/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

New Intro Edition



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Dubs and coop gets his mind back TONIGHT

dubs and vaders song confirm he NEVER comes back


2017 log lady > 2017 audrey
prove me wrong.

pictured is my waifu

Tonight will be a good episode. I can just feel it.

Dougie is here to stay
Repeating digits confirm

>implying you don't want mommy milkies


good feeling about tonight,

Imagine being Ray Wise in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sheryl Lee, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and lovely symmetrical white face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is Google another black grandma on his iPad in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Ray and not only sit in that chair while Sheryl flaunts her attractive body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her curves and Caucasian skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her beautiful fucking visage but her kindhearted attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SHERYL LEE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her adorable fucking Anglo-Germanic face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of teen anals and black grannies and later alleged Lynch rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missoula. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her porcelain stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque" (for that is what she calls herself) beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ray. You're not going to lose your future acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

I will kill myself when this is all over

I thought about sticking around for the new star wars but i'm thinkin it's better to peace out after TP

is this scene more aesthetic lofi?


star wars not worthy
do it for lynch
unless new season


i bet you had the best orgasm of your life writing this

>You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of teen anals and black grannies and later alleged Lynch rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missoula

Fucking kek

Who else here will finally be LYNCHED if there still won't be any Mr. C scenes in tonight's episode?


What does the secret button taste like?

I'm still bummed out about him no longer having the snakeskin shirt


It's an old Schwarzenegger copypasta newfag

Dubs and out of sand plays at the roadhouse and james plays backup vocals tonight

reminder lynch's daughter wrote this

NOT saying he raped her many, many times

Dubs and Chester Desmond returns TONIGHT


Mr.C>Dougie Jones>Dale Cooper

Deal with it cherry pie & coffee faggots

what was the russian leaked synopsis for tonight?

Dubs confirm Jeffries comes back.

The shit will come out of many asses.

Hey user, I love you. I will miss you. Don't do that. There's still plenty to live for.



David Lynch is in this thread RIGHT NOW. Say something nice about or to him.

Where were you when you realised Twin Peaks was just David's representation of his own incestuous relationship with his own daughter?

i wish. I love him so fucking much



Dubs and Sam Stanley gets the GLAD HAND tonight

dubs and cooper gets his mind back in part 15

Cooper never gets his mind back

dubs confirm the return of the most important character in the series

Jeffries comes back


dubs and david lynch didn't rape jack nance and jennifer lynch

Dubs and Dick Tremayne returns tonight

I don't really love coffee with pie. with another pastry or donut, sure but the fruit in some pie make drinking coffee an unpleasant experience imo.




Dubs and Cooper will come back tonight after meeting Gordon and Albert only for Chet Desmond and Sam Stanley to come in on motorcycles and gun them all down while spouting one-liners before heading to Twin Peaks to form a dream team consisting of Bobby, Red, James and Leland who Chet helped out of the Black Lodge. This dream team goes on to become the New Bookhouse Boys and fight evil for the billion years until every universe implodes.

i've never had cherry pie before

Hahahaha I just remembered this bitch

Who the fuck was she and how was she less memorable than Billy Zane?

was just watching that episode and she made me hard af in that scene

based Dick

The new episode starts in little more than 7 hours from now.

And that's just enough time for you to buy and read my book The Secret History of Twin Peaks: A Novel available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Surrender yourself into the arms of a beautiful Sheryl Lee Sheryl Sheryl Sheryl guitar strumming a million songs glowing in the night everything is Dougie Jones saying your name call for help would you help Dougie or bully him serious question for the memers who suddenly don’t love you anymore always loving Sheryl Lee for love sake of surrendering yourself and your mind to Sheryl experience the closest to perfection by letting her in like BOB but nice and sweet instead of evil and rude don’t be like BOB he is not a good influence for you or Leland Palmer Ray Wise shitposting in a nightgown googling on his ipad that Dougie get Sheryl Lee meeting in a convenient location only to see Dougie Jones Sheryl Lee is the topic not Dougie fat shit Dougie dying and becoming a plant woman only on National Geographic Mythbusters but only if you dedicate your mind to Sheryl and let her in to shape you change you make you a more complete person with Sheryl in your heart mind the steps or else I will David Lynch Brown hamburgers gonna make burgers tomorrow maybe it’ll be great quinoa cooking completely full gotta drink that soda and new episode tomorrow after waking don’t stay up too late it’s not healthy unlike Sheryl Lee who can and will change your entire outlook on life if you just accept her as the perfect of all perfections dish washer making weird sounds is it a bomb maybe it’s not bombing Sheryl Lee do not hurt her physically or psychologically it is not nice at all nice is Sheryl Lee definition of everything great fine and sweet beautiful in this world is it tired in here or just me log log log we call her the Sheryl have you meditated today with Sheryl in your heart and soul and mind for everyone to do it is a must do if you want to experience true inner Sheryl Lee why did you turn falling asleep to Questions in a World of Blue true calm and also sad if only Sheryl Lee Sheryl Sheryl Lee general Lee the car the man the Ben Horne bicycle Jerry get high in new

>When you were writing the book, did you draw upon any of your own teenage sexual experiences?

>There are two moments in the diary that are from my life. One, I’ll never tell anyone, but the one that isn’t sexual is the dream she has about eating her own foot off so that the rat doesn’t.

Unironically what did she mean by this?




really though what the fuck were they thinking trying to pass this character off as being so attractive when practically every young female character (and Norma) in the series was hotter?

Good work


My job has afforded me the ability to see tonights episode early. I don't have any proof and I'm not going to be a douche and spoil it but I know that people will like tonight's episode.

is this becoming pasta?


I would be so okay with this

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM

Drink every time a Dougie scene begins
Drink if a scene starts to feel too long
Drink if a scene ends without any payoff
Drink every time it looks like a character might be about to reply but they don't and it cuts back to the other person.
Drink if an irrelevant character gets namedropped
Drink if you find yourself glancing at the clock to see how much time is left
Finish your drink if the audience get LYNCHED or FROSTED
Drink full and descend if the episode ends without Cooper coming back

My job has afforded me the ability to see tonights episode early. I don't have any proof and I'm not going to be a douche and spoil it but I know that people will hate tonight's episode.

Why? Without details

Is it going to be U N P L E A S A N T?

confirmed too pleb to understand hot kino. She was almost perfect.

Dubs confirm Sam Stanley returning as the man of the hour

She's a witch

My job has afforded me the ability to see tonights episode early. I don't have any proof and I'm not going to be a douche and spoil it but I know that people will like tonight's episode

is David dear i say, a sundayfag?


ugly af desu


Leaked scene of Coop getting his mind back

she looks like shit in that pic desu. why would you share ugly pics of ure waifu?




Do you want me to die, user?

HELLO /tpg/


nadine gave so many wild rides

That's a very rude and untrue thing to say

*blocks your storyline*


Solemn and contemplative

i dont fap for days

uncle user no

Feeling good after not feeling good for a few days. Funny because I started today with a stray thought about Ray Wise and then suddenly, as if by divine intervention, I was in a jolly and good mood


holy fug

feeling bad
I sleepwalk when I'm drunk and pee all over my house :(

even dougie does it only on the loo