>Sup Forums hates modern women
>Sup Forums hates the govt divorce courts
>Sup Forums hates the breakdown of the nuclear family due to both of the above
>yet Sup Forums hates the MGTOW movement
Explain yourselves
>Sup Forums hates modern women
>Sup Forums hates the govt divorce courts
>Sup Forums hates the breakdown of the nuclear family due to both of the above
>yet Sup Forums hates the MGTOW movement
Explain yourselves
Other urls found in this thread:
go away, nobody wants you here
>A movement for going your own way
>going your own way as a collective
Maybe if the existence of the movement wasn't stupid since it adds absolutely nothing?
pol advocates red pill
its not even an option.
Yeah, Sup Forums is retarded that way. They hate the systems that prevent the nuclear family from functioning, then blame men for not getting married under the, to coin a Trump phrase, "rigged system".
It's like they're feminists' useful idiots.
"YOU FAGGOT GET MARRIED (risking your wife being or becoming a feminist cunt who'll take half your money for the rest of your days, taking your house, and leaving you a broken shell of a man forever for nothing!)"
>hatesmodern women
Untrue, I dislike cultural Marxism ans the affect it has on good people.
>hates divorce courts
True, statistics show they're overwhelmingly biased against men.
>hates the breakdown of traditional family
True, times and what is socially acceptable changes over time, can't stop it.
>hates MGTOW movement.
True, men stuck in a perpetual child-like state should be executed. Makes you no better than the women who lie/cheat/steal/defame men to get what they want from society.
Please go back to your containment board.
Who said anything about marriage? More children are needed, not marriage.
MGTOW just means going your own way in regards to marriage and women dipshit
Sup Forums also advocates continuing the white race and reproducing, which opens the floodgates to alimony and child support
Malta knows what's up
nothing wrong with removing yourself from a rigged system.
>Sup Forums has one coherent opinion on everything
Fuck you fucking fag
What are your thoughts on a man who chooses not to marry but instead invests his time into community work and looking after others?
pol hates whites dying out as a race the most
pic related
The reason Pol doesn't like MGTOW is because they're idealists, not realists.
MGTOW is the feminist's trap, it divides male and female just like feminist wanted to.
You arent making sense.
Sup Forums almost universally is red pill, and against marriage (having deduced it as a social mechanism with no advantage, rather handicap and harm, to a male in a marriage to a woman).
Sup Forums is not conservative, or liberal. Sup Forums is radical and red-pilled against each of those.
>Sup Forums hates feminism and cultural marxism destroying the western idea of family
>Somehow hates its male pendant
Are you daft ?
So you're advocating white men acting like niggers?
>Sup Forums
> Linking feminist man-shaming skits
Nice blue hair and septum pierce, cunt
MGTOW is an admission of failure and doesn't solve any problems.
>rigged system
True. Nature and evolution made you the walking recessive gene you are. Stunted from birth, tisk tisk.
You don't have to marry to sire children. I don't invest much thought into the lives of others desu senpai. If public works are your calling in life, so be it.
>Sup Forums also advocates continuing the white race and reproducing, which opens the floodgates to alimony and child support
where the hell did you get that idea?
Sup Forums advocates living your own life with your own values, and the rest be damned.
is this some weak attempt to surrepeticiously cause a reaction you can (falsely) construe to indicate this board is a Sturmfront cover?
Sup Forums skews toward 'alpha' type males who are well adjusted and inclined to have families. These men tend to make out ok no matter how bad society fails men in general, so long as the whole thing doesn't go tits up. Therefore these type have a strong interest in punching down on weaker males who have been shafted by the system and want to defect.
tl;dr Sup Forums is an alpha board, /r9k/ is for betas
"movements" are fucking retarded and lead to group think. Group-thinking is the antithesis of free-thinking. We are free-thinkers. Feel free to think whatever you want about us.
They don't go their own way as a collective, it's what sets them apart from MRAs.
They don't have a choice anyway.
>Sup Forums hates the breakdown of the nuclear family due to both of the above
>yet Sup Forums hates the MGTOW movement
You've answered your own question.
Sup Forums wants the nuclear family. MGTOW wants to destroy the nuclear family.
There's your answer.
>Implying that Divorce/Child Support Laws hasn't already created that schism
This shit has been going on for decades, men are just now realizing how fucked up the system is and want off this ride.
The recent generation of children from divorce families who reached adulthood are most likely going to be new people who join after seeing how fucked up the system is.
What's wrong with men's rights activism?
I've donated thousands to causes that exclusively aide men.
Yeah but that argument is bullshit. If there was a law that any white Olympian gets kneecapped for "diversity", you can't then be like "BUT WE WANT WHITE OLYMPIANS FUCK YOU FAGGOTS GET IN THERE"
Following the current gynocentric system doesn't solve the problem either.
Because MGTOW is literally nothing but /r9k/-tier omegas pretending the reason they can't get any is because they don't want to, and not because they're autists too socially inept to be able to go and fuck an escort.
Something I've never understood is that men typically are the ones asking for marriage and culturally seem to be conditioned to despise it.
I swear to god over the course of a year my coworker forgot he had been the one to ask his wife to marry him.
How the fuck do you think giving up on women is gonna make the world any better? Do you really think they'll be that bothered by average dudes ignoring them?
MGTOW hurts the white birthrate. Stop it.
>pol is one person, one believe system
no wonder you make a shit thread
Men should be loyal to woman, just as much as they want woman to be loyal to men.
Well we can't have a nuclear family until the marriage laws and laws about child rearing are changed to make it more balanced.
Change the court systems first before bitching about this shit. Because the root cause is the corrupt system that encourages family fragmentation. Deal with Family Fragmentation and an overjewed court system and men will have more of an incentive to marry and have kids.
Women want what they can't have in general.
Let me end this quickly
Sup Forums understands the system globally will collapse either war natural disaster or economic collapse the latter being most likely
most of Sup Forums realizes bitches won't change but will capitulate and keep there mouth shut and step in line when there is the mass starvation that is coming
How the fuck does MGTOW not take into account the damn near certain course that the world is about to be plunged into?
Because their existence is kind of like having an Atheist Club. Great, you're chasing tail or you don't believe in God. There's nothing left to say - go your own way but why advertise it and talk about it? The fact they're part of a community means they aren't going their own way at all. They should be Men Complaining To Other Men And Recruting Others To Be As Lonely As They Are while Saying It's Great.
fuck off with your white genocide bullshit goldstein
>Sup Forums skews toward 'alpha' type males who are well adjusted and inclined to have families. These men tend to make out ok no matter how bad society fails men in general, so long as the whole thing doesn't go tits up. Therefore these type have a strong interest in punching down on weaker males who have been shafted by the system and want to defect.
Sup Forums are wannabe alphas who will throw other men under the bus for pussy
Like 99% of all males
Sup Forums believes in bribing women with money to create "nuclear families"
>pol/ believes in bribing women with money to create "nuclear families"
But you do realize that's how it fucking works?
In ancient times, men and women paired because men can't give birth, and women can't hunt and defend themselves against predators. As society progressed, wild beasts became less of a threat, and currency & trading was developed. The woman's goal is still the same; To land the best possible mate to ensure the survival of the chilluns.
Take the escort pill already, so you won't be so assmad.
MGTOW is a natural and logical result of the current sociopolitical situation in the West.
Marriage is, legally, and in conduct of courts, a millstone around a mans neck.
Its patently stupid for a man to get married in the West.
MGTOW is just a red-pill with a label attached.
It largely does not differ from what most men in the West are realizing dor themself, whether they are on Sup Forums or not, or have ever heard of the terms "red pill" or "MGTOW".
I dont understand your point at all.
Everything you're complaining about is fucked, but just not participating isn't gonna help. You're just saying this game is rigged, I'm not gonna play. But they don't care, there's plenty of other people to step right up. Women will become even sluttier in competing for the alpha males.
You don't have to get married to settle down with a girl worth being with. Just be choosy.
Yes they do, and a top tier alpha is a lot more "can't have" than average dudes who ignore her.
Where does this idea that you can't be in a committed long-term relationship with getting married come from?
I literally don't understand what your point is there...
This. MGTOW is literally cucks who are too scared to give women a good dicking.
Men don't go celibate. Faggots go celibate. Men give women a fucking good dicking so they will bear his children. And he's not beholden to them because he's not a faggot.
That's the thing about MGTOW, they think that any relationship with a woman means you are cucked - do you know why they think this? Because they don't have the balls to wear the pants in a relationship
They are fucking pathetic
You can just date them or have fuck buddies.
MGTOW is full of cry baby faggots that should kill them selves.
top tier alphas are as shackled by marriage as the lowest tier male.
overall, to other readers, MGTOW is only superficially about marriage.At its core, its just a redpill that says "MGTOW".
Doesnt matter how its labelled, its still a red pill, and the obvious rational choice most men are taking when they see what is happening to other men.
Im literally sitting with my girlfriend trying to get close to her, kiss her, cuddle her, and she isnt responding to me and is moving away
I have no idea what i am doing wrong and its pissing me off
I'll agree to marry a virgin woman and nothing less.
Any man who marries a woman who's had another man's dick inside her is a literal cuck.
They are just male feminist. Both sides are a bunch of whiny faggots.
Not to mention, a lot are against marriage and are PUAs, which goes against the nuclear family unit.
Ask her you fucking cuck, and if she doesn't give an answer go outside and have a beer or something.
>Because they don't have the balls to wear the pants in a relationship
Women wear the pants in the relationship
The relationship only continues with the consent of the woman
It's very dangerous to think your force of will and supreme alpha personality will keep you away from a costly divorce
Men should be careful whatever they choose to do, our biggest weakness is our egos
Every man who got shafted by the system thought he had his woman "under control" whatever that means
Except alphas rarely get married, dipshit. They usually just bang women with zero commitment, creating even more single mothers since average would-be responsible men like yourself are just whining about how it isn't fair (and it definitely isn't) and giving up.
sociopolitical and legal realities, pre-21st Century.
all of which are completely out of whack and reference in the aftermath of womens liberation, to mens substantial detriment.
Break up with her. I'm serious. She already broke up with you.
MGTOW is not a celibacy issue.
Where did you get that into your head?
But you have a lot of these tradwife fetishists on here that are as pitiful as the 2D waifu trolls. Even high status hollywood hunks aren't safe and they come with the same diatribe you hear from bitter post-wall women: Male "beta virgins" not manning up enough, in this case for a pure white aryan sweetheart.
Because most of them are celibate.
>Except alphas rarely get married, dipshit
Are you a millenial?
Where the fk did you get this idea into your head from?
Its still a social requirement for social acceptance into the highest echelons of human society THAT YOU ARE MARRIED.
It is considered a sign of commitment, stability, and also constitutes solidification of important wealth/powerbases.
All alphas are married, also as a result of the fact that they can choose feom among the best women (how ever that might turn out afterwards).
All leading and infuential alpha males in society are married (though Im sure most wish they wherent). Its a requirement even today.
>Women wear the pants in the relationship
You're a faggot, got it. If you're not going to grow a set of bollocks nobody is going to help you.
>Business Insider reporter Dylan Love wrote a "fully-realized MGTOW (there are levels to it) is someone who shuns all relationships with women, short-term, long-term, romantic, and otherwise.
>shuns all relationships with women, short-term, long-term, romantic, and otherwise
>I tried to date a few women
>It didn't turn out great
>Therefore a good relationship is impossible
>Why try anything, I'll be alone forever
>I'm happy now, which is why I constantly have to tell people how happy I am, even though I sound very, very angry and sad.
Look fuckwit, you get what I'm saying. What is currently understood as an alpha and glamourized by popular culture is NOT the sort that settles down. And women are driven by public opinion, for the most part. They are also driven by strong men.
Yes, an actual alpha man would be the leader of a good family.
I've seen it with multiple girls I've dated that if you're not a bitch and she's actually attracted to you, over time they will almost always adopt your views. I've dated girls that were originally progressive feminists but hated refugees, supported Trump, and were race realists when I left.
>But you have a lot of these tradwife fetishists on here
where. wtf are you on about.
we must have very different kinds of selective reading here, because i havent seen that at all.
all i see is redpill, througnout this board, except by a fringe that comprises trolls, feminists slumming it on Sup Forums and weird religious types that pass through for a post or two.
The red pill truth here, the uncomfortable truth, is that most of Sup Forums is still gynocentric, their world view still revolves around women.
The issue I always bring up is why do men shame MGTOWs. We know why women do, they don't want men discussing the imbalance in gender relations in society because while women maintain a natural advantage in SMV from birth they get the most leverage and the most benefit out of sexual interaction.
But with men (which is most of Sup Forums) it's not so clear. A perfectly rational man who wanted to chase pussy would welcome men self selecting out of the pussy race because it makes their life easier, so it's something deeper and more complex.
My theory is that a mans sense of self worth comes from how other men value him, and other men value what is hard to obtain. Pussy. So men will sacrifice time and resources to get pussy which is over priced, simply because other men respect that goal.
When MGTOW come along we reject the notion that it's rational to self sacrifice just to get sex or have a LTR with a beautiful woman. As such we devalue what other men are sacrificing for, after all if you're going to spend countless thousands on a woman to get her to date you or spend thousands of hours in a gym to get the perfect body, once you do buy a great female with that, you want other people to respect you,right? Otherwise why sacrifice?
Men feel a natural instinct to hate and shame MGTOW because it devalues their sense of self worth. Because mens self worth is predicated off proving themselves to other men and women are the biggest trophy to some people.
i dont agree.
are you trying to imply you have to be celibate to get married, or that Sup Forums or MGTOW advocates celubacy before marriage?
that makes no fking sense.
the exact opposite is blatantly demonstrable here and in MGTOW.
how can you have misconstrued the facts this badly?
MRA is the movement that should be trying to solve those issues, the solution should not be tied with avoiding relationships which is what MGTOW advocate. Also, "going your own way" should imply you are not going to make a whole movement about it and just "go your own way". Also it's not such a big deal to avoid relationships in the first place.
>>Business Insider reporter Dylan Love wrote
Is this supposed to be a point?
Then say it how it is in the first place.
Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
>who's had another man's dick inside her is a literal cuck
>literal cuck
>cuck: husband of an adulteress
>marrying anyone not a virgin = being a literal cuck
You are so fucking retarded it's not even funny
Higher level MGTOWs don't even dick women because they're bollock-less twinks
Please go to the twink board if you want to be a faggot
>over time they will almost always adopt your views.
this is false.
the future of most relationships are that women pile up every si gle little mistake (whether real or imagined) you made and try to manipulate you off them.
You are misguided.
men shame MGTOW for the same reason women still slut-shame other women.
Slid thread hardcore
Move along plox
MGTOW stays in mom's basement fucking anime pillows while Tyrone impregnates the women. They are degenerates that accelerate the Genocide.
I am happy to see their beta-genes get weeded out of the pool, unfortunately their DNA will be replaced by nigger genes. Hopefully Science will develop a drug to cure their faggotry.
>Sup Forums is one person
I'm happily married and she didn't even come with anybody else's kids to raise, breddy gud find.
MGTOW are the cingiest of neckbeard beta cucks
>The truth here, the uncomfortable truth, is that most of women are still phallocentric, their world view still revolves around men.
>The issue I always bring up is why do women shame tumbrites. We know why men do, they don't want women discussing the imbalance in gender relations in society because while men maintain a natural advantage in SMV from birth they get the most leverage and the most benefit out of sexual interaction.
>But with women (which is most of them) it's not so clear. A perfectly rational woman who wanted to chase cock would welcome women self selecting out of the cock race because it makes their life easier, so it's something deeper and more complex.
>My theory is that a womans sense of self worth comes from how other women value him, and other women value what is hard to obtain. Cock. So women will sacrifice time and resources to get cock which is over priced, simply because other women respect that goal.
>When tumblr come along we reject the notion that it's rational to self sacrifice just to get sex or have a LTR with an aesthetic man. As such we devalue what other women are sacrificing for, after all if you're going to spend countless thousands on a man to get him to date you or spend thousands of hours in a gym to get the perfect body, once you do buy a great male with that, you want other people to respect you,right? Otherwise why sacrifice?
>Women feel a natural instinct to hate and shame tumblr because it devalues their sense of self worth. Because womens self worth is predicated off proving themselves to other women and men are the biggest trophy to some people.
Literally male feminists.
KYS betamax
Children without marriage is a net negative.
Its the exact reason niggers are niggers.
I did. You just read it wrong.
How many women have you been with?
Why? You don't have to get married to be in a committed long-term relationship. The government does not need to approve and certify your relationship, you fucking coward.
>2D waifu trolls
They're not trolling, newfag.
>she didn't even come with anybody else's kids to raise
That's some astronomically high standards. Don't tell me she also has a vagina.
>True, men stuck in a perpetual child-like state should be executed. Makes you no better than the women who lie/cheat/steal/defame men to get what they want from society.
What in all the world is your reasoning for this? Why can't someone just live as he likes, besides most men that do this contribute far more to society since they're usually more career-focused.
They are literally equal to feminists, I'm not associating my self with beta cucks like OP.
>Higher level MGTOWs
wtf is that even supposed to mean.
do you allow women to dictate your life or something?
>When tumblr come along we reject the notion that it's rational to self sacrifice just to get sex
Said no woman ever.
This, I know a family that has been together since college, with two kids that hasn't gotten married
why don't you look up "semantic drift" in the dictionary you massive autistic faggot
>I did. You just read it wrong.
no, i read it as it was stated.
and as shown, you had to correct yourself and agree I was right.
>How many women have you been with?
Im 35 and stopped counting after 30 women cos Im forgetting some. Probably in the mid 40s by now.
Is how many women Ive fked somekind of measure of manhood to you?
There I men I know that have only ever fucked one, and I respect them for who they are tremendously.
I dont see your point.
A man is not improved by how many women he has fked. Its co pletely arbitrary. Im not a successful man or an alpha by any account, though I have fucked more than my share of women.
Faggots fuck other men in the butt, that is not very celibate.
Men who prioritize other things in life over any fucking and similar selfish desires go celibate.
You just hate them because you're jealous that there's men who actually got over their ape-like mechanisms.
I know it's a real phenomena, just so ridiculous that you can't differentiate between the genuine 3D haters and the trolls.
Ah, jeez, it's this thread again...
>MGTOW wants to destroy the nuclear family.
What kind of logic is that? If I don't want to visit Japan, does that mean I want to see it destroyed?
Self-described MGTOWs are betas.
Sorry but he's right. Your woman is subservient to you because she chooses to be. She could make one phone call and fucking ruin everything you've ever worked for in a few seconds if she wanted to and she wouldn't even have to lay a finger on you (since we all know that would result in nothing).
Men who think they're commanding respect from women and forcing them to be a certain way are delusional. Women are like unruly children and only do what they want when they want based on their own fucking retarded preconceived notions of how things "are" and "should be".
Wasn't MGTOW shown to be a jewish plot?
It's basically the Jew's version of the final solution's when you think about it.
>men shame MGTOW for the same reason women still slut-shame other women.
I disagree. Women slut shame women because slutty behaviour increases supply of pussy while demand remains high, it means the value of it drops. For every promiscuous women there's another woman who can afford to leverage less resources by restricting access to hers.
Men shaming MGTOW is the OPPOSITE, if there's more MGTOW about then men have less competition, demand drops while supply remains the same andso getting laid is relatively easier and more beneifical.
Womans behaviour is easy to explain, as I said, men's behaviour is more complex, by shaming MGTOW it's an attempt to get them to enter the dating market and become competition. You only act that way if you genuinely believe you're going to come out ahead but that the increased demand will make your winnings all that more important.
Feminists want to improve their lot by creating social change and using the state to force men to act in different ways that benefit them, MGTOW are the opposite of this, change comes from within, you change your own behaviour to get what you want, that means stop being gynocentric and making all your actions revolve around women.
MGTOW is degeneracy