/ourgirl/ edition
Old salt and bread
/ourgirl/ edition
Old salt and bread
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder there is no smoke near Jaime
The rape, Sansa.
was it wood?
>The is no smoke near Jamie
Westeros needs a Communist revolution desu
>Be middle aged overweight autist in 1990s
>Pronounce a character "Jame"
>People pronounce it Jamie
>Just roll with it
Any leaks of episode 5?
>tfw Cersei will never momdom you
script leaks, that's it
>where are mouths
varys will lead it, he is a commie
Am I the only one who didn't watch leaked episode 4? I don't want to watch it in that shitty quality
first for cute arya
TFW no episode leaks tonight so I won't feel comfy.
This is a fucking great piece of music
Such problematic dialogue is not allowed in nu-GoT.
They speak from the heart.
Well, Ned speaks from the lung.
ep5 scripts? show me
Why would that be salt water?
Its probably the best scene GoT has ever done
>tfw no blowjob and finger in the bum from the Queen
first for /ourguy/
Jon and Dany give each other more looks
Jorah cucked again
based trueposter
>doesn't say Jon is a targ
>doesn't say Littlefinger killed Ned
>doesn't say anything about white walkers
>I got a stiffy when you were raped
What did he mean by this?
>Am I the only one
You're never the only one
Bath salts
Dany will be forced back to Westeros when Euron blowing his magic horn causes her dragons to be bewitched and fly to meet him without her say-so. Euron will be killed by Jaquen before he can meet the dragons, on behalf of the Maesters who hate magic, and so the Dragons will roam the continent as wild beasts until Dany can catch up to them and reassert control. This will earn her the hatred of the people and so to re-establish support she will head North to remove Other scum, like Stannis did. Screencap this post.
"Entertainment Weekly reported on Monday that hackers stole 1.5 terrabytes of data, including two unaired episodes of the "Game of Thrones" series."
Episode 5 leak when?
Reminder that all
anons are retarded
W-would y-you like one, user-kun?
this is the best scene GoT has ever done
yeah you are the only crying baby that gives a shit about how the stupid ass show looks. The show is bad, 240p or 4k, its still 1/10
She was a qt desu.
great fap material desu
Never, they got shut down by HBO
I gues it' possible they handed it off to a third party but it was their trump card so it's unlikely
Was it rape?
Is that Nikolaj's ass? Because it's nice.
Hackers said they might leak more episodes today.
Man, irl sword fighting looks goofy as fuck. Reminds me of the fights I had as a kid.
great royal tits
>he thinks that rapier is comparable to Arya's pencil specifically forged for a 9 years old
>he can't see how the rapier bends while needle doesn't
In your video, the rapier doesn't break because it bends, it is also a full sized rapier. Arya's micropenis does not bend, therefore it should break, not to mention, its smaller than your manlet ass
He was ashamed of the stump. Cersei didn't let him put the golden hand on, in retrospect made me think of Euron talking about having two good hands.
>finger in the bum
>cersei had curry last night
>spicy hot poo on his finger
Are the giants all dead in the books? I miss Jon and ygritte shenanigans
>Nikolaj's ass
No one used swords on battlefields. It was mainly spears, or knights used morning stars or clubs.
What will happen if Cersei hires 30 GOOD MEN???
I don't get the teleport whining. The show can make a time jump from one shot to another. Over the course of the show it's been, what, five years?
Wun wun is alive
>finger in the bum
explain this meme pls
How many brothers are there? Are they like the Kettleblacks?
The 3ER knows everything. That means he knows no one gives a shit about the plot and all that matters are the sex scenes and CIA's retarded lines.
Aachtually a lot of them used their swords to bonk people with the hilt
so what you retard? We were told specifically that cersei has 14 days to deliver the gold, which means in 7 days they have to travel from northern Brazil to southern Argentina, walking. Literally impossible.
And Euron sailed from eastern Brazil to coastal Peru in the same time. Literally impossible.
Who is Jamie going to kill first Carsei or Euron?
Fewer good men are stronger.
>20 good men
Burn a camp
>10 good men
Take casterly rock
>5 good men
>1 good man
lmao I love you guys
these edits are all classics
some pretty cool shit there, too bad it was edited by a ocd retard
How do you know that conversation happened before Jaime and Euron left?
That was pretty kino. What went wrong?
>tfw you realise that the actor playing king robert baretheon is the same that played the fat guy in the full monty movie.
I'm glad he's dead, couldn't have unsee this
>jamie being this flustered
He is basicly a Sup Forumsack now.
Knows everything, redpilled but knows there is no hope and he can't change a thing, so he jerks off to her sister being raped and stops socializing with his only friend.
Okay, yeah, that's pretty graceful. Shame about the 'tism though.
Someone please explain azor azai and the Jaime theory to me.
Because Jaime was in bed with Cersei when the maid told her the Braavos banker is waiting for her? Do you even watch this show?
>"How does he know about the finger in the bum?"
Was the scale of distance ever stated in the show?
b-but their swords are the same size!
now n-nobody is faster than the other!
>she combines the 10 good men and the 20 good men into one force
No one could touch, not even the Others.
>tfw Jaime will never speak to me as a brother
Why live?
He is eating ham with Roose after that scene. Literally salt and water.
They could have at least shown a 2 minute scene of Arya being taught how to be an assassin and wear people's faces etc. Instead we got 2 seasons of her scrubbing bodies.
>they weren't that far from each other
>on a horse charging straight at her
>increased momentum, so it would clear the distance easily
why didn't Jamie just throw the spear?
>an anime-tier edgelord
>a witty pirate lord
I prefer the right desu
>Sup Forums
>knowing things
>Important guest arrives from a different continent
>Don't even engage in pleasantries to start with
How do you know that meeting was the one where he gave her the deadline? He could have been staying in KL for weeks whilst she kept delaying him
he was clearly thinking should he do it or not?
S7 Euron is better than in the books
No, which means it goes by GRRM's scale.
Also Robert baratheon stated how many months it took him to travel to Winterfell by horse.
And we were told in season 1 how long The Wall was, which you can use to make some calculations about how wide westeros is.
Pic related, was it autism? Yes it was autism, but I didn't make it.
Jaime is the Spanish version of James, though. No idea what GRRM tried to do with that.
on freefolk
Why have the Dornish been so incompetent? They didn't martial an army to fight Cersei's forces and they didn't notice Euron's massive fleet sail around their coast.
I suppose incompetence is to be expected from an area that let bastard women who killed their rightful (and by all means good) prince take over without any objection.
>dialogue reduced to instagramable one-liners
>increasing looks over substance ratio
>generally faster pace for maximum edge and excitement
>characters becoming caricatures of themselves