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Flayed edition

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>inb4 the Lich King kills danys dragon and revives it as frost dragon

Books or the show?

Did he have greyscale as well?

Arya wouldn't be so ridiculous if they didn't spend 2 seasons of her just scrubbing bodies and doing nothing

Bend the knee.

Was Ned a warg?

where da leaks

>The fat virgin Maesters of Sup Forums are still debating who is the best GoT waifu. No progress whatsoever.
>idiot rolls to have GoT waifu and gets Sandor

Books, but also seasons 1-4 of the show.

*wight dragon


Sansa is endgame.
Bravo d$d

yes we know video game hacks rip off fantasy, no one cares

Where the leaks

Hey can you guys explain something to me? I haven't seen got since way back in season 4 I believe, for whatever reason I dropped it but recently stayed at a friends house and he mentioned how an episode was leaked and he streamed it. I use the internet alot so I already knew Jon Snow was king, that he'd meet daenerys and other broad strokes but what shocked me most was how there was absolutely no more political scenes/intrigue in this episode atleast, did they scrap it or was it just a bad episode? Are season 5 and 6 the same? I did love the dragon battle but it felt too simple, it was only daenerys and jaime who were big characters there right?

Say what you want about how the show has gone, but that Jaime charge at the end was pure kino

How does the theory that Sansa dies in S1E1 work?

Don't be greedy you fat Jew. We got one already. Sit back and relax, if more come more come.

Isn't Jon Snow still technically a bastard. His father was dead when he was born, you can't be married to a corpse, so he was born to a woman out of wedlock.

I'm neither fat nor a jew

blue eyes wight dragon *

Someone please explain, aren't maesters bound to individual lords?

Yes he's still a bastard, northerners don't give a shit though and made him their king anyway.

Jon Snow looks so fucking tired in every single scene he's in.

Give him a bed ffs.

R&L were married first

Ice dragon=/= undead dragon

So is Jamie actually dead or is it just a cliffhanger?

Now that ShowJon=Aegon

does that mean BookJon=Dead?

Season 1 >>>>>>>>>> a piece of shit >>>>>>>>>> other seasons

Even the locations are really shit lately.

Like, I know we're in the North. You don't need to plonk a grim blue filter over everything. Everything just looks so bland like a Marvel movie.

I don't get it because in the earlier seasons the locations felt like real places.

>pls bend knee
>i need army
>pls stop slavery
>im rightful kween
>no me
>jon snow is basterd
>no he great
>wildling gr8
>no they savage
>hey cersi blew up the sept
>lol who cares
There's your politics.

looks like he's wearing uncomfortable armour and sick to hell of been in a show that became shit ages ago.
also he only gets to do scenes with a few decent actors now

They stay at the citadel to forge their chains, most of them serve lords yes but you still need a staff at the citadel


They still respond/coordinate with the Citadel. They planned and successfully killed the dragons and removed the Targaryens from power.

Good goy


book jon is a wolf

Yeah but Rhaegar was killed at the trident before Jon was born. Seems to me like he'd still be a bastard.

There are none now user. They simplified it alot. They already killed dorne leaders off and tyrell leaders off.

I am kind of hoping the iron bank/cersei go at it and aren't just bed buddies, same as someone in daenerys camp is betraying her, maybe missandei, because as it is it's too straight forward.

He's had plenty of rest m8.

The Lich King itself is a rip off of the Night King. I mean they ripped off LotR and Warhammer, why wouldn't they rip off ASOIAF?

yep, they control all communication between lords etc. and control almost all healing and science, which means they have the opportunity to change events dramatically at least.

>tywin warged into tyrion
The fuck?

Reminder that the only """"evidence"""" of a masester conspiracy is a butthurt old roastie who couldn't handle that chad wanted to marry someone else.

hes realized hes contracted to recieve over a million per episode, no matter what he does

>arguing with retarded redditors about how it's physically impossible for arya to fight brienne the way she did
>their argument is 'dude its a fantasy show with dragons, just turn your brain off bro'

i will never forgive d&d for making stupid cunts like these their target audience

But what the fuck is the """conspiracy"""? Or is this just meme shitposting?

Don't get even started on Tyrion=time travelling oedipus fetus

literally what?

>implying this is any stupider than RV almost beating the Mountain because he didn't wear armour and fought with a spear

because ASOIAF have no original ideas :^)

Faceless Men are eliminating magic and dragons from the world and work for Team Ice, they infiltrated the Maesters once the Targs took over Westeros.

Who can time travel besides the three eyed raven?

Can someone give me some neat quotes from the book that didn't make it into the show? Or fun trivia?

why did ramsay murder roose? wouldn't he hectically still be his heir since he's legitimized?


>But what the fuck is the """conspiracy"""?
A deliberate plan to supress all technological advancement and magic, in order to keep their position as the smartest guys around

>i will never forgive d&d for making stupid cunts like these their target audience
Are you stupid? These were their audiences from the beginning.

>muh womyn powah

The Stark kids are tied to their Dire wolves. Lady died, so that must mean Sansa is dead.

But grrm confirmed that Lady is not her dire wolf, Sandor is.

>"A wolf is no pet, get her a wolf she will be better off." -King Bobby b.

We see in the books she practically controls Sandor while they are together in KL, he protects her time after time. Risking his life at least 5 times for her. Saving her when he should be on the other side of the city.

When Sandor "dies" with Arya on the road and becomes the grave digger this is around the same time Sansa "dies" and becomes Alayne with Little Finger.

This is more in the books. d&d didn't play with sansan too much as Rory who plays the 20 year old Hound is 40 irl and Sophie in season 2 was 16 and they had a lot of romantic scenes together in KL.

>he doesn't know

people think they are secretly influencing events and history in order to create a world without magic, GRRM has confirmed that something is going on at the very least, but its unclear whether it will have a large impact on the story.

That's not a conspiracy, that's just public policy. Are you retarded?

The show fight was stupid. At least in the books Oberyn's winning because he has an 8 foot spear coated with poison and he's just standing very far away, poking at Clegane until he gets worn out.




>something is going on

Such as...? All this talk and no proof is really firing my neurons.

>but its unclear whether it will have a large impact on the story.
It won't have any impact. The books won't be finished.

The entirety of Dorne.

the shit people think up with so many years between books is amazing

>tfw hard-core because I believe in the eldritch apocalypse

Go Euron go

>No Arya is a failed champion of boash the blind god

exceptions can be made for shit like that, you cant deny a pregnant woman her sons lineage because his father died to some unforseen circumstance, or treason

She joined the assassins guild, got a DEX buff and maxed out the Dagger skill tree.

At least a spear is a real weapon. Arya doesn't even have a rapier. Just a very small sword made for a child.

Either he or D&D weren't patient


who /sansan/ here?


that's literally what he said, when asked whether the maesters had a secret at some fucking Q&A panel or some shit

based 'it aint me' poster

Robb, who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born ofBalon Greyjoy’s loins. Murdered at theRed Wedding, butchered by theFreys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.




>Every morning they had trained together, since they were big enough to walk; Snow and Stark, spinning and slashing about the wards of Winterfell, shouting and laughing, sometimes crying when there was no one else to see. They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well, I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne."
>That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell."

Apparently Southernors can't handle it when they get 8 inches of snow

I'm asking what fucking proof even suggests there's a conspiracy. What you're suggesting is the equivalent of me saying "Trump is a Martian" out of the blue without any indication he's a Martian or any proof. It's just making up shit for no reason.

Alright, but Jaqen literally is Pate. Or rather stole his face. Nearly confirmed.
Explain this please.

What would Sup Forums have done to improve the shows pacing so that S7 and S8 aren't trainwrecks?



Dany is about to get 8 inches of snow, if you know what I mean.

i am amused

D&D will never live down this fuckup



best fight scene of got is aethelcuck vs key guy


who is pate