So i logged into kikebook and saw this #ItsOkayToTalk propaganda.
>Thier feelings.
This hashtag is propaganda to turn men into submissive beta cucks.
Since when did Australia become so cucked?
Pic related.
So i logged into kikebook and saw this #ItsOkayToTalk propaganda
suicide is predominantly a male problem where over 75% of all successful suicides are commited by males. swallow the suicide red pill and stop hating on the depressed. I'm not sure iif #ItsOkayToTalk is the answer, but something needs to be done for sure.
I blame the kikes
At least it isn't some bullshit about domestic abuse or migrants - or even Nauru
This is deeply mysygynystyc!
Its feminizing men to push the feminist agenda. Just look at the wording
>Their feelings
This is turning them into attention whoring manginas.
I agree with the Swede. Hashtags are fucking stupid but there is a horrible suicide epidemic among white men. Awareness isn't a bad thing
His hands are so fat
I wonder if many of the people who reks themselves are redpilled
its ok
don't get sad
>get mad!
i blame ourselves. most suicides are committed by teenagers or by senior citizens. in the latter case, they've come to terms with their mortality and see no point in living further. in the former, they've most often been bullied and have had to grow up in education systems that get more and more tailored towards helping females while disregarding males.
nah m8, its not the hashtag thats feminizing men, its society as a whole that is getting more feminized and thus males have a harder time fitting in. my take on it atleast. beyond that, its definitely harder to get mental health treatment as a male.
Our "Feelings" are that of absolute rage and frustration. If we were to talk on that subject, it would "trigger" so many leftists so hard that their heads would spin.
Women get diagnosed with depression and anxiety at a higher rate.
because men dont like to talk to shrinks about it and thus do not get diagnosed
Fuck off to reddit you white knight beta cuck faggot
i'd bet money thats the case. "ignorance is bliss", and the inverse of ditto.
what to do though? how to raise awareness without sounding like a tumblrite whose balls never dropped?
I'm so glad I never made a kikebook
There is no way to spread awareness without sounding like a beta for it
>Men should be killing machine that rape and destroy.
Oh common aussie...
People have fellings, the hashtag is fucking dumb but we have to raise awereness to the fact that men also fucking cry, and that unlike females we don't have people that will carry us out of depression nor do we have the incentive to get out ourselves.
This feminization is humanization, the fact that you can't see the difference makes you parte of the problem.
By raising awareness for it you are basically acting like an attention whoring woman which makes you emotionally weak.
Feminazis are the ones who try to stop this sort of thing. One of the most respected UK unis tried to host an event on International Men's Day to raise awareness of the high suicide rates among the male population, and the feminist group at the uni got it banned for being misogynistic due to the focus on men.
So by fighting this sort of thing, you are playing into the Feminazi hands.
The flag is the only thing that give this post any fucking sense.
It is ok to talk with male friends that will keep your confidence.
Men need purpose and comradery among other men. It is your duty to your friends to raise their spirits when they are down.
These things should not be discussed in public though. Women will find you weak and men will see it as shameful.
i doubt that talking will prevent these men to kill themselves, that's a very feminine logic, don't think would work
i agree but what is the reason for this?
By publically playing the victim card it makes men look weak. Its okay to talk about it in private but all this is just feminization.
>be reticent person
>suddenly tagged by hundreds of smug faces
>"it's ok to talk you know xD"
It does work, sometimes you need to get something off your chest and say it out loud to someone else to realize how absurd/irrational it is
>Tfw I'm going to kill myself if Clinton wins
It's okay to talk, but it's already been decided. I'm giving up on the world if the leftists win this time. Nothing can really fix that
>Men need purpose and comradery among other men.
Watching as an outsider a veterans struggle with PTSD and how veterans associations can and have helped, this is important. Through inductive reasoning one could reason that a solution for this problem are inclusive male organizations that can rally male youth behind a productive goal, groups such as paramilitary/national guard/weekend warriors, political think tanks and beer hall meetings could help a lot. I also think that football firms and similar groups are symptoms of the same need. Unfortunately many of the loners that need it tend to be introverts who are most comfortable sitting infront of the computer at home.
Assassinate Hillary before you do and you will be remembered, brother.
Ausbro has a point.
It's been established by now that men expressing any kind of weakness to women is an automatic subconscious turn off to them.
It creates an impression of weakness and therefore inferiority. Next thing you know she's shopping for a replacement penis. If she hasn't already picked one out and taken it for a test drive already.
Yes. Depression and suicide are serious issues and deserve a scientifically backed, socially aware method to combat it.
All this will do is increase net depression from all the guys whose women wind up cheating on or leaving them.
And (((who))) do we know who has both an open agenda to crash white birthrates and pressure white males to give up, along with massive control of the media?
Look for something that can help you out of this instead. Dont take a permanent fix to a temporary depression. Depression in the end is caused by chemical inbalance in your brain. Its not your fault.
Lmao who cares you fucking edgelord
I went through a short bout of depression when I was in-between jobs, my gf got mad that I wouldn't talk to her about it.
Men should have other males to talk to about this stuff, because realistically men are the only ones that can understand and there's no judgement of inferiority.
Focus on what you can change dude. Move to a more conservative area or focus on starting a family to grow our ranks. Work on your body in the gym.
There are a million things you can do to better your situation.
Men can talk about their feelings, just not publicly. Men can cry, just not publicly. We're men and we were created to be strong and brave on behalf of women and children