>undefeated army
>still living in an occupied country
>former leaders bow to English royalty quite literally kissing their hands
>tiocfaidh ar la!!!
>their day will never come
Brace yourselves, it's an IRA thread
i like em
they supported me so i support them
Is it really this bad?
??? You posting from Palestine m8 ???
vpn senpai
even here anti semetism can be a nono
>The ra fought for irish independence only to become liberal SJWs who love africans
What happened to Ireland for the Irish?
Brits have some nerve posting that image lmao
says rotherham land
That's what happens when 'nationalism' is just about hating another country. Sinn Fein/IRA, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, all the same, just hatred of the English/British.
Oh aren't those the degenerate libbies scumbags who stood at home instead of going to war so they could kill random people minding their business for "independency".
Jesus christ the irish are truelly the niggers of the white race.
*farms potatoes*
*forgets own language*
Portugal I was browsing the net the other day and noticed on Wikipedia that the country has had very few homicides.
Very peaceful country.
Don't forget the staggering numbers of ANTIFA fighting for migrant rights and "crushing" neo-cons throughout Ireland. While migrants run rampant raping and looting they turn a blind eye. They openly embrace that occupation while simultaneously crying about the British. The Irish are an odd bunch. Video related.
>mfw the only "Nationalists" in Ireland are Polish skinheads
>still justified in fighting
lol no
>Jesus christ the irish are truelly the niggers of the white race.
What would you know of the white race?
>Be Irish
>Butthurt about something that happened hundreds of years ago
>"Ayy up I've got it"
>Sets bomb
>"one... two... tree"
>blows up a school bus
>take a pot shot at a British soldier
>run away
Irish valour is true valour
WTB rare Ira and British soldiers killing each others in the street wbms for 50k gold.
Near a thousand Brits dead and buried (well, mostly buried lel)
only in north dublin
that one time the ira renovated manchester for the brits
ITT: Irish people prove they're degenerate terrorists
>be british
>butthurt about how other people worship god
king Richard lionheart would be rolling in his grave. Britain, a country of freemasonery and decadence.
>fighting for your country is terrorism
Not suprised desu, Brits think a butter knife is an "offensive weapon"
>We wuz freedom fighters and shit
Is bombing civilians freedom fighting? You sound like a dune coon
a bunch of cucks
>thats a socialist republic with open borders for everybody :^)
I can't wait for Brexit and all the Portugese criminals here can be deported (yes, we have them here for some reason).
how many unified irelands
The day will come at the end of the century...the problem is the only people that wants that day are idiotic, Marxist terrorists.
We don't want NI because it would be like the Troubles on steroids...literally we'll have Unionist suicide bombers when it comes
Unionists are just the mongrel bastard children between Britain and Ireland...nobody loves them or cares for them
loyalists killed more loyalists than republicans
There were too IRA branches
Official IRA: Targeted only Army Personnel...Left Wing Marxists
Provisional IRA: Targeted Civilians with car bombs...took part in many sectarian killings
Hahaha Northern Ireland is like 93% white...You have no Whites because your countries always have, and always will be a shithole.
No, you'll have actual middle eastern terrorists, a flood of Pakistani and Indian people as well as Africans. The British have a knack for ethnomasochism.
The Northern 6 are damages beyond reprieve. Cut it off like a gangrenous limb.
PIRA didn't carry out "Sectarian killings". Yes there were civilian casualties but they weren't religiously motivated.
Only exception was Kingsmill, but that was carried out by local culchies calling themselves "The Catholic Reaction Force"
Sectarian hatred runs ancient and deep in Armagh. Probably most of all NI.
How ironic when New Pakistan posts this.
>fight for sovereign and independent Ireland
>got shot
>De Valera manages to turn an emerging 20th Century country into a pseudo-theocracy
>backlash from years of this means everyone trys to act as liberal as possible
>join the EU
>EU tells you to vote again in your referendum because you made the "wrong" choice the first time
>Have one economic crisis and Merkel is suddenly dictating your budget
All the fighters from the War of Independence are rolling in their graves because their ancestors have fucked their country.
Add to this the the corruption and nepotism in Irish politics:
>There is a tradition in Irish politics of having family members succeed each other, frequently in the same parliamentary seat.
We got bombed for 40 years, but I'm still fucking glad I don't have to live in the south.
No surrender, the popes a bender
says fucking Germanistan
>be UDA
>RUC gives me weapons
>Still kill more of my own than IRA
>Pose for cringey pictures
>Go to Jonny Adair's house for another homosexual orgy
Stay mad mick, ulster forever.
lmao prods have Mc surnames too (origin of that insult)
Such a confused little people. Its the inbreeding I reckon.
>Northern Ireland is like 93% white
That has absolutely nothing to do with your flag.
>Comrades of Islamic Terrorism
>Refugees Welcome
>Black Lives Matter
Nearly as confused as the micks who shill about "muh celtic blood" yet love sinn fein who want open borders to muds.
You Irish are the fucking worst. All the cunts in Australia who are muh republic have (((Irish))) ancestry. Our national hero is literally a tin covered irishman with a chip on his shoulder. Potatoniggers, not even once.
Don't know why you lot were wasting time fighting us instead of helping to reclaim the Holy Lands, honestly.
How ironic when a country with a Black Muslim President posts this.
The poor deluded bastards.
Michael didn't die for this globalist bullshit ;_;
The Sinn Féin of the Adams is not the IRA. Despite his claims otherwise Adams disbanded the IRA for his muh peace.
The PIRA wasn't a Marxist organisation. It split with the OIRA for this very reason.
>t. penal colony
lel, even the Chinese take the piss out of Australia.
So, let the yids have it. Who cares.
>selling out to the english
>not against globalism
Free Staters OUT!
>Was on the last legs of supplies
>De Valera who should have been at the negotiations instead sent Collins
>The Irish delegates were then threatened that if they didn't sign the treaty then the British will bring their whole army to savage Ireland
>Collins goes back and lets the people decide
>Majority are for the Treaty
>De Valera the traitor decides to destroy the families of many Irishmen by going against democracy
>De Valera got Collins killed.
>Collins was going to make NI so small that it wouldn't be able to function and had to join the FS
But he was killed and look at the shitshow of NI. Educate yourself you anti-treaty mongrel.
What happened to all the guns that were smuggled in? Are they still kicking around in Ireland or has your commie government rounded them all up?
most of them went north of the border and then about 70% were actually decommissioned. The rest are in hides which are slowly being dug up by security forces when the quarter masters go back to them.
I'm triggered. I hope there's a few grandpas that still have their AR-15s.
It's still a lot easier to get guns legally here than in the rest of the UK. We can have handguns etc. and it's totally fine to use them for self defence.
>buying into the kike free state lies
>muh collins da good guy against de evil dev
>implying the british army could have seriously invaded us after coming out of the great war
>implying the US and every other major power wouldn't have thrown a hissy fit at them
>implying the British public would have supported an invasion
>implying Collins wasn't sent because most of the country believed if anyone could negotiate a treaty to free us it was him
>implying Collins didn't betray us by signing the treaty without negotiating it with Dáil
>implying the vote was actually about the treaty and less about the cults of personality surrounding Dev and Collins
>implying Dev didn't storm the Four Courts in the believe that it would rally the country again to fight the British
>implying that supplies where on their last legs when the irregulars were able to keep fighting for the next year
>le educate yourself meme
But no, Collins was very heroic using British artillery to bombard the Four Courts and when he executed fellow Irishmen. Remember the first shots of the civil war were by free staters