BLM releases a new video

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We must hang these fuckers from lamp posts.

wub wub wub wub

Ruins it

Aww I really like the music. Well times to the action. Its Crossfire-Stephen and its funny because its a guy (who I think is jewish, last name Swartz) making a song that's about le innocent black men killed and they are using it to show how police really bear the brunt of this propaganda that Soros funds.

Hopefully this can redpill some negros.

This isnt vid made by BLM.

Dumb burger cant even bother to check source.

if black lives matter so much, why do they keep murdering each other?

Duh , I was saying it so people would reply you toilet cleaner.


Black lives matter leaders release a new video, stating their demands in what some would call an aggressive tone

We have wires and we have lamp posts. We only need the climate now, to get away with it.

>polack doesn't understand sarcasm
Now I'm beginning to understand why there are so many polish jokes

Black lives only matter when white people kill them. When black people kill them then it's just another day in da hood.

Well and also when Blacks kill Blacks OR whites it doesn't matter. Doesn't fit the narrative. Its all about building a victimhood so Blacks will vote Democrat even if welfare doesn't actually help them statistically any more than Jim Crow did.


For the love of all that's good, it better come sooner then later

i dont get the point

black people are just defending themselves against this non sense brutality by the retarded low ed low iq US police force

every fat fuck or jobless white can be come a cop as he pleases for no reason

no wonder there is no law & order lol

Blacks are the ones mostly being brutal, that's sort of the point of the video Hans.


Actually you can't have a police record, must meet physical fitness standards, and have to take exams to be a cop.

So that's why blacks aren't cops, they can't actually accomplish that. Police departments actually want to hire black officers, but they literally can't find a nigger without a police record that is capable.

Well that's a sigh of relief. Here in D.C. we've had a lot of articles about how a lot of cops are retiring with no replacements. The city is gentrifying and violent crime overall is way down since the 90's but we've had a recent spike in murders and our Black mayoralty and city council have ignored it or even (the mayor) suggested we should search Blacks less when they are most of the crime (some is Hispanics). They legalized marijuana and just plain disbanded our vice (drug crime) units firing a bunch of officers which I think, in part, led to the crime wave. D.C. is the richest city in the U.S. but our murder rate is still very high so its a city of contrasts and nobody really talks about it honestly.

Right Wing Death Squads now!!!

Sounds a lot like EDEN, good stuff

EDEN? Can you link to a song? I'm always looking for new music.

Baltimore here. I know those feels. But here everything is run by the blacks and affirmative action has spiraled out of control. Half the force is inept fat ghetto black women who couldn't do ANYTHING but cry for backup.

DC is getting whiter by the year. Second most gentrified city. My apartment building is almost all millennial white yuppies in their 20s and 30s. Neighborhood was majority hispanic as recently as 2000. Things are changing. We could get a White mayor in D.C. next election which would be huge. I see the point of saying to poor blacks, look you can't see the leadership is against you because they are black too, buttttt Black leaders tend to be VERY corrupt and a lot of our ex mayors and city council members have gone to jail.

That's the only good thing about white hipsters faggots. They may be gigantic homos and their motives and priorities are all fucking messed up but at least they make a place more white

Yup but all the half-hearted BLM and refugee shilling is pretty annoying but the food has gotten way better. Still there are REGULAR shootings a few blocks from where I live.

Yeah black politicians here are incredibly corrupt but the retarded blacks don't care. They almost reflected former mayor Sheila Dixon who was kicked out of office for stealing gift cards meant for the homeless, among other things. She was allowed to run after she got off probation. It's absolutely ridiculous. The Democratic Party in Maryland had a stranglehold on politics for so long it became incredibly corrupt at the state and city level.

Yeah, that's the negative side of hipsters like I said their motives and morals are all fucked up, but, because they are really faggoty, they usually end up making all the non-whites leave over time, and property values tend to go up surprisingly, but it does take some years

Its funny my sister started her career WORKING for dem party of maryland (albeit a white guy) and I resent their influence now. I mean I don't love Hogan but there has to be another way besides >muh faith trad conservatives vs corrupt blacks.

Well property values have gone up a ton which sadly doesn't help me cuz I'm in an apt so my rent just is sky-high but it does mean very few non-whites live here anymore. We still get some that come during the day to loiter or work but they can only afford to live in suburbs.