
any fashy lads in

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need a grimes gf

oh make you wanna holler
way they do my life

banks always have done the public a great service and always have good intentions whenever they try to influence policy


caesar was not a fascist

fuck that director


Stormzy used to wank me off, now he won't even dm me on instagram

the paki is self aware enough to hate pakis



crep check

this right here

you're fucked up mate

not buying this


Translate a line or two of pic related


Fascists and communists should unironically all be shot.

It is fucking baffling that the 20th century apparently hasn't taught us what happens when you let totalitarian retards spread their filth around.

na mate less of that

be quiet, you

shakespeare plays are often directed in alternative settings just for the fun of it and to play with the themes of the plot

Julius Caesar works quite well in a fascist state

need to punt this haram beast across the atlantic ocean

hate you

imagine having kids and spending all day on /brit/ ranting about pakis and soyboys

puttering at the thought

>Fascists and communists should unironically all be shot.

>It is fucking baffling that the 20th century apparently hasn't taught us what happens when you let totalitarian retards spread their filth around.

imagine spending all day on /brit/ ranting about pakis and soyboys

why is that every foreigner is always weird. as in the mind isnt normal. not saying theyre always stupid, but they cant think and reason normally. mind seems to just work differently

all me

t. baby boomer



imagining that now

Why are London blacks intolerable arseholes, yet blacks in places like Manchester and Liverpool are okay.



t. nihilistic toilslave that does nothing but watch netflix, internet porn and shoots his beretta at the range

london is a shithole

la perro de soy...


thats french you dumb cunt
first 4 lines read:

... murderer of the King, and for this cause, give priority to all the good seruitors of the crown, to wish to assist them, and to lend a hand to a work this laudable, and [not sure, perhaps "assist"?] men of their degree.

smaller black populations so they have to integrate
wogs in london live in a bubble

>On Fraser's way out of the hotel, he was hailed by Philip Berk, a former president of the HFPA. In the midst of a crowded room, Berk reached out to shake Fraser's hand. Much of what happened next Berk recounted in his memoir and was also reported by Sharon Waxman in The New York Times: He pinched Fraser's ass—in jest, according to Berk. But Fraser says what Berk did was more than a pinch: “His left hand reaches around, grabs my ass cheek, and one of his fingers touches me in the taint. And he starts moving it around.” Fraser says that in this moment he was overcome with panic and fear.

My mischievous work related plot doesn't seem to be working the way I want it to so I've just just tipped part of my hand and fucked shit up for a coworker in a rather obvious way

I'm also going to be a cunt over email again towards my team coach, manager and the call centre manager. I'm due 2 holidays, I going to demand to takes them unless I get an email reply tomorrow

My former manger offered me two days over email a couple of months ago, I replied to accept but he did not reply to confirm

I'm going to Wembley this Wednesday one way or another



No thanks

One that performs the duties of a servant to another; an attendant.

>selfish ations in the 1960s and 70s would have consequences in the future
>don't understand consequences of selling a liberal egalitarian hedonistic way of life to their children

>As it turns out, what was behind the sad Brendan Fraser meme was…sadness. His mother had died of cancer just days before the interview. “I buried my mom,” Fraser says. “I think I was in mourning, and I didn't know what that meant.” He hadn't done press in a while; suddenly he was sitting on a stool in front of an audience, promoting the third season of a show he'd barely been on. “I wasn't quite sure what the format was. And I felt like:Man, I got fucking old. Damn, this is the way it's done now?”


dunno if it's a trap or not

if it is then it's convincing


excellent post

clearly a woman you fools

thanks a lot lad i wish i could read french thats so cool its talking about mary queen of scots execution

can you fix the eyes and ears a little bit too

I'll honestly never understand why /brit/ complains about flight ticket prices when most flights to all major global destinations are absurdly cheap nowadays.

I want to hug him and tell him everyone loves him

I can also do a sexy pose in lingerie, while dropping out my head, and be convincing too.

>daughter is in a fulfilling, happy romantic relationship

oh god no please

I already translated it for you you absolutely cockLeprechaun

I don’t sign on I provide security for the EDL at marches. Also I look after my kids you cunt.

>Bag spotted in a Berlin metro. The text reads, "This text has no other purpose than to terrify those afraid of the Arabic language."

Rorke on the ropes

Later in the century, Boyd, Crichton, Dempster and Adam
Blackwood were widely read. The latter’s Le Martyre de la royne d’Escosse was published in
The International Reception of Scottish Literature, 1314–1707 165
Paris in 1587. It included, together with a narrative of Mary Stuart’s trial and execution,
Latin verses by Blackwood decrying Elizabeth’s betrayal of her sister monarch. Translated
into French in the 1588 Antwerp edition, these created a blueprint for future European literary
representations of Mary’s ‘martyrdom’.

wish I had that picture where its eyes and mouth were made massive but it managed to look really disturbing and creepy
do it, I fucking dare you

not bad Tbh, wouldnt really say I am a fan of rap music but I do think its important for rappers to write music that has an important message considering the lyrics are such a huge part of the music

Genuinely cant understand how bitches and money has held so much longevity

me in the middle

literally NEVER saw someone complain about flight prices in this thread
train prices maybe

shut the fuck up you yank mong

>winning two-bit Brits makes you massive


you don't really believe that


>being a niggerlover
your just being contrarian at this point

the UK is an impoverished shithole. You don't need people here to tell you that

you actually have children

is this 1850

its already quite disturbing

i used to post this ironically as a joke
Americans really are another speicies aha

I swear I just got home a minute ago and it's nearly time to sleep again... Toil, endless toil... I don't even have weekends off anymore... Eat, sleep, toil, repeat

i'm a yank


what if people didnt shit post as much then we could have actual discussion

I see the son's doing heroin but what's wrong with the daughter? She's fat?

>I provide security for the EDL at marches
that's not a fucking job
they have marches every few months

get a proper job and provide for your kids you fucking wasteman

fail to see the problem

I mean really, unless you're trying to travel from obscure small airport to another obscure small city halfway around the world in business class, air travel shouldn't be too much of a challenge to any grown up with a job.

poo off





nobody has given an actual reason why arming teachers is a bad idea

surely it would be better than the situation right now

>As it turns out, what was behind the toil meme was…toil. His toilberg had assigned him unpaid overtime just days before the report. “I toiled for free” toiler says. “I think I was in hell, and I didn't know what that meant.” He hadn't done powerpoint presentations in a while; suddenly he was sitting on a stool in front of an audience, promoting the project he'd barely been on. “I wasn't quite sure what the format was. And I felt like:Man, I got fucking old. Damn, this is the way it's done now?”

They already have two arms.

>I provide security for the EDL at marches
Yeah I bet you do you fat fucking cunt

blacks are violent, abusive and prone to abandoning

i think i will actually, you guys have fun posting pictures of dogs and cats

>you actually have children
Yes I have kids just like my dad who was a skinhead back when it meant something and I’m gonna raise my two sons better than most nowadays.

Yanks was High School as great an experience as I imagine it?

because it brings a gun into the school environment

now instead of having to buy a gun and bring into school in a premediated attack, the local 'tard can just steal the school gun and start an impulsive spree killing in a temporary fit of rage

there is no "situation" our mass shootings are no worse than many other places


fuck me trying to imagine the old woman I had as a teacher trying to save us with a gun
whats wrong with these people

you are so sad

more of a Brittan first man ngl