
>whiter than americans

Other urls found in this thread: mummies

rape babies

sex slaves


>Implying there aren't pockets of scythains/sarmatians in central asia.



Quite the opposite. The black ones are the rape babies. This one is of ancient semitic stock, just like Eva Green.

how many goats for this women sir, i will not go over 10

Some people in the region are part of the original Aryan race, like that girl. Most already arent though.

that's what they are, pockets

NOT the norm

White is more than skin color though. Only Europeans are considered white

Poor Pashtuns, being exterminated by nigger skinned Obama supporters and ugly unibrow'd durka durks and hooked nosed jews.

i offer 10 goats and a cow

Kalash are Pakistanis, and while some may have white features, for the most part part they don't.

Define "Europeans". Technically your people are invaders to Europe (unless you're Nordic, which you aren't).

#1 global demography says indo european
it doesn't say indo asian
it doesn't say indo african
it doesn't say indo russian
it doesn't say indo burger

friendly reminder that it's a European world you're living in

>its the year 2030
>while some americans (40%) may have white features, for the most part they don't

shut your dirty mouth you greek pigfucker

Fucking America

What is your problem? Are you Indian?

>implying we racemix or even live in the same communities

It's more and more common.

Actually you should racemix to death but you are so fucking stupid

what OP doesn't tell you is she's 14 and they age like there is time dilation

lmfao, what is that an american consulate school? Nobody believes that was actually what afghanistan looked like.

If they have somehow preserved their bloodline from Alexander's soldiers they might very well be.


All races are equal, and while some have different strengths from others, all of them have something to offer. Stop being closed-minded idiots and start spreading culture and education instead. Those are the things that matter.

Greeks and Albanians are closely related. I don't understand the self-hatred.

Missing children was my thought as well.

A lot of kids go missing each year.

Does a Slavic Russian living Siberia call himself European or Asian? Russia messed up the European boarders by expanding east.

well since Slavs originally comes from are which is party now in Afghanistan then there is no suprise that there are whites in Afghanistan even today.

Could be, maybe or not.

She could be a descendant of the Greeks who lived there back in the day.
>pic related

Look at genetic studies. Practically indistinguishable.

Its the last remnants of indo ariyan culture before they opened their borders to shitskins

White = Anyone of European origin/

Crusader kids. Lots of them in Nuristan.

Haplogroups aren't the end-all-be-all. That simply means the initial pre-historic stock was similar (or even identical), but other adaptations and mutations happened throughout the years.

If she was Christian then I would date her

Not really, there's always been people like her there. If anything, there was more of them in the past.

>posting the same threads

British and Irish people have been proven to have less eastern dna than Scandis, that picture was probably made by a swedecuck.

Americans are all niggers.
They pretend to be Anglo Saxon. But they are not They are all Mexicans, nogs and red Indians. Complete mixed up race.
Fucking Yanks claiming glorious Anglo heritage
Aussies are Anglo. And Kiwis. They have correct genetic ancestry. Yankees are half breeds.

She is ded

I don't think so m8. But it's nothing bad, it's something like 20℅-30℅ I believe. I imagine the Welsh have more.

They can be as white as they want to as long as they stay out of white Europé!

She looks like KStew

what?? source?

i believe all natives in the balkans are basically same people

Exactly, because she is a crypto-Jew, which is why Woody Allen loves her and she plays with the other Jew, Jesse Eisenberg often. Bravo, you picked up on the ((chosen)) genes.

That's probably not far from the truth. The English language is living proof that the Germanic peoples in the Britain almost didn't change the genetic stock at all. In cases like these, the superstratum language develops with influences from the initial indigenous population's substratum, but in the case of English, the island's language developed into a full-blown creole.

Alexander the Great's soldier's rape babies, while his army went through Afghanistan to get to India

I am from croatia so fuck you get out my europe.

These people were there before alexander went through there.

>>whiter than americans

That would explain why the Americans invaded it.

Wasn't Alex the Great's wife Iranian/Persian?

Deutsch freund back at it again with the bantz

If you are from Croatia, you are pretty much of the same racial stock as me. Congratulations.


that girl looks like she's seen some shit

Look it up m8. Where did you think blue eyes came from?

Darkest Europeans:
- Sicilians.

Tarim Mummies.

I already told you....

Portugese & Sicilians are significantly darker than Greeks. Not that it means anything to me. The darker the better.

That's not a source FAGGOT. Get as ource or GTFO

she has probably lost some relatives to the american invaders

No, I meant.. the original blue eyes, something like10.000 years ago. mummies

What the fuck have Chinese mummies have to do with Afghans, FAGGOT?

are you this retarded...?

She isn't Afghan.

what is she?

Stupid dumb nigger faggot, post a source showing that blue eyes Afghans were in Afghanistan BEFORE Alexander's army marched through it or GTFO!

Alexander looked something like this.

Okay paki.
Tarim mummies prove that there were white europeans in 1900 BCE speaking tocharian all over tarim basin, east asia and near middle east way before the invaders came (arabs, chinks etc)

That's way before alexander

Can one of you homosexuals explain why this bitch still looks nigger dirty as fuck, despite being white?

Because she doesn't use a shampjew

then post a fucking source FAGGOT, or kys, choose!

already posted huh what is wrong with you, why are you this mad?

aren't the only original europeans basques and welsh?

Only that they weren't technically Europeans, since they didn't come from Europe.

Damn she's smug.

you're right but speaking of appearance

She's like a Moot, but girl.


There's probably 1 white person in Afghanistan, and by the time you posted this picture she was probably decapitated for witchcraft.

nah her home got raided by your soldiers

They just weren't affected by Indo-Europeans much. Otherwise, they weren't the original ones.

that was afghanistan. you homosexual promoting american jew loving nignog hating rapist mudslime loving degenerate.
that should trigger you

Nigger faggot, posted nothing of the sort. Don't make shit up without sources. If you post opinions then do that and don't tell anons to chase around googling your pet theories looking for sources which don't exist trying to connect Chinese mummies to Afghans.

There was a global civilisation prior to Younger Dryas so it is possible the Afghans were white PRIOR to Alexander...BUT... the Afghan link to Alexander is very well documented and anything countering that must be cited to be taken seriously.

Post actual sources or GTFO

Yes, those are the genetics we're looking for Anatolian whites. Green eyes are more prevalent than blue.

>There was a global civilisation prior to Younger Dryas
peer reviewed source?

>Girl in the OP is descendant of Alexander

Don't ever speak that name.

some filthy goat fucker is fucking 10/10 child brides, and basically you're a fucking tranny

read the koran to find out why

This is pretty fair and balanced for all peoples. That makes a change for Sup Forums

She's not a descendant to Alexander, but she might be related to Ancient Greeks (at least Ionians-Athenians, not necessarily Macedonians) otherwise.

They might both be descended from the same, white Anatolian people. So in a sense, she could be Greek without being Alexander's rape baby.

Alexander created lot of cities and made Greeks settle there, like Alexandria in Egypt. He also encouraged his men to marry the local girls of the countries he invaded.

How about a new, radical theory: there must have been other white people where the Greeks came from.

Bing Nuristan for pics of white Afghans. Lots of red hair and freckles.