Who should play her in the inevitable biopic?
Who should play her in the inevitable biopic?
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zak effron.
Hopefully she goes method.
Reverse IPing you and killing you in your sleep
But... religion of peace...
And nothing of value was lost
We should not be mainstreaming mental illness
top kek
lol Turdkey.
Shut up edgelord
>bummed to death
It's what she would've wanted
> hate trans and anything gay to death
> Meh, let's rape her before burning her
really makes you think
I thought SJW and feminists were ok with Middle East and shit even when they behead women, trans and gays
I just want to point out that this tranny was raped.
As in, the same person who killed the fag for being a fag did something really faggy himself. Why wasn't the rapist killed for being a fag as well?
Eh raping seems exessive two in the chest one in the head execution style would be more professional. You can't stoop to barbarian levels when fughtin g a civikized was for rationality and purity
But as soon as they cross into 1st world borders they are peaceful and oppressed
Shut up, degenerate.
Idris Elba
kek all muslim are somewhat gay....
Go and transition to your hugbox safespace.
Cause then that fag would be raped and ki lled whixh means THAT fag would be raped and killed and start and endless cycle of faggish turks rapping and killing each othet.... wait a minute can we actually convince thebturkroaches to do this to themselves????
Muzzies think that if you're the one doing the fucking it totes doesn't count.
Did they burn the rapist too for being a faggot?
I'm not homophobic and I think that raping and burning him to death is a bad thing, and I condemn it.
However, you do understand that the guy doing the penetrating isn't gay? there's nothing more masculine than penetrating. Clearly, the penetrated one is the one who is gay and has become emasculated by the act.
this fucking guy
what about him? pls explain
In ancient Rome maybe.
Keep telling you that when you rape your next little boy
It's a meme, you dip
Which are you, wop or muzzie mate?
She was hot, said the witnesses.
>live in islamic shithole
>try to be different
I don't want to say you were asking for it, but you were asking for it.
Deserved it, being a freak of nature is haram.
To penetrate you need to be aroused, and if you're aroused by a dude you're gay. Easy math.
Only a matter of time now before Anzu gets "enriched" and her head put on a spike.
>people's elbow
wtf (s)he is cute as fuck?
Anyone else have a crush?
She was a streetwalker hooker in Turkey.
It is more likely that someone killed her because serial killers like to prey on hookers, not because she was some obscure activist.
She was last seen getting in a clients car, which would indicate serial killer not political killing.
This guy has some semblance of understanding, though he still hasn't taken the next logical step.
Enjoy being conditioned by the media into thinking that putting your dick in a man makes you a homosexual.
I also think she's very cute and she fought her whole life for what was right. I hope everyone involved burns to death.
wtf I hate turkey now
>you do understand that the guy doing the penetrating isn't gay?
why is no one posting about the fact that she has a boob out?
Never seen this argument before but you blew him the fuck out. Nice.
Wop then. I bet you think that eating pussy makes you gay but fucking a man doesn't.
What the fuck is wrong with Italians?
Because she's always spilling out somewhere.
>3 fingers 1 thumb
'She' is not cute just another rundown mebtal case. It did nto firght for the right thin. Enableing mental illness is never the right thing.
But those oeople who killed him should go to jail.
so, what rights do transsexuals lack, again?
I thought only Americans commit hate crime?
Based roaches
>raping a tranny in the ass isn't gay because power dynamics
Drop out of that gender studies class. It's not doing you any favors.
>thumb is not a finger
She's outright gorgeous. unironically.
>ring finger obviously being bent
Haha no.
>be stupid Italian leftie woman
>decide to hitchhike to the Middle East in a bride's costume "for peace"
>barely get as far as Turkey before a muslim rapes and murders you
>I hope everyone involved burns to death.
Spoken like a true mudslime
She's cute and really passable you idiot
Nigga you need glasses. Thats a man baby. Obviously
Yhats a he by the way
Guy raping
>has a boner
Guy being raped
>sobbing bleeding and begging for mercy
Yeah you have that backwards. If you can get a hard on to penetrate a man you're a flamer
Thank you for all the (You)s. I genuinely mean it. It gives me a nice warm feeling inside to see them. It was a pretty decent catch for an amateur such as myself.
As much as I like to keep harvesting them, I have to leave now.
Good, then maybe you retard will start posting some other flavour of the month freak.
Sick of seeing this plastic faggot everywhere.
can we get more pics of this semen demon
you're performing a sexual act with another man, what isn't gay about that?
So when a gay man fucks a woman up the ass that makes him straight in your deluded little world then, does it?
Here you go
What the fuck were you doing in Turkey bro
>Sup Forums suddenly accepted LGBT
What happened??
>Sup Forums is one person
>>Sup Forums suddenly accepted LGBT
Most LGB folks don't even accept 'trans' people
>heroin and pedophelia
Pakistan really is a shit hole.
you tell me my man
Is sucking your own dick gay?
Based roaches
Culprit's identity has been released.
Why do they always move threads from other boards here? Is Sup Forums the trashcan of Sup Forums to keep the integrity of the other boards? Move your fucking tranny thread to /lgbtqrstuv/
oh, is that why pic related has happened.
Mods fuck off, how is this politics related this is a Sup Forums meme thread about a dead tranny
Any pics of body yet?
mods are faggots, what this shit has to do with Sup Forums, stopping throwing more garbage here.
Koksal "kill a trans, beat your nan" Baba
moved from another board
Is touching your own dick gay?
>Trans rights activist
"She" was killed while whoring "herself" out.
>this shit got moved to Sup Forums
The one time i announce a report on this board, I proudly announce I am reporting something a mod did.
Hopefully another mod sees it and does something aboit it instead of warning me.
That's the common defense but hear me out if you are sucking your own dick the end result will be a load of cum in your throat.
Amy schumer.
is there something more gay than that!?
Not politics. Mods, send this shitty thread back to Sup Forums.
Mods only work for those who pay debts. You're also not american.
it should be daniel tosh in drag with sarah silverman dubbing over him