alignments

>Fuck the cosplayers
I certainly did

I went to a homestuck meetup
this was maybe four years ago
some chick I knew needed to get something out of my car
a troll cosplayer followed her and cleaned my car out.
I'm still a little bitter over it


We pull in money, anons, just to combat Hussie. The world calls for wet-work, and we answer! No greater good. No just cause!
All for revenge.

As a Nepeta fan, definitely.
She had to basically do the Garnet with Davesprite to gain an ounce of relevance and even then it wasn't that much.

reeeee! reeeeeeeee!


We shoulda had a cat tier Roxy

I met a jade cosplayer, i fucked a jade cosplayer. Not much to say really.

Go back to sleep kitty

who would win in a slap fight

jane or rose

We should have had a lot of things.

>do the Garnet

Rose has nails, but Jane has strength

>Come to a fucking Homestuck thread
>Get triggered by Steven Universe

We should have had John/Rose and Jade/Dave

lots of people in this thread don't fucking watch cartoons for children

I never post on this sjw worshipping board except for these threads.

I welcome the day we get our /vg/ general and i never have to fucking step foot in this SJW containment board again.

SUs gimmick is to have lesbians dancing and kissing on a kids cartoon, HS gimmick is only to have demon-like characters in a fucking shitty teens webcomic.

i pick the later any fucking time.


>Implying sprites haven't existed before SU
>Bringing it up for no reason
>Liking SU

There's too much good there that Hussie would ruin

A million times this.

Oh, wait, you like Nepeta. No wonder why you have shit tastes.

>Getting this triggered

Fuck off already, autist.

I still don't get why the ending was so rushed. Did Hussie just really think that what he was doing was acceptable enough to make instead of trying to at least make it somewhat better?

You're the one sperging out over a kid's show.

Has Eridan been doing anything? Has he shown up at all?

>triggered meme
there is a reason why there used to be a general, and it had nothing to do with SU.

Always liked Johnrezi more, at least back in 2010 or whenever the fuck it was

You're the one who watches a kids' show.

He got a Shrek meme in Collide. That's about it.

>Call someone an autist
>Get mad when they say sperg
You're a very special person, aren't you?

Oh man I hate Hussie

You didn't understand the context of putting that in the post. Wow, autism.

It was a refrence to a meme involving the two so that's better/worse depending on the person.

There have been canonically more scenes of girls kissing in Homestuck than there have been in Steven Universe.
Dems the facts.

are you the same two dopey cunts that were arguing in the last thread


This is really going nowhere so I'll fuck off.

Guys it's obvious that the epilogue is never coming out and that Hiveswap, featuring special guest writer Zoe Quinn, will be nothing short of a trainwreck

I implore you, move on.

Like all the gay shit? Then go watch Steven Universe! That's hella fucking gay!

Like Murderstuck? Then become a weeaboo and watch Dangan Ronpa! Actually, that shows airing two episodes a week, so if you hurry you can be part of an active community

Instead of, well...

This. The Homestuck fandom

We are small, and slowly dying. We asked our God "Was it all worth it?", and he posted a picture of himself wearing a shirt with Pepes on it

Hiveswap won't have Quinn. That was debunked.

That's the fucked thing, it's clear that act 7 took effort with all that animation. But then he doesn't follow it up. It's both lazy and not at the same time

Source please

nothing else has waifus even CLOSE to this quality

Quinn's Twitter.

>Favorite trolls were Equius and Eridan

Yep. Yep yep yep

Just a screenshot then

Hussie conned all of us.

We're a support group now.

I refuse to search through that shit please show me the link

It's bright and "epic" but completely vapid; it's for dummies. The Trsndformers of Homestuck Flashes.

TFW he literally conned us

i have the source bookmarked on my home pc

ill post it when i get home in two hours

I'm on mobile and shit. Just get it yourselves.

That's most flashes

I'm not visiting her twitter

It's really not though. The most basic of plot progressions weren't drawn out for "awesomeness!!!!!"

Porrim's nude again

Don't be a baby. Conquer your fears.

it's not like twitter has ad revenue you chode just go look for it, or check desuarchive for the screenshot someone posted in the last threads

I just dove through that cancerous hole, nothing about her not working on Hiveswap

Tons of stuff about her working on projects with BOTH Cohen Edenfield and John, the Buisness Dev of What Pumpkin

You retards it was on her ask blog

just wait two hours holy sht you impatient cock monglers

Can you give me a post to look for? So far I've seen a post say "It was confirmed fake", but no screenshots or links which confirmed it to be fake

its sort of a moot point anyway, the games never coming out so who works on it doesn't actually matter

No if Zoe Quinn is working on it it means literally all is lost and San Francisco Hipsters will find a way to kill anything interesting

Goddamn San Francisco Hipsters, how are they so good at getting jobs developing video games?!

Reddit approves of them!