Things you won't hear Muslims say
Things you won't hear Muslims say
Arab Spring
Mohammad was a faggot.
Marrying a 6 year old is wrong.
Islam and Judaism are linked beliefs
"If you don't want to wear it you don't have to, you're a grown woman now."
This bacon is delicious
I respect the freedom of others to practice their own religion
Guys let´s find a peaceful solution.
I don't support the implementation of sharia law in European countries.
Although I understand that we disagree, I think you have the right to life and happiness outside of my personal belief system.
"I admire that imageboard where political ideas are discussed with great wisdom"
i am not actually an ethnic german
Maybe we shouldn't fuck goats.
Maybe we should re-think our views
Also "Look at this drawing of Muhammed"
We should take those poor christian refugees into our countries to shelter, feed and protect them from harm.
These sausages are haramazing!
I hate the West
We should show other people at least some respect
Get out.
I am not a victim of the circumstances let me be productive and adopt the cultures and values of the country I am living in.
We need to do our best to integrate into our host country!
What a fun cartoon contest
lets not behead infidels.
lets leave them be instead!
You live there or on holiday nigga
That's enough cologne for today
Steak was great, thanks!
Sorry about that whole 9/11 thing.
We should try to live amongst one another in peace despite our differences
I think we should stop having sex with goats.
>There's extensive proof of a long, Jewish presence in Israel so our nations should accommodate the Palestinians refugees who have never had an independent cultural identity in the first place.
Muslims are OK with beef,
This is my son, he's four, his name is Christopher
Terrorists are not real Muslims
I love traps!
Deus Vult
Arab Muslims are Crypto-jews.
top kek m8
yes we are, but only if it is prepared according to our law.
which means, we won't eat steak in a non-halal restaurant since even the beef is not halal for us there.
same for every other kind of animal, apart from fish
I respect your opinion.