/swg/ & /fmg/ - Screenwriting and Filmmaking General

also known as /fsg/
what are you working on? edition

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What are some no-budget kinos?



I really think this is a tough hurdle to conquer as a beginning filmmaker: don't assume that the only way the film making community will take you seriously is if you make a "serious" film. Short films about abortions, human trafficking, drug overdoses, paranoid schizophrenics, prostitutes that get beat up and raped, love ones that die in car accidents...etc. You know, "serious" films.

Being taken “seriously” by the film community doesn’t mean you have to hit the audience in the face with a sledgehammer saying, "I did a film about this intense issue! Look at how mature I am!” It's about telling a visual story (no matter how short) about INTERESTING characters. I have seen too many student short films that deal with these hard hitting serious issues but with incredibly boring cardboard cut out characters, basically cause they have under 15 mins to make a “point.” They fall flat and they become dreaded “film student clichés.” The more “serious” the film the more scrutiny it invites: acting, lighting, production design, music, etc. If you don’t have the resources to back up your “serious” story it can fall apart easily.

Don’t take yourself so seriously so early by trying to tackle the world. You will have your whole film making life to build up on that. Make a simple story that you would want to watch over and over again, that you would want others to watch over again and again. Entertain.

Write from the heart and most importantly (and a big fucking cliché) write what you know. Honestly, if you are a middle-class white boy under the age of 25 who has lived in the suburbs your whole life are you really certain the story about human trafficking and miscarriages is the story you were born to tell for your breakout film?

My current outlining method is walking around my furniture and thinking it in my head.

I do the same, though I end up writing down anything i come up with that helps organize scenes

>also known as /fsg/

i'm not a vampire and all fourteen of my screenplays are about vampires so fuck your well-intentioned advice

do metaphors then

Neon Blades

i'm not a metaphor either but nice try

>and all fourteen of my screenplays are about vampires

i always have a fantasy that im a big time director, like greatest of all time tier and that i'm the biggest name in show business. i imagine being interviewed on a late night talk show like the tonight show or something and just talking about movies, and the audience is blown away by what im saying and how much of an expert i am of the craft. i imagine casting my favorite waifus in leading roles and fucking them on set. i imagine myself accepting my tenth oscar win and going down in history a legend.
someone kill me pls

Bone Tomahawk
Blue Ruin
Blair Witch

>all fourteen of my screenplays are about vampires
I'm intrigued

Zombie flicks or Vampire flicks?

Are you the guy who wanted to suck Hank Moody's cock?

Zombie flicks are over done. Good Vampire flicks are scarce and spaced, but when they're good, they're fucking great

Why are all my lead characters detectives or some similar profession

my latest is about a guy whose car (a toyota corolla) is actually a vampire nest. every time he has to drive somewhere he also has to deal with vampires attacking him. he has to obey the rules of the road and not get into wrecks and also has to fend off lethal vampire attacks. he's trying to save up money to get a different car but the constant vampire attacks wear at his finances. he becomes an uber driver but he gets fired after some bad ratings due to constant vampire attacks. i'm thinking about adding some metaphors.

Why don't you ask yourself?

They're not even hot ones, they're just your classsic detective archetype. It's not even that I watch all sorts of detective movies either, just all my stories just seem best-suited for the character

what are your favorite movies?

you two should collab and write a script about searching for the serial rapist Jamal

Jamal is already in prison and too black to plan a proper escape.

make it a prequel t

Jamal: Origins?
what would it be about?

he is the top rapist of detroit or chicago, and he rapes the wife of Detective, which makes him determined to arrest him

was it really a rape though? what if Detective is in fact a closeted cuckold who imagined it all and Jamal isn't a rapist, but just a regular black thug?
what if Detective's wife died not because of the rape, but because he himself strangled her to death for the humiliation he can't stand but secretly craves?

just leave it to the imagination lol

If not, then I hope it's not one of the other guy's detectives cause that'd be character assassination and he'd hate you forever.

Getting really uncomfortable with this casual racism. It's not funny, and it's not acceptable.

it's 2017 people why aren't we making Moonlight 2?

Young person playing old with really bad makeup. Hitmen. Ghosts. Major character is a robot at the end. Major character was dead the whole time. Suicide attempt thwarted by something cheesy and shitty. Cancer. Reflecting on whole past life. Young woman alone shitty horror story. One long, poorly written conversation between two characters about nothing based off some quote. Abusive father. Abusive mother. Abusive father and mother. Being forced to take medication when it changes that main character and they hate it. Lonely white male talks about being lonely and white to happy woman and this somehow convinces her to fall in love with him. Anything with guns. Dream sequences, or more specifically waking up from a dream to start a scene. Rape. Murder. Suicide. Abortion. Non-linear narrative. Really shitty audio. Older actor from Craigslist. Looking down at feet to show sadness. Washing your face and looking into a mirror. Shot of alarm clock. Hitmen. Zombies. Parkour. Filmmaker/writer/artist as protagonist, bonus points if experiencing writer's block. Wes Anderson tributes, or just tributes/knockoffs in general. Women belittled as trophies, villains, or objects. Camera in the fridge. Lack of tripod/static shots. Lack of wides/establishing shots. XCU on an eye. Switching between color and B/W. Pointless and unnecessary one-take stedicam shot. Benny Hill theme song. Abortion.

I liked your post


really makes you think...

>struggle coming up with an original idea
>usually just rip off existing ideas
>either the premise or write nothing short of fan-fiction and sequels for existing genres
>could publish half of this stuff due to legalities
>like to think some of its ok
>know deep down it might as well be cringy blog fan service


i have some ideas you can use if you want. most of them are about vampires

My latest is about vampires but a sort of rip off of let the right one in


*vampire emerges from the shadows behind you*

this is good advice in general, it's easier to pull off something lighthearted and slow with minimal equipment and conditions

Couldn't have said it better.

Ignoring "Jamal" and Jamal-posting-as-user, can we get down to brass tacks and discuss what's important in vampire screenwriting? Firstly, we know that vampires aren't zombies. They can move pretty fast and they have minds that work. Those vampire minds, boy howdy. Secondly, vampires have to be invited in. Thirdly, and this is controversial, but they can't cross running water. Thoughts?

I had this idea for a film that takes place entirely in a convention, largely drawn from my own experiences. I have a solid idea of what I wanna do with it and the main character's story arc but I'm worried that I might not be able to get enough material to actually make the story interesting enough to film. Otherwise it would feel like footage of a guy just going through a con most of the running time. What could make it work?

read up on the origins of the vampire myth and start from there, all those meme restrictions serve no real purpose because you're just borrowing from an already poisoned source. Start from the very beginning.


The most important aspect is that the character has to grow and develop throughout the course of the story. Something significant must happen, and it has to be relatable to most people's experiences. e.g., a vampire begins stalking the protag at the beginning of the con and during the course of the panels, presentations, events and so on he attacks the MC constantly until the hero succumbs and becomes a vampire too. Then maybe these two vampires take over the entire con and use it as a staging point to take over the entire world. Something like that, if not exactly that.

People doesn't change over the course of 2 hours fucko.

Scrap it, sounds like a shitty idea anyway.

>Want to start a webseries or do shorts as practice while trying to figure out how to break into the industry
>Have no ideas

>Want to film a movie and submit it to a festival to try and break into the industry
>Have no small budget ideas

The only idea I've had is a ghost hunting short from the perspective of the ghosts and I have no idea how to develop that.

Make it a comedy but not like Ghostbuster, more like ghosts being on the world unwillingly.Like nihilist ghosts, they don't know what to do, just getting bored, some nice ghosts banter.You can make this as a web series, kind of like Regular Show.

fuck me i'm a genius

Apocalypse Now, TGTBATU, The Thing, Manhunter, and Goodfellas

basic/10.Try to watch more movies, not American ones.European & chink cinema has tons of gems and you can see real people in them.

>Make it a comedy but not like Ghostbuster, more like ghosts being on the world unwillingly.Like nihilist ghosts, they don't know what to do, just getting bored, some nice ghosts banter
That was the point. Maybe the problem is that I'm working with a premise that's inherently comedic.
>You can make this as a web series
Again, I have no idea how to develop it. I don't want it to be random shit. There's no point. What could the ghosts want but to move on?

>Tried to do animation short(s)
>Spend years making that one short. Get awards in festivals, almost a million views. Think this will be my ticket to make it big.
>Get contacted by some talent agencies from L.A., they want to see more from us. My team and I get excited. Write a script for a feature film. Send it to them. Never hear from them again
>Time goes by. The team that did the short with me are all busy with different things. Can't make another short with them
>Now I want to make more films, but animation takes way too long to do by myself
>Just bought a camera and will try to do live action shorts now because you can do something in a week versus animation that take 1 year or more

I'll never give up lads!

how can you only think about detective characters with those as your favorites? just analyze those movies and understand what each character wants; not everyone had to be searching for something (like a detective is)

honestly you should be proud of yourself
even if you never make it big you will always have that little DVD to leave your grandchildren when you're gone

Make it in a world where ghosts are already a part of the society, like two worlds combined and after a while people just stopped giving a fuck so they just live together.Ghost & human pairings, racist ghosts and shit.Probably would work better as a cartoon but if you can find the right way to make the ghosts look like ghosts, then it's fine.

I guess so. I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of directing films that aren't amateur though. I feel like I'll never be happy unless this can be my official day job.

Aren't you the same? I feel that you need this sort of obsessive attitude toward filmmakking to make it, otherwise you'd just give up along the way.

I remember hearing in an interview that Coppola said "You have to want to make films so bad you could kill". I love this quote.

>change from a living mortal person to an undead eternal monstrosity in an instant
Do you even think before you post, you fucking retard?

Coppola is a fucking hack and no, moviemaking is a passion but making good movies on the other hand is purely based on vision.You can make 5/10 movies again and again and again but some guy makes a 7/10 in his first try, gets the money, uses it in his own work.If you don't have what it takes no need to push it, otherwise you just look like Kevin James.

I know that feel

Because most of my movies are about people searching for stuff and require a detective character (even if they're not a detective). One idea I've had recently takes place on a Nantucket whaling ship, as its crew gets picked off one by one. While there aren't any detectives on the ship per-say, a character with detective traits is still a necessity to the story

Yeah obviously you need talent and vision, and there is a luck factor as well. Not saying that forcing it will make someone good.

I think I expressed myself wrong, I just meant that for some reason, it's the only thing I want to do with my life. I could tell stories through other mediums, but I just love films too much, so that's what I want to do.

>don't know if I should just focus on one genre, write what I want or focus on one of the super profitable genres (action/horror/thriller)

lads ive been having a struggle with this for the past few months, and i don't know what to do.

my heart says write what i want, my brain says focus on the profitable and both are compromising with just focusing on one genre i like (comedy)

i genuinely am at a loss here

focus on the profitable first, when you get enough money focus on whatever you want

Do both.

Spend time to write the one you genuinely want, then once it's done, you can go back to write safer genres.

Either way, the more you do, the better you'll become.

so treat writing the safer genres as kind of a job of sorts (not that i wouldn't enjoy it) and to cool off/wind down write what i want to do?

really surprised my retarded ass didn't think of that thanks boys

Good luck user.

I write mine on the train when heading to my job. Like 30 minutes everyday. It's slow as fuck, but at least I make a bit of progress each day.

You're welcome. Also, don't forget to always try your hardest at any task you set your mind to accomplish. In doing so, you'll always be your best and the vampires won't have too many angles to attack from. If you do have to deal with a vampire, use a cross, holy water, garlic, stakes, and consecrated land and if you need to flee, go over running water. Good luck with your writing/truck driving career and don't forget us here at /swg/ if you get famous, lol.

Guess you meant to reply to mean, forgot the 7 at the end.
What you're saying is a completely different idea. There would be no ghost hunters in a world where ghosts are normal.
The idea came to me when I was watching Ghost Brothers and realized the patronizing and kind of condescending way ghost hunters talk to ghosts and how annoying it must be. You try to talk to the ghost hunters but because of their shit technology they only pick up random words here and there. As a ghost you have people constantly coming into your space, fucking your shit up, and asking invasive questions.

>Susan Sarrandon's daughter
Damn. I see where she gets those milkies from.

Honestly I'm just obsessed about the screenwriting part. The only reason I even started using a trip here was that whenever I gave writing advice on /swg/ people could be able to read my previous advice and judge from that.
I feel you though. I have no genuine interest in filmmaking, I have a mediocre camera and some diy equipment but I don't venture much with it. My true passion is writing really. I try to read the scripts for all movies that captivate me in the structural sense. Sometimes I don't even enjoy movies because I'm so fixated in deconstructing certain scenes or pieces of dialogue. My goal is always to write a script that can make you proud and not ashamed when you read it.

Oh that's interesting that you said "just obsessed" in response to a post that used the phrase "kinda obsessed". Makes you seem like some sort of imitating retard. I have nothing else to say.

What should i use to record sound when making a my first shitty movie? I have about 400$ to put out.
I don't really have anything for outdoor use that won't pick up the wind.

does anyone here use a Blackmagic Cinema Camera? I bought one, bought a bunch of accessories to go with it and my camera is a faulty piece of shit that can barely record for more than a few minutes.

there's something intriguing about your post

I'm kind of curious about what other people are doing too. I've got a decent recorder that I use to pick up ambient background noise, but then I autistically recreate all the other audio in post with equipment I used to use back when I was into music

What is the best genre to start in and why is it horror?

comedy > horror >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thriller >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> action movie

because if you do anything remotely innovative, you're hailed as the next coming of christ, and everything in the genre is incredibly low budget

comedy is very difficult to get right.

I feel like recently comedy has become too topical and doesn't age well. With the internet and the short attention span of most viewers, anything you put to paper now will be out of date by the time you film it. You can always take a stab at doing something more timeless, but that requires a lot thought and is no longer something that's easy to get into

so is horror, but they're still the most accessible genres outside a parody or a mockumentary

You'll be good at horror, all you have to do is show your face.

I find comedy takes more natural talent though. Horror, while requiring talent of some sort, is more down to mastering formulas and setting up tension, where as comedy is usually down to timing, which is only something that truly comes naturally

the timeless comedies are about the characters, not the situation they're in like all the cheap hollywood shit we get
things like Being There or peak Mr. Bean will be cherished by everyone from every generation
I doubt the more cynical generations of today would enjoy them as much but still

Don't see anything wrong with that

Me neither, that's why its the best genre to start out in

don't pretend like it's easy to do then.


this, this, this
except I'm a talentless hack with no friends, money or equipment to make my ideas come to life with

nobody's paying enough attention to me

I'm not sure if you're describing amateur films or Hollywood blockbuster oscar baits.

What posts did you make?

the one about the ghosts

Any chance you might want to collaborate? I'm very interested in telling vampire stories. Like what if a ghost and a vampire teamed up to manage a farm or something?