>that hip-to-shoulder ratio
Definitely a man
Tyrone BTFO
yeah, i'm embarrassed to say it, but we cheated using a man to win some gold in gymnastics
please forgive us world
Shes getting dicked by chads at the village :/
hahaha fuck that thing
I mean look at those shoulders. That thing got more testosterone than a grown man in his prime.
How are we BTFO? She's a black person, not a nigger. There's a difference. Working hard and sacrificing, self discipline and a drive to be the best makes you a respectable person, which is something that your average ghetto nigger lacks.
Who's the guy?
WTF is that thing
Tyrone here ...he can have her.. Where Da white woman at?
When did lil Wayne start cross dressing?
why would you give a child steroids/hgh
who is that on the pic? i think i saw it but cant remember
She looks exactly like Will Smith
She looks nothing like Will Smith.
In that pic she looks more like an Indian (as in India Indian) than an American negro.
>Monkey is better at acrobatics than humans.
You're point being?
>what are outliers
She looks like Laurence Fishburne to me
if her skin would be a little bit lighter and her eyes closer together, she would really look like him.
What he fuck is that thing? Looks like a mutant. Calling it an ape would be an insult to primates.
>highly disciplined
I see no problem with her.
>>highly disciplined
I'm too hip to watch TV, so I don't know much about her, but I read that some NBC guy kept refusing to call her grandparents her parents even though they adopted her because her mom was a drug addict.
So how did the grandparents raise a drug addict and then turn around and raise a perfect child.
My head hurts.
You never seen a kid who was just a little shit for no reason before? Some people just suck like that
You've never seen a nigress before?