Only countries who owns a part of Antarctica are allowed to post in here.
In this thread we laugh at pathetic countries with no claims on Antarctica.
Only countries who owns a part of Antarctica are allowed to post in here.
In this thread we laugh at pathetic countries with no claims on Antarctica.
Unclaimed, reporting in.
The United States owns ALL of it. Get your filthy hands off. That Antarctic oil is ours when the shit hits the fan.
Wonder why parts of it lay unclaimed. Is that where the aliums vs predator live?
Seriously why does Norway and France have any claim?
wew lad barely got in
>implying any of these claims will matter when Russia or China wants in
all of Antarctica reporting in
It looks like your getting double teamed by aussies
Spain has a claim on Marie Byrth land, that counts, right?, as well as 2 Antarctic bases
Shoo Shoo argie, you don't belong here
No land close enough to support any bases
it's not really coveted
Because we discovered this part.
>New Zealand's claim is 90℅ empty ocean
>Huge unclaimed areas just nextdoor
Fucking idiots
La Antártida es Malvinas!
Antarctica owns all the other countries. The interior is habitable, and the Elite have a secret city there.
Norway claims the land where her explorers passé through, the French claim the land south of Caledonis, a French island in the pacific
So, why does Argentina like to try and take land that isn't theirs?
this is our clay
How do Argentina, the UK, and Chile all claim the same section of territory?
We don't want no trouble.
I claim the unclaimed part. Come at me faggots
>UK claiming territory also claimed by Argentina
There's nothing new under the sun
no political point?
cancer thread belongs to Sup Forums
Ask the Falklands.
>Tfw you own most of Antarctica
you first britbong
Does Turkey even have a single seaworthy vessel?
>pierre triggered by the small slice of the cake he gets
Fucking Argies always trying to claim rightful British clay (or snow)
Basically, they think they stand a chance against the English and their disgusting pikey attitude kicks in an they start trying to grab all of the land.
Falklands and southernmost points of Chile and Argentina are able to support any base on that space, so hey claim it even if it goes over someone's claim
>t. 60%
Came here to post this. We won it from the Nazis fair and square.
independence WHEN
Looks like it's time for a Penguin referendum.
now with the brexit we can be friends, god knows you will need some help.
>Says Argentina.
You are aware, you're in SOUTH America, not the NORTH or CENTRAL, the SOUTH?
Hol up
We already claim enough of the worlds land that we don't have to pretend we own parts of an uninhabitable barren icy wasteland.
BRfag to the kekscue
>like to try and take land that isn't theirs
>But you do.
Alaska. :^)
I'm sorry, what is Manifest Destiny? Yeah, I'd suck up, Amerifat.
Look at the fag Argies claiming our strip of land
norway has a huge history on the antartica, along with argentina and britain
All the land we took was rightfully ours because we took it and nobody could stop us or force us out.
In the same way the US rightfully became independent because they could and did force us out.
Let's make a similar thread, regarding the north pole
>argentina's claim
Looks like we've got to sink the Belgrano again.
What will happen when the Antarctic treaty expires? Will the claimed land become actual colonies?
There is a lot of oil and gas in the Aa.
It takes Canadians to fly rescue missions into Aa during their (Aa's) winter.
>implying claims mean anything
The day the Antarctica becomes useful, it will be owned by the US, China and Russia
After the war we refused to sell parts to the Argies to maintain their navy. They cannibalised this ship to keep its sister afloat and it sunk in port.
In other words, we're still sinking Argie ships well after the war.
Either that or this is a cunning Argie plot to develop a new submarine. They just haven't figured out the resurfacing part yet.
You must be able to grow food in claimed land to make it a colony, I think it would be hard to claim big chunks of land, but the governments would rather claim individual resource sites which would be like a new new world
i'm not saying that the U.S. didn't take land, or that this kind of thing is even morally or philosophically wrong, i'm just pointing out the irony lads. cheers
And you can farm in Antarctica. Bases will be able to have their own greenhouses to meet the demand for food.
The irony is
>We already claim enough of the worlds land that we don't have to pretend we own parts of an uninhabitable barren icy wasteland.
>we don't have to pretend we own parts of an uninhabitable barren icy wasteland.
But you do, in fact, it is an official part of the US, Alaska. So, the irony is, your hypocrisy.
>implying we couldn't grow food there
>still buttblasted
don't care lad.
Greenhouses didn't count if I recall, so any interactions in Antarctica would have to be through the US and other powers, which would grant them more power, what I want to see is Antarctic skirmishes, similar to the ones frontiersmen had, which would totally kick ass
its an icy shithole, its worse than Minnesota!
>still buttblasted
t. retarded 12 year old
"Yeah, that'll show him guys, right? RIGHT?!"
Hey guys
I know you're joking, but you are aware, the only reason countries can enforce claims it because of military power. It is similar to how laws work, if you can't enforce a law, it isn't a law.
The phrase "fuck off-we're full" is trademarked by Australia. The land is now ours.
Yeah that guy's a moron, but Alaska is a pretty cool place that got us a lot of money.
An icy shithole with more gold than Minaj's ass, if the treaty expires, nigga shit is going to get crazy, Antarctica has a percentage of resources higher than Africa pre-colonialism, add the fact of no natives in the way and you get the South indies, a continent every conquistador dreamed off
Agreed and I'm not disputing that, I was simply falsifying his poor argument.
Spain doesn't have enough power to do shit anymore, get real.
you could have used south America for something, but all you did was fuck exotic pussy and mine gold
Marie Byrth land hasn't been claimed due to no actual places where to support any bases situated there, also the place that lacks actual resources, that sir is the actual icy shithole Referred to
To be fair, that was a pretty good plan, until children became of those unholy unions.
Bring it on !
Actually it's probably more like we're a pain in the ass for the aussie but eh it's not New Zealand we didn't bomb them so we should be in good terms
Europe does, don't think Spanish government hasn't talked to European claim holders and ex-colonies about support for Antarctic resources claims
It'll have collapsed by then.
I wish, but keep dreaming Nigel
>Implying "ownership" of Antarctica means anything
What do you need to reach Antarctica?
If I have my boat and I'm a good Mariner can I just go there by myself or there are laws that forbids me to go there?
It means a lot my dude, every important country has a secretary of Antarctic affairs to watch over any opportunities of drilling them sweet sweet resources off Antarctic land
The Antarctic Treaty expires in 2048, so that is 32 more years of 'cultural enrichment', the EU quite literally cannot take another three decades of sustained Islamisation and the creation of ever growing microcultures of old-world Islam within the European macroculture. If you think it can, you really haven't been paying attention.
Nature preservation laws forbid any unauthorised entry in Antarctic territory.
Why does France triggers you more than Shitstain, uneducated murifat?
We have more land than them on the Southern hemisphere
It is upheld by the Antarctic Treaty, which has fifty-three signatories. I'd say, that 'ownership' is pretty well established for the next thirty-two years.
New Zealand hates you
You sunk that Kiwi greenpeace ship then gave out medals for it. Stryans don't really give a shit about France except about your nuclear testing in the pacific
There are laws, backed by the military. They don't want anyone to know the truth
Neither for tourism?
That's quite clever, I must say, but my boss thinks the EU will keep itself up, so there are no backup plans for a possible EU collapse, but I have proposed the idea of contacting South American nations for support
Fuck greenpeace desu
Once got banned a week for "off-topic" after posting a thread about my little sister's pussy on Sup Forums, but I see off-topic threads all the time
Shit seems to be very arbitrary
Fuck off mohammad